you should be posting on the CoH/CoV boards with these compaints (as well as bombarding CS with emails) about how unacceptible this is as a PAYING customer. As for a credit for all the days you were unable to access your account while you waited for them to fix it. Honestly, it will take them awhile to get your account straightened out, and you deserve a credit for that time you were jilted out of your free month.
You may also try cancelling your billing until this is reseolved. Deleting your characters only hurts you, and helps them. How much time did you put into making that level 50? I'll bet more than your free month. So, how long do you think it's going to take you to re-build another level 50? And how many of those months will you be paying NCsoft for druing that time? See my point? They really don't care if you delete your own characters.
At this point, you should box up the CoV and grab you receipt. See if you can get a refund for it and tell NCsoft to cancel your billing. Take a break and prove a point. If you decide to try this again, wait a little while until the dust settles and start fresh. I don't think they can reinstate your characters after you've deleted them.
A Rod of Silence means never having to say sorry. -- Dork Tower
and posting here does what again?
you should be posting on the CoH/CoV boards with these compaints (as well as bombarding CS with emails) about how unacceptible this is as a PAYING customer. As for a credit for all the days you were unable to access your account while you waited for them to fix it. Honestly, it will take them awhile to get your account straightened out, and you deserve a credit for that time you were jilted out of your free month.
You may also try cancelling your billing until this is reseolved. Deleting your characters only hurts you, and helps them. How much time did you put into making that level 50? I'll bet more than your free month. So, how long do you think it's going to take you to re-build another level 50? And how many of those months will you be paying NCsoft for druing that time? See my point? They really don't care if you delete your own characters.
At this point, you should box up the CoV and grab you receipt. See if you can get a refund for it and tell NCsoft to cancel your billing. Take a break and prove a point. If you decide to try this again, wait a little while until the dust settles and start fresh. I don't think they can reinstate your characters after you've deleted them.
A Rod of Silence means never having to say sorry. -- Dork Tower
WoW, Great response ever.
I like you guys, who gave their time with this issue.
So Remy, have you played it yet?
I hope yes.
Looking for more
Thanks and regrads,