I currently play Star Wars Galaxies (yeah,...I know) and I'm so sick of going to that forum and hearing nothing but whining about NGE....that I am ready for a new game. I can only play one at a time...and depending on whether I like this one (please, please, please, let me like this one), I will probably drop my SWG account. I've gotten used to it's play but it's extremely buggy and I'm ready to start a game from the beginning, not trying to catch up to all the CL80-90's in SWG.
The reason I'm looking forward to this game so much is that it appears its going to have primarily a mature community. Couple that with the fact that it's taking place in Middle Earth and I'm really excited.
Funny thing about SWG is that I've been a big big Star Wars fan since the early days but I've never played SWG. There were too many complaints about it right after it was released. I hear its better now though.
Well, it all depends on who you talk to. Most veterans hate the game (SWG), but the noobies probably don't mind it b/c they know no different. I fall inbetween. I started before NGE but only by a couple of months so I didn't get time to develop a passion. I don't mind the new system so much but it is extremely buggy and if the game makes it through this phase, I think it will be a good game but patience is required and if you don't mind paying 15 bucks to Beta test, this is not a bad game.
But, yes, I hope that LOTRO will maintain a mature community. If it wasn't for the fact that the game needs to make money to keep going, I would suggest they go through an application process to play it. You know, answer questions from at least the Hobbit and trilogy, to be able to play but I know that's asking for TOO much. But I can dream....
LOL, that would be funny....but I try to block out the 80's so that would probably hurt me....