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Im an experienced alliance player, but im planning on starting a horde when i get my priest (currently lvl 25) to 60,
What zones are good for lvling horde?
Which horde race has the best warlocks(the class i want to play next)?
Undead warlocks cause they look cooler. Orcs have that pet damage buff and lower stun resist i dunno though
If your going UD, then do it like this
Tirisfal>Silverpine>Barrens>Stonetalon>Ashenvale>1k needles>Hillsbrad Foothills
meh.. you can figure it out after that.
Orc is same thing just switch out Tirisfal with Durotar and dont both going to Silverpine.
Both of the races are good, but I would prefer a Orc Warlock simply for the pet damage bonus.
But all in all, it's not that big diffrence. Choose wichever you think looks cooler
WoW Char: lvl 60 Hunter @ EU Magtheridon
Orc,they have good racials and they look better in high end warlock sets
no...I think undead is better because they got will of the forsaken which can resist fear for like 5 sec when you use it....orc you can like have your pet do more dmg... but you can't just depend on your pet all the time.... btw..human got perception which you can detect stealth ....and gnomes you got escape artist which you can free yourself from hamstring, crippling poison, freeze and such...
Ok thank you for the imput
Elthax, undead warlock, Azshara (PVP) look me up
Orcs - they (easily) have the best /dance in WoW.