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which proffesoin is better warrior/mesmar - warrior/ranger - warrior/necromancer - warrior/ elementil
warrior/monk plz give reasons
ps: dont say its up 2 you etc cause im not bothered ty!
If I see a Warrior in small scale PvP without noting their weapon my fear scale is as follows
W/E - With Axe likely highest DPS, with options of gale or shock. Or they tend to be knockdown with hammers, with is still threating though dps isn't as dangerous
W/Ne - Touch drains can hurt
W/Mo - strength and honor, plus removal to keep them in action
W/Me - blackout can hurt... but it hurts them to.
W/R - Ranger doesn't give much IMO, tiger's fury is just 33% more DPS all the time. There are better ways to gain adren. Any of the above warriors can use frenzy and have 33% increased attack speed WHEN THEY NEED IT. Which is for about 3 seconds every 20-30 seconds.
Once I see weapons and note skills that can change a lot.
In 8v8 PvP this all goes out the window because a player is much more made by their team then by their secondary selection.
In PvE it doesn't matter because you can change at your whime. W/Mo are probably the most common because of farming, but if you in a group people just want you to stay alive while the monsters focus on you and the best way to do that changes per mission. Some missions your fine just being a stance monkey so you can use 100% warrior skills and be fine, other fights skills like obsidan flesh (element) make it much easier. Like the protect the priest question in sorrow's furance, to avoid on the obsidan flame damage.
Notice that I started this post as to the order in which I "fear combos". This is because there is no best combo. A pure warrior without a secondary can more dangerous then a warrior with a secondary based on skills taken into the match and each players skill.
Depends what your taste is.
thats not true at all... w/mo can stack up prot spells and farm like no other
its just all what you want to be
thats not true at all... w/mo can stack up prot spells and farm like no other
its just all what you want to be
w/r = tank
haha alright w/e
im not going to argue with you
haha alright w/e
im not going to argue with you