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will4greenwill4green Member Posts: 2

*note i do not currently play this

Neocron is a "cyberpunk" mmorpg. I have been playing this game on and off since beta 3. This game has its ups and downs. The graphics are pretty good, and can easily be supported on geforce 4 or a radeon 9800  and better. The game does have a scarce community, people are always off hunting or pking (player killing). But for some people this game seems like a 3d chat room. The community does not usually help new players, but there are sometimes people who will help out, or spare a couple thousand. The main problems with this game are, the crashes (only some people have crashes not anyone ie. my old comp i crashed everyday but my new comp i have yet to crash on it), also KK are trying to add new stuff every once in a while, instead of fixing current bugs, there are still bugs from back in Beta 4 they havent fixed yet. The politcal system in this game is pretty good too, and the clan concepts of some things you can do (outpost wars, clan pking, clan hunts, ect) are pretty good too.


Overall it is worth trying, but its a little hard till you get a character around level 50.

I would say this game is about 7/10 overall.

This game has a very addictive effect on people who have quit. I will soon be returning to this, because of this addiction... image

Hopefully i will see some new people in game.

I am coming back December 20th 2005, if anyone needs help message one of these ingame

Xavior, Remote Death, Kamikazi Penguin, Thebunny, Grundee, Ghetto Ninja, James Bong, Sadistic Toaster, Cheesus



  • fisch0rfisch0r Member Posts: 30

    Ill quit my NC break on December 1st when 2.1 Evolution is released yeehaa :P. Grr still 12 days.

    Life is a bad MMORPG.
    But with good Graphics 0_0

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