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Just a fyi thats all, I just don't want anyone on a 10-day trail account excepting valuable in-game items from friends only to explain to them the items went bye-bye at day 10 when you tried to enter in your old supposedly canceled retail version authentication key and the billing department said no, go buy another new unused retail version, or loose everything you received on the 10-day trial.
Sony will let you continue your trail if you try SWG, Blizzard will not let you continue WoW. Since Mythic also keeps cancelled account, they may have the same policies as Blizzard.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Just did a 10-day WoW trial. During the trial I was prevented from trading with anyone and using the mail system. I could only transact with NPC vendors. This made the professions more difficult since you had to be self-sufficient. I do not know if all WoW trials are like this but if they are, the point is moot.
Oh, and my level was capped at 20. And I could not figure out how to join General chat so I suspect that was not available (thank goodness for the subscribers).
Dang. I don't play WoW, but it seemed like it would be a good choice for when I wanted to jump into something quick. As per usual, I'd undoubtedly be THAT guy that stays at L40 forever.
I was thinking of trying to attempt the download again. Corrupted the previous time. But if what you say is the case, then that seems exactly like FFXI demanding that anyone who cancels their account has to go buy another 50$ box just to create a new account. No takesies backsies.
That just plain sucks. It's so obviously a blatant scheme to pressure long term players to never unsubscribe ever. I hope the low recedivism rate on resubscription to the digital c*(#k kicks them in the *$&% eventually. Of course, should those numbers swing around, they'll probably just lift the ban..
Lol. I still seem to wanna play though. Hehe. Evil bastages.
*sniff* Why must I have a love/hate relationships with Everything? Cruel, cruel beautiful universe! I will destroy you one day!