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I have a fine computer that can run Doom 3 and a stable DSL connection, but when I play this game I always freeze and lag. I am 100% sure I can run this game graphics wise but when I talk to NPCs or even try to kill a monster it freezes up. How do I fix this?
Yeaaaahhhhh man! I know this will not help you, but it makes me happy to know that i'm not the only fucker that has a very good computer, and KoL freezes and lags... When the game loads information, and it always freezes, and I get sick of that!
Please can anybody help us?
(sorry for my english)
well guys, i c that u're new to KO. lagging,freezing&disconnecting were very popular parts of the original KO ( now it's KE - knight empire ) me, KE ain't 1/10 as laggy as KO,but has lots of bugs which are waitin to be fixed. the game itself is awesome ( and free !! ), but the developer team ain't so skilled,since some bugs as duping aren't fixed but exist almost as long as the game. my advice is - get used to it. u'll die numerous times, u'll lose xp and even cash due to lag, but the only way to get past it is to ignore it. if nothing, KO will teach you to be PATIENT ! trust me on this one.
and this about freezing info, if you are referring to the moment when u connect and respawn in moradon,it freezes for a sec or two cause of the massive inflow of players.explain ur problems a bit more thoroughly and i might be able to help ya.
I'm not new at Ko, and I left this game maybe 7 months ago coz the lag... And now, the lag is getting much better... But that freeze... I'm looking that 1/4 connecting times, the game makes it self unpalayble... But it's ok, the lag is much better...
I don't get u man(I speak spanish..) but u mean that was because the macros that the ppl uses?
That is a LvlUpBug
In, they sayd that it was fixed(u can fix a bug, and that was a bug..), but nothing happened...