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I am still looking for a mmorpg with graphics, that has community and roleplaying as the stongest things in it. Though Dragon Realms is a great game, I am looking for one simular to that with graphics (for me 2.5D graphics looked the best as in Kings Quest). I love colors and color contrasts. Not drab or bland look That many of the newer mmorpgs look like to me lately. Why not allow backpacks, pouches worn to have graphics? Same with cloaks and capes.
I am not interested in any real life typ games. I want fantasy. Mideavil is the typ that I prefer. I love fairies, elves, gnomes, and etc. in a game. Though Sci-fi can be fun as well. It just does not have the same feel of wonder for me.
I also enjoy having things to do that are not work related. So not looking to craft. I am not saying that a game with crafting is bad. Only that a game with crafters ruling the econnomy is bad. Seems they want to be to greedy to make the game fun for the rest. Why not let them make items that add bonuses and such? Like, adding to the attack of a weapon or to the defense of armor, food bonuses like stamina and such? If people want crafting then give them something that they can craft without being attacked while they are gathering the resouces they will need for thier crafts. Or make a different class for gatherers seperate from the crafters. Many crafters were upset with being attacked in Horizons because they did not want to play a game to fight at all. I do like NPC for buying and selling things ingame. Also hated the people sitting selling stuff in EQ and in L2. Terrible for lag. I liked SWG system best.
I am not concerned with money sinks or balancing the flow of the games currancy. I am how-ever, concerned with people not being able to get the needed items just to be able to play. Why worry how much game money is in the game? Or how much any player has of it anyway? Unless they do not have enough, they will not complain.
I am not in the least bothered by looking at others who have more or more spectacular looking things then I do. I enjoy all the eye candy anyway. As long as I have things that I enjoy. Though I do enjoy special effects. The graphics are what matters here. Also having detailed clothing, armor, weapons, houses, furnitings, sky, floral, trees, rocks, creatures, and the land. All helps a great deal for my emersion.
I want to be able to have a home in the game for roleplaying. One with more then just a empty room. Maybe have a couple rooms or more in it or at least be able to add them. If you are going to make the houses buildable then, do not make it so that it takes forever to do that. That was another very bad aspect of Horizons for me and many others. I loved being able to just find a location I liked in SWG. Just drop the building there. The problem was that without any designated areas it was not long before every planet was covered in buildings. To avoid that there needs to be designated areas for buildings. But, I want a choice as to where.
Lots of functional furnitings. To be able to sit in a chair, on a couch, or at a table. Love fancy firplaces, scounces and such too. To be able to have wardrobes and armours to keep clothing and such in instead of just a chest. To be able to place items on a table or a fireplace mantle.
Banking/vaults and so on systems I think should be made for each account to be able to access a few slots in each of thier characters to change items between them. The only people who are against this are those who want to make more from them by selling the items to the alternate toons.
I understand the need to limit some things as to how many. Yet, I see no reason why people should not be allowed to wear sheaths, scabbards, shoulder weapons and sacks, as well as waist pouches and purses. All that should be used as containers to carry thier stuff. But do not see any reason why stacking is not implimented. Also weight of items should be irrelivant in any good fantasy. Except for crude materials like ore.
Great animated emotes and loads of them. To see my toon hug another, skate, swim or dance is fun. I want to option to be able to play at something other then just a hacknslasher or tedious worker all the time.
Pvp that is only within the story line and not of the grief/gank nature. Let's face it. Most players will not pay to be griefed long. Lots of Pve as well. Dieties are also a good thing for a good roleplayer and community feel. Having to do quests for thier favors is a good thing. Also falling out of favor should be a feature.
As for servers, I love the new huge one only with multiple server clusters. That way we would have many more to interact with all the time instead of spread out. I do not mind teleport system as they are good roleplaying aspect when used as a means of travel. After-all, why should we have to walk every place. It is a fantasy land right?
Of course there would need to be a great selection of characters features and so on to make the toon look as we would like them to. At least 6 races to choose from but all very different from one another. As for classes you would need several to choose from, support typs (clerics, monks, etc), socialites (politicians, tavern keepers, merchants, etc), fighters (I love battlemage hehe), and adventurers (rangers, druids, etc). Skills should be class based of course.
Pets that are for fun and possibly to aid as in fighting, riding, flying on and in a carry capacity. Many games have already shown that this is a good aspect.
Ok about a political system. I do like player run cities but then to many want to be the rulers and not enough want to play in underling roles. So though, I would love to have castles, baronies and so on. It seems that may be a bit far reaching to have king, prince and such titles as DnL is going to have in thier game. I do not like such titles that will set anybody up as a head of state.
As for the price of the game. I think that it should coinside with what it would cost to make and maintain this game. Also it would need to be on a competitive rate with all other such mmorpgs. So 50 bucks to buy it initialy seems right to me. No bittorrent only though, as many do not like that to install a game. It would be a good thing to have that included for those of us (me included) who would rather just download a game instead of having to buy the software. Now for updates. Those should be added without having to buy a expansion. Just add a few game account typs for people to choose from. Such as: a basic monthly account that would cost maybe 10 bucks a month. A premium account that would add some game features like gm events and qusts for for maybe 15 bucks a month. Then you can have the added new content for 20 bucks a month. Think about this concept. It would be new.
What I do not want to find in any game is to much realisim. I do not care for my toon getting tired, hungry or sick. Next thing we know, they will be dragging in the toilet for our toons to have to use on a regular basis to expell what they consumed! Who cares about weight of items or how many one should be realisticaly be able to carry? Sure all fantasy needs to have some logic such as making the wings of a fairy the right size to carry it. But, why be limited only by reality?
A game without content or a good story line. No gm involvement with quests and othe roleplaying events. Is just a boring game for many. So think about this as well please.
How hard would it be to make that? If there is already a game like this then please point me at it! Thank you.
ps Sorry it was so long.
It's all about the fantasy baby!
Lai'Ahna your from the DnL forums, why are you looking for a new game?! All those 'tests' thread spam...*sigh*
No longer visiting
I like wild beasts finding thier way into town at times. That adds flavor imho. Of course with smaller typ towns the creatures that wander in should also be smaller to fit in.
It's all about the fantasy baby!
It's all about the fantasy baby!
You have some Awesome idea's, and if such game did exist.. Oh My God...
Anyways, when i first began to read your post (more like a short essay, haha) i was thinking world of warcraft in my head, but as i went on, thats not what your looking for at all :P Ive been playing WoW since release date and im now lost >.< I am having no fun with that game what so ever, and find myself visiting forums more than playing it.. anywho ive been searching for a game of my taste as well.. I really have pretty much the same taste as you.. Good luck finding this dream game of yours ^-^
A game i have not tried out yet is Star Wars Galaxies.. Ive heard really good things, and then again ive heard horrably bad things about this title.. Now someone with your taste on games, What is your put on this game, and do you think it would be enjoyable to a WoW vet who is looking for something FUN and REFRESHING to do?
if you have been sucked into WoW... youre only going to be sucked into more clone games. Try to break free young one!
I just need a place to go! T-T and have fun while im doing it.....
Sink your teeth into this FAQ from The Chronicle:
Enjoy, I know I have.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The game you are thinking of doesn't exist. You need to compromise! Its the same for everyone else too, why do we change games? We don't like something about that game now. For me SWG with the NGE and the crafting. Crafting in SWG is THE biggest money maker currently, (at least before NGE). Right now my game is WoW. The graphics are a little goofy, but I like the items, quests, community is semi-good, my guild seems to make up for all the little kids everywhere else and just the huge freedom of exploration. I love that in a MMO.
So in all honesty you need to compromise because the game you are thinking of has not been made yet.
[quote]Originally posted by Lai'Ahna
[b]I am still looking for a mmorpg with graphics, that has community and roleplaying as the stongest things in it. Though Dragon Realms is a great game, I am looking for one simular to that with graphics (for me 2.5D graphics looked the best as in Kings Quest). I love colors and color contrasts. Not drab or bland look That many of the newer mmorpgs look like to me lately. Why not allow backpacks, pouches worn to have graphics? Same with cloaks and capes.
umm guild wars has graphic cloaks and capes but no backpacks sryy
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.