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I am fed up with USA people always breaking topics with comments on spelling!
I mean how hard is for them to understand
that English is universal communication language today?
A fact that i write this message in english does not mean that english is my native language!
Get it in your skull man!
I just wonder what would happen if the tables turned. What would happen if universal language would suddenly be Japanise?
I bet that 95% of USA posters on this forum do not speak any other language except of english!
I speak 4 languages fluently , including my native language.
How about you ?
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
I speak German, English, Norwegian and have had 3 years with French in school.
Japanese, though I'm far from fluent. I'm taking 3rd year Japanese right now and I'm not doing too bad. I do know enough to live there though, so I guess that's really what matters.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
I speak German, Spanish, Turkish fluently, besides a little French. Oh, yes, also a little bit of English LOL
You are right, too many posters just can't concieve the idea that most gamers' native language is NOT English.
On the other hand, from my experience most people writing really BAD English are Americans !!!
7 here.
(but where i was born we pretty much learn 5 automatically)
hebrew, aramaic, greek, french, and german.....and latin (if you still count that)
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
A University level of french, not perfect...but trying to.
A somewhat english highschool level with many weird twists!
Some basics to order my meals in Spanish and German, but nothing really.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Maybe if you wrote your post in a non-combative and polite manner, more people would be inspired to respond truthfully. I would assume that many, especially Americans, will be a bit put off by your wording.
Living in as many countries as I have, you tend to learn a bit of all sorts of languages. I'm not especially fluent in any of them, however, but know enough to get by. I'm very lazy about this sort of thing. My French accent is horrific, though, and French people mostly laugh at me. I don't mind... I know it's terrible and I enjoy entertaining them with my ineptitude. Sometimes even English confuses me!
Where are you from, fulmanfu, that you are exposed to so many different languages? Somehow, I don't think it's Pittsburgh....
I completely understand about the spelling and grammar issues your talking about. Being that english is my 3rd language, currently I speak Russia/Standard Mandarin/English/French, I always find myself second guessing my spoken and written english because just about anyone will jump on you if you make a mistake.
Most of my education, until very recently in unervisity, has also been in either Chinese or French so my english has suffered some, thankfully I had parents that made sure I stayed on top of my English and thankfully now I do an ok job at speak it, although with admitedly heavy accent at times, especially if I'm tired, then I really get all messy.
Important Information regarding Posting and You
English and Portuguese.
2 years in high school has made me fluent in english.
and yeah, most ppl with bad spelling are americans
and what the hell is it with ppl hating BRs in most online games?
I don't know why people would give you hate in online games. That's just strange. Is it really a big problem... are you sure it's directed at Brazilians and not just at you? (hehe... just kidding) I don't actually know too many Brazilians, though, so maybe I've just never noticed. I've heard wonderful things about Brazilian bikini waxing salons, though.
haha i came here for college and never really left. well did but came back. they do sort of speak their own version of english here though.
im from hluboka nad vltavou(CZ) , growing up you learned alot of laungages even english.though schools did not teach that back in my day, they do now..sort of replaced russian as the 'learn the rulers language' class.
I am fed up with USA people always breaking topics with comments on spelling!
It's understandable why it would be tiring, but look at the matter a different way. If you are constantly corrected and you are constantly taking the advice into consideration, then you will be constantly improving, right?
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
I'm English so basically English is my main language and its the only language that i speak, which i have to be honest dissapoints me. Of course i speak a little French and German but i could never strike up a conversation.
I'm quite envious of people who can speak lots or (hell) even a few languages, i think that only being able to speak one language is quite thinking inside the box kind of thing (i'm not sure if thats the right term that i should of used).
I hope to learn more languages throughout my life if i can ever gather up the time or the patience, both of which i lack at the moment Oh well i'm young a long time to go yet
English, French... a decent amount of Italian and a tiny bit of Greek.
...and as a result of Italian and French, I can more or less puzzle out most Spanish.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
German and English. A smattering of French and Itallian as well. Currently trying to pick up Spanish.
Personally I wouldn't take it too hard. The same is true on German websites I've gotten 'corrected' (sometimes not so politely) for my grammar mistakes on german sites To the point where I have actually considered stopping posting there altogether
My written german is pretty bad. I speak it much more fluently than I write it.
I understand your aggravation but you might want to remember that it's not just "americans" who get nasty about grammar. I'm sure every nationality does it on websites written in their home language. I know for a fact that Germans get nasty. Can't immagine that any nationality is really any different.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
I say "American" is my native language, because today, British English and American English are so different that when traveling from one country to another it is like learning a second language. Other than that, I speak enough Spanish to get by. I was once fluent in Hungarian, but when I moved back to the States from Hungary, my fluency dwindled to only an understanding.
As to why most Americans do not bother to expand their profiency in other languages is simply because of our geographical boundaries. In Europe, countries are surround by other countries, so it is necessary to learn the languages of your neighbors. The US's boundaries are either ocean, another US state, Canada or Mexico. Our neighbors to the north and south do not really merit most to learn another language because the lack of necessity.
One thing to add is that when traveling throughout the US, you will find that each state has their own dialect. If someone from California goes to the old French quarter of New Orleans, then they may have a difficulty understanding the English spoken in that area.
Not everyone thinks that English is the primary language of all gamers, but when you post on an English language based site that is located in the United States you will have people easily think that. It's like visiting a Russian site and blaming everyone there for the lack of respect for you not being a primary Russian speaker.
Think of it this way. When there is a foreigner in your country would you rather that they require you to know their language or that they know yours?
Well I am just so tired of it.
After I write a long post , and instead getting a healthy discusion i get critic about 1 word (among 200) that i misspelled.
I am sure that none of the people that posted here. And speak impressive number of diferent languages do not comment others spelling.
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
A great way to put it with just one tiny flaw; on this site, the Americans are hardly the (overwhelming) majority. Whilst they'd be in their own country.
The internet is an international place, I think it's right that the person should not be flamed or corrected into oblivion (or even called stupid) while he's trying so hard and is obviously understandable.
A great way to put it with just one tiny flaw; on this site, the Americans are hardly the (overwhelming) majority. Whilst they'd be in their own country.
The internet is an international place, I think it's right that the person should not be flamed or corrected into oblivion (or even called stupid) while he's trying so hard and is obviously understandable.
I wasn't using that as a defense to flame anyone, just as a point to not let it bother you. Everyone does it. I visited nearly every country in Europe from Spain to Romania and I always got the same attitude of "Geez, you don't bother to learn my language when visiting my country so now I must speak yours."
And personally, I would be considering learning Chinese as it may be the "universal language" of the near future.
Danish, It's my native language
English, fluently.
German, Enough to speak with people over the Internet.
I kind of thought internet sites such this are international...
You see that is just the attitude I am talking about. Many gamers assume internet is American soil.
Does the fact that MMORPG.COM has it server in USA , and staff are american make it USA centralised site. I dont think so , and I am sure the mmorpg staff would tell you the same.
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
I kind of thought internet sites such this are international...
You see that is just the attitude I am talking about. Many gamers assume internet is American soil.
Does the fact that MMORPG.COM has it server in USA , and staff are american make it USA centralised site. I dont think so , and I am sure the mmorpg staff would tell you the same.
Yes,'s servers are located in the US. Now I wasn't trying to come around as being rude, I was just speaking in generalities. As for the Interenet being based on US soil, it primarily is in some aspects. The backbone of the Internet is located in the US and the UN is trying to change that, but the US will not back down and allow it.
I don't blame the government on this policy, I actually support it as the Internet was a US invention (see History of the Internet).
Ofcourse you'd not use it as a defense to flame anyone, you're staff, if anything you're the one that wants to keep flaming to a minimum. I was just saying there was a difference between visiting a country with an official language, and the internet. And even people in Spain or Romania would commend you if you'd be able to speak their language as well as any foreigner on this website, I guarantee that.
I did not mean any offense!
I speak Swedish, Spanish, English and Frenche ^^
I usually have good spelling but sometimes im to tired to care about it. And if someone whines about it i just ignore them heh
Oh my! You misspelled French! Spelling Police! Sound the sirens!!
Just Kidding of course.