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Violence in video games



  • fiit11fiit11 Member Posts: 42

    This suxs peanuses then all the ggod games would be gone.

    dam hippocryps.

    Die imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

    You will live in darkness u will die in darkness.

    Life as we know it is in darkness u just image
    Which FF Character Are You?
    dont know it.

  • doobsterdoobster Member Posts: 736

    Originally posted by sugarwe_mmf

    well with bush pres anything could happen soooooo........

    You're 13, what do you know about politics.  Way to hop on the "bash Bush" bandwagon.  Guess what, vote democratic in the next election, and youll be voting Hillary Clinton, Statan incarnate.  Yes, the same Hillary Clinton who is trying to get video game violenced banned.

    Oh wait, your 13, you wont be able to vote in the next presidential election.

  • Unfortunately a president cannot simply decide to ban something. New laws are the domain of Congress. He can apply political pressure, he can make deals, but he cannot just wake up and ban something.

    Attempting to understand the politics involved in this is a huge headache. On one side you have the religious right, which is where Bush is probably getting the impetus, and most Republicans will at least pay the notion lip service. On the other side you have the far left, who are very pro censorship and have championed this cause many times before (Joseph Lieberman and Tipper Gore, whose name I probably misspelled). As you go farther into the middle, you find more politicians, Republican and Democrat, who are opposed to censorship. Many see banning violence in videogames as a slippery slope that leads eventually to banning free speech, and will continue to fight against it on sheer principal. You even have extremists on either side with this view.

    Don't forget that the entertainment industry has lobbys in Washington, and don't just sit idly while politicans go on the warpath. This is their way of making money, and they won't give that up just because a group wants them to.

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