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EQ2 is silently taking over!



  • xminatorxminator Member Posts: 306

    Who is dissing wow? Both me and Anarchyart have played the game. Its a great game. I happen to find Eq2 a better game. Its subjective. If you for some reason think that claiming that "Eq2 is the best fantasy mmorg right now" the same as dissing wow, its your problem.

    Player customization? Wows player customization is flat. There is no real choices when you start, and to me the armor is flat. Eq2 lacks in the armor department, but the models themselfs are far superior to what wow have. There is nothing in wow that come close to the cobalt chainmail I'm wearing on my main now. Nothing. Even on the worst gfx settings in eq2.

    Quests? There is more quests then you'll ever complete in both games. I would say there is more quests in Eq2. Trying to clear space in my journal normally end with me having 3 more open quests for every I close. The quest types dont differ. The "autodrop" system used in Eq2 is superior to the "loot item" method used in wow.

    Size of the game world? WoW is seamless. Its a strenght and a weakness. It enables Eq2 to make sure content aint overloaded. But larger world overall? I doubt so. Maybe when burning legions come out. Perhaps not since Eq2 by then have at least one more expansion and a few adventurepacks. Right now however I would guess both games is about the same size. Diffrence is that Eq2 still have a huge part of its players spread across the level range and not everyone in the endgame.

    Use of instances? For me most of the playtime in DoF have taken place in open and free for all zones. Eq2 usually instances raid content. Its part of the "play when you can" instead of the "play when the game alowes you". However there is still a lot of raidtargets in the open zones.

    How can possible DoF kill low level grouping? There is no low level content in DoF. Yes, it takes a little more effort to group at low levels. But anyone with a minimum of social skills are able to do just that.

  • Kem0sabeKem0sabe Member Posts: 443

    Can you truly say that the constant zoning is an asset for EQ2?

    Can you truly say that looking for a group for hours at low level and not finding anyone is an asset?

    And player customization, you gave one armor example, can you tell the rest of us how many diferent armor choices you have at your level? do they look diferent from each other? besides the very slight variation in colour?

    Another issue i have is that, for a european, everquest 2 right now is a non existent choice in terms of mmorpg´s, most european players feel that profoundly, while a couple of servers have enough players to group with at u.s primetime, europeans are left spamming the chat looking for players to group, the LFG tool almost never shows anyone with their LFG tag on and grinding/questing is a constant solo effort. The european servers are always empty, due to the fact that they are also located with the rest of the EQ2 server hub, so the lag doesnt improve and the service hours are at U.S times, with creates severe downtime at the hours most europeans like to play.

    All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.

  • xminatorxminator Member Posts: 306

    From what I've heard the EU servers are pretty full of players. And for me playing on a US server its usually easy to get a group pretty fast. Regarding server downtime. Your really clueless arent you? EU servers get patched at diffrent time from US servers. Downtime is announced at the top of official forums on maintenance days. For me the US downtime is perfect. 3 GMT and 1 hour is the time I need to get from work and eat dinner :p

    Armor variation? I've done what msot players do in every mmorg out there - go for the best. In Anarchy Online there where 1001 diffrent looks, but everyone looked the same. Why would I wear indium or any of the random dropped stuff when I have a full set of cobalt? :p

    And on top of that - its work in progress. This game got devs that listen. Not always to the right people, but they do change stuff. At a very fast rate. Armor is incoming, ref Ask SOE #39 on the vault. From their history with this game up to now I'm willing to bet that whatever they do to armor, its going to be candy.

    Then again, you most likely wont listen anyway. If you cant take the word from someone still playing, and having fun, but feel this incredible need to at least try to make them not having fun anymore, its time for you to move. Every game aint for everyone.

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Kem0sabe

    Can you truly say that the constant zoning is an asset for EQ2?

    DUH yes! You think I want those complicated models constantly loadind and unloading in a game with graphics this good? Sure WoW can have seamless worlds (except for the fact that EVER dungeon is instanced) because the graphics are inferior.

    Can you truly say that looking for a group for hours at low level and not finding anyone is an asset?

    Only a clueless n00b would ever have trouble finding a group in EQ2. How many groups were you needed in in WoW between level 1 and 20? I guarantee you won't admit it, but you can solo to level 60 in WoW effortlessly, and most people don't even group until after level 20.

    And player customization, you gave one armor example, can you tell the rest of us how many diferent armor choices you have at your level? do they look diferent from each other? besides the very slight variation in colour?

    I'm only level 21 but yeah, I have 3 distinct armor looks on my character at present time, all of which are realistically bump mapped. Chain actually looks like chain would in real life, instead of just being some 16 bit texture a la WoW.

    Another issue i have is that, for a european, everquest 2 right now is a non existent choice in terms of mmorpg´s, most european players feel that profoundly, while a couple of servers have enough players to group with at u.s primetime, europeans are left spamming the chat looking for players to group, the LFG tool almost never shows anyone with their LFG tag on and grinding/questing is a constant solo effort. The european servers are always empty, due to the fact that they are also located with the rest of the EQ2 server hub, so the lag doesnt improve and the service hours are at U.S times, with creates severe downtime at the hours most europeans like to play.

    This is where you show how out of touch you are with the present game. The 2 european servers are at a constant medium and sometimes heavy during peak hours. Severe downtime? Give us a break. You're talking out of your arse.

    WoW is a great game, with millions of fans. EQ2 is superior in my opinion but it's only people like you who turn this thread into WoW vs. EQ2. People who try and put down EQ2 immediately refer to WoW, which I'm sorry, is not fair nor rational. EQ2 is going for a deeper, more challenging vibe, while WoW is content to be somewhat of an MMORPG tutorial.

    Honestly, have fun playing WoW. If you can play it for months on end and not get bored more power to you. I certainly wish I could have. I loved it while it lasted, and I might even go back for the new expansion, but for my money, EQ2 has more long term value and at present time it's even more fun that WoW was. End of story.

  • Canis_AureusCanis_Aureus Member Posts: 16

    Well WoW and lineage (1+2) has the most subscribers and they have a lot more than all other MMORPGs together. As for exact numbers... it doesn't matter and I don't care. I played WoW but recently I converted to EQ2. I have to say that EQ2 is superior in every way. WOWs cartoon world just wasn't enough for me. There is one problem though. I am a hard core PvPer and I loved UO back in the days when blod was still red and hot. Still I enjoy EQ2 a lot despite the fact that there is no PvP. The combat system is awesome, the skill system... never mind. I already said I think the whole game, except the missing PvP part, is superior to WoW.

    Now... PvP servers are comming in the future and I am quite sure they only added the vanilla PvP of the desert expansion to use it as a mass test of balance etc. I believe they have a plan. Even pointless PvP like we have in WoW would be awesome in EQ2, but I think they are taking it one step further. EQ2 is about to assassinate competetion with style.


    Of course all the facts and assumptions in this post was pulled out of my ass, but as a new member I felt I had to follow the trend of the regulars here. Honestly I do hope SOE pull off something great with PvP, because then it will be the greatest MMORPGs for ME!

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    Welcome Canis! And I too can't wait for PvP servers!!!!!!! It's gonna soooo rock!!!!!

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    I hope that they come out with a TRUE PVP Server for EQ2 rather than just turning everyone PVP Active with the current system. It would truely be awesome to have a land control game between the two cities in the PVP servers. Doubt they'll go that far but one can hope :)

    Bottom line is that the PVP in EQ2 is already light years ahead of the unbalanced mess that is PVP in WoW. And, having played both, the rest of the game is better than WoW too.

    Just because a game has more players doesn't make it better. I Still say the *best* fantasy MMO is DAOC. It's just really hard to catch up to the vets so EQ2 is better for a new player. Also if graphics are your thing DAOC is quite a bit dated.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Originally posted by Elnator
    ... unbalanced mess that is PVP in WoW ...

    I'll chalk that quote up to general ignorance of the game. No offense meant.

    I'd love to see EQ2 implement PvP servers with land control. I've been thinking of a secondary game, and it's currently between EQ2 and Vanguard.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Kem0sabeKem0sabe Member Posts: 443

    Originally posted by Elnator
    Bottom line is that the PVP in EQ2 is already light years ahead of the unbalanced mess that is PVP in WoW. And, having played both, the rest of the game is better than WoW too.

    I laughed so hard when i read that, pvp in EQ2 balanced? seriously, thats taking fanboism to far, there is not even a semblence of balance between the classes in EQ2 pvp, there are classes that are so overpowered that they make shamans look like p shooters, there are classes that are so underpowered that its not even a fight. At least in WoW the devs tried and keep trying to balance the classes, in Eq2? the devs didnt even try, they just kept the pve classe balance and introduced pvp, wich resulted in the mess that is pvp in eq2 currently.

    All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by IcoGames
    Originally posted by Elnator
    ... unbalanced mess that is PVP in WoW ...

    I'll chalk that quote up to general ignorance of the game. No offense meant.

    I'd love to see EQ2 implement PvP servers with land control. I've been thinking of a secondary game, and it's currently between EQ2 and Vanguard.

    No sorry I've played PVP in both. In EQ2 it's a LOT more balanced than WoW.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    I'm not saying EQ2 PvP isn't more balanced, wouldn't know personally, just that I wouldn't characterize WoW's PvP system as an 'unbalanced mess'. Having played for over a year, I can't think of a class or build that dominates in PvP.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Kem0sabeKem0sabe Member Posts: 443

    Originally posted by Elnator
    Originally posted by IcoGames
    Originally posted by Elnator
    ... unbalanced mess that is PVP in WoW ...

    I'll chalk that quote up to general ignorance of the game. No offense meant.

    I'd love to see EQ2 implement PvP servers with land control. I've been thinking of a secondary game, and it's currently between EQ2 and Vanguard.

    No sorry I've played PVP in both. In EQ2 it's a LOT more balanced than WoW.

    Would you mind elaborating on your comments? why is the pvp in eq2 balanced? i trully would like to know, because from my experience, pvp in EQ2 is subpar to WoW´s in every way in terms of balance.

    Mainly, the classes are using the same pve skills in pvp, without diminuished returns, as you all know, alot of the healing classes took major dps nerfs with the combat upgrade, but the dps classes maintained above average dps, as such, pvp beeing all about burst dmg, many healers get creamed without any means of defense. And the list goes on, all the modifications since the combat upgrade to the class balance have always been with pve in mind, no thought was put in how those changes would affect the class balance in pvp, isnt that right elnator? how is that balanced?

    All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by Kem0sabe
    Originally posted by Elnator
    Originally posted by IcoGames
    Originally posted by Elnator
    ... unbalanced mess that is PVP in WoW ...

    I'll chalk that quote up to general ignorance of the game. No offense meant.

    I'd love to see EQ2 implement PvP servers with land control. I've been thinking of a secondary game, and it's currently between EQ2 and Vanguard.

    No sorry I've played PVP in both. In EQ2 it's a LOT more balanced than WoW.

    Would you mind elaborating on your comments? why is the pvp in eq2 balanced? i trully would like to know, because from my experience, pvp in EQ2 is subpar to WoW´s in every way in terms of balance.

    Mainly, the classes are using the same pve skills in pvp, without diminuished returns, as you all know, alot of the healing classes took major dps nerfs with the combat upgrade, but the dps classes maintained above average dps, as such, pvp beeing all about burst dmg, many healers get creamed without any means of defense. And the list goes on, all the modifications since the combat upgrade to the class balance have always been with pve in mind, no thought was put in how those changes would affect the class balance in pvp, isnt that right elnator? how is that balanced?

    Sorry Kemo... maybe you are right and I wasn't clear:

    I meant that PVP is well balanced between Qeynos and Freeport. Specific class combat balances need some work.

    But at least there's no alpha 'class' (other than one of the numerous DPS classes) for PVP like there is in WoW (or have we forgotten the tamers and rogues that completely own PVP in WoW?)

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    We shall see how the PVP servers are, going to be hella fun either way. I just can't freaking wait.image

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Originally posted by Elnator
    But at least there's no alpha 'class' (other than one of the numerous DPS classes) for PVP like there is in WoW (or have we forgotten the tamers and rogues that completely own PVP in WoW?)

    Tamers? ::::35::

    I assume you meant Hunters, but in the least I'm hoping you meant Shamans. Hunters are still one of the hardest classes to learn to PvP with.

    I think you're information is somewhat dated, I don't know too many PvP'ers that have had issues with either Shamans or Rogues in the past 4 or 5 months. Shamans used to be tough, but you just had to learn to work around their weeknesses (ie. mana).

    In WoW, if you take the time to learn your class you'll definately do well in PvP. Maybe in terms of number of players, but in PvP there really isn't any dominating class.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • JodokaiJodokai Member Posts: 1,621

    Originally posted by IcoGames

    Originally posted by Elnator
    But at least there's no alpha 'class' (other than one of the numerous DPS classes) for PVP like there is in WoW (or have we forgotten the tamers and rogues that completely own PVP in WoW?)

    Tamers? ::::35::

    I assume you meant Hunters, but in the least I'm hoping you meant Shamans. Hunters are still one of the hardest classes to learn to PvP with.

    I think you're information is somewhat dated, I don't know too many PvP'ers that have had issues with either Shamans or Rogues in the past 4 or 5 months. Shamans used to be tough, but you just had to learn to work around their weeknesses (ie. mana).

    In WoW, if you take the time to learn your class you'll definately do well in PvP. Maybe in terms of number of players, but in PvP there really isn't any dominating class.

    Which is EXACTLY like most other games. People cry that one class is more powerful than another and should be nerfed, then someone figures out that "Uber Class'" weakness and all of a sudden PvP is balanced again, even though the devs did nothing, people just learned how to play.

    WoW's PvP has been around longer than EQ2's people have had more time to figure out the weaknesses and how to beat certain classes.

  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

    WoW pvp was implemented at ground zero and its obvious its core to the game design. Just like most everything SOE does these days their Pvp is an afterthought implemented only after they saw how creamed they're getting in the MMO market.  IMO it will take SOE 4 years to balance PvP and by then everyone will have moved on to a new game.

    How many times have they tossed out their design in favor of something new in the last few months?  Its going to take them eons to get it right.  So, no matter what anyone says, they will never convince me that EQ2 pvp is better then WoW pvp. Besides shammys (laugh) WoW pvp is pretty balanced really.

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Originally posted by Jodokai

    Which is EXACTLY like most other games. People cry that one class is more powerful than another and should be nerfed, then someone figures out that "Uber Class'" weakness and all of a sudden PvP is balanced again, even though the devs did nothing, people just learned how to play.
    WoW's PvP has been around longer than EQ2's people have had more time to figure out the weaknesses and how to beat certain classes.

    I completely agree. I've found that in most cases, it's players perceptions that lead to the belief that one class or build is over powered.

    I haven't had a chance to PvP in EQ2, so I can't comment on that system. If SOE gets around to implementing PvP servers, I'd like to give the game another try.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by Rekindle
    WoW pvp was implemented at ground zero and its obvious its core to the game design. Just like most everything SOE does these days their Pvp is an afterthought implemented only after they saw how creamed they're getting in the MMO market. IMO it will take SOE 4 years to balance PvP and by then everyone will have moved on to a new game.
    How many times have they tossed out their design in favor of something new in the last few months? Its going to take them eons to get it right. So, no matter what anyone says, they will never convince me that EQ2 pvp is better then WoW pvp. Besides shammys (laugh) WoW pvp is pretty balanced really.

    Tell me you didn't just say WoW had PVP at release. Because it didn't.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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  • gargantroogargantroo Member Posts: 1,477

    Originally posted by Elnator

    Originally posted by Rekindle
    WoW pvp was implemented at ground zero and its obvious its core to the game design. Just like most everything SOE does these days their Pvp is an afterthought implemented only after they saw how creamed they're getting in the MMO market. IMO it will take SOE 4 years to balance PvP and by then everyone will have moved on to a new game.
    How many times have they tossed out their design in favor of something new in the last few months? Its going to take them eons to get it right. So, no matter what anyone says, they will never convince me that EQ2 pvp is better then WoW pvp. Besides shammys (laugh) WoW pvp is pretty balanced really.

    Tell me you didn't just say WoW had PVP at release. Because it didn't.

    Actually, it did have PVP at release. It didnt have PVP when beta started, but like 2 months into beta it was implemented.

    i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by gargantroo
    Originally posted by Elnator Originally posted by RekindleWoW pvp was implemented at ground zero and its obvious its core to the game design. Just like most everything SOE does these days their Pvp is an afterthought implemented only after they saw how creamed they're getting in the MMO market. IMO it will take SOE 4 years to balance PvP and by then everyone will have moved on to a new game.How many times have they tossed out their design in favor of something new in the last few months? Its going to take them eons to get it right. So, no matter what anyone says, they will never convince me that EQ2 pvp is better then WoW pvp. Besides shammys (laugh) WoW pvp is pretty balanced really.Tell me you didn't just say WoW had PVP at release. Because it didn't.Actually, it did have PVP at release. It didnt have PVP when beta started, but like 2 months into beta it was implemented.


    I will have to believe you. Since I didn't purchase the game my information is 2nd hand about things before about a month ago in release. I don't remember PVP in beta but it's possible that it was added after I quit the Beta. I honestly hate the graphics in WoW and could never get past them. (I LOATHE anime').

    I *never* buy *any* MMORPG at release... Well... ok... I bought *1* at release:

    All the others I waited at least a month or more. DAOC I waited 3 weeks. SWG over a year. EQ I didn't buy ;) I was a guide at the time so I got it free for a long time before I had to actually buy it. That was back when Guides got to play free as compensation for having to work 20 hrs a week supporting that horrible customer base. I swear gamers are the WORST bunch of ungrateful people in the world (and the biggest bunch of cheaters!)!!!!

    I have never bought an RPG at release and I never will. Hell I don't even buy most single player games when they first come out. I usually wait a while till I hear how other people found them to be.

    Though I do love the betas :) I've played in just about every beta there is (including IRTH, which sucked.... take my advice... give it 6 months before you buy that one :))

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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    Still in: A couple Betas

  • arnenarnen Member UncommonPosts: 39
    for those of u who actually got the game running tell me wat system u have and how much it costs.
  • arnenarnen Member UncommonPosts: 39


  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by arnen
    for those of u who actually got the game running tell me wat system u have and how much it costs.

    Processor-AMD Athlon 2600+..1.93 ghz (cheap)

    Video card-ATI Radeon X800 pro 256mb (expensiveish)

    Ram-1 gig stick dual channel Samsung pc2700 (cheapish)

    Without monitor my system would probably cost about 1000$ canadian or less today. It runs the game with just a touch of lag with amazing graphics on the high quality setting. I don't care about the lag because it looks so phenomenal, and in a dungeon the lag disappears. If you put your system together from you could probably get it for like 600 bucks american.image

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