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Formidable Guild (Bellato) Elite PvP

THunKKTHunKK Member Posts: 1

Please visit our guild website at

Formidable Mission Statement
Formidable strives to be one of the best RvR guild on the server and regarded among the server population as an Elite RvR guild. Being such is going to mean a close-knit group of players who know each other well and get along. Members of Formidable must act accordingly, and reports of any negligent behavior or "flaming" will be dealt with by guild officers and GM's. Membership to Formidable is a status symbol, and should be thought of as such. Furthermore we are looking for hardcore players only. While we understand that you can't spend 24/7/365 in front of the computer playing (I wish I could :p ), we do expect our members to be VERY active in the server community (at least 15 hours per week). We wish to be very active members in the community, leading the forefront of Bellato success.

Formidable Recruiting Policy
All members may extend an invitation to characters they find of high enough caliber to join Formidable. From this point they must contact a GM or Officer and they will be put into the guild on a trial basis. From this point they must join a couple RvR and PvE groups with a GM to see if they meet the expectations of a full member of Formidable. If they pass that they will be put on the reserve list for all raids. Members will still be picked first for RvR raids, but if spots are left vacant reserve members will then be asked to join the group. After raiding with us several times the trial member will be discussed amongst the GMS and Officers and a vote to decline or accept their application will then be processed. A majority vote will be needed before full member status will be granted.

Formidable PvE
Plans for PvE are going to be dealt with by the GM's and Officers of the guild. Loot will be handled by officer awarded/NBG. Quite frankly we're just too lazy to manage a DKP system at the moment. Any favoritism claims will be taken synonymously as a request to have your membership terminated. Loot has never been an issue with Formidable in other MMO's so we do not wish it to be so here.

Formidable PvP
Plans for RvR will also be handled by GM's and Officers of the guild. Ventrilo access (at least to listen) is a must and serves as a key to successful communication. We will have plans in advance for certain Chip Wars as well as pick-up-and-go style raids. Depending on the number of members on at a certain time of day, members will be asked to leave what they are doing and join the guild for raids. We will accept all members of Formidable before going to recruits or any ally guilds and asking them if they would like a spot. Once a raid is started let the FUN BEGIN! My vision is to form several groups that are very close-knit (know what other members are going to do before encountering the enemy) that win every time. If multiple Formidable groups are in different raids, it is recommended to extend an invitation to the other group to join a bigger cause.

Guild Chat
Formidable is a guild of mature (ok maybe not mature but usually older than 18 ) players. Swearing and cursing will happen in guild chat and Ventrilo. And in the case of Ventrilo, it will happen a lot! The GM's have a potty mouth. If you are offended by this type of communication, feel free to withdraw your application or leave the guild. Officers will NOT ask members to refrain from using bad language.

There are only 4 rules you must abide by when using the guild chat channel.

1) Formidable will not tolerate any prejudice, sexism, racism, xenophobia, or anything I can not think of right now. If you have a problem with someones race, sex, orientation, or whatever, I would personally hit you in the face as hard as I can, so why would I let you stay in my guild?

2) This subject will remain gray, and up to the officers on a case by case basis:
Do not, under any circumstance carry on a personal argument in guild chat. If you have a problem with a player, bring it to officers to deal with, or take it to /tells. Do not put your petty fights up in public for everyone to see. It makes people pick sides whether they want to or not. Talking about whats better, peanut butter vs jelly, Nvidia vs ATI, Prunkk vs Sceren (Sceren = win), is all fine. Keep your personal drama personal.

3) Spam the hell out of guild chat with conversations all you want. However, if you spam guild chat with the same thing 200x you will be put in Quiet Time (Can not do anything but read guild chat) and be considered for removal.

4) Jackassery: This is what I like to call the blanket rule Very Happy. Don't do IT. You know what IT is. If your doing IT.....stop!

Applying to other guilds
If you apply to another guild while still a member of Formidable without first notifying a GM, you will be removed from the guild and not be allowed to rejoin. No exceptions will be made. It makes you look bad, and quite frankly it makes us look bad. We have officers who regularly check message boards of other guilds so you will be caught. If you are not happy with Formidable and feel you need to apply to another guild, please remove yourself before doing so.

Selfish Players
Selfish players are one of Sceren's biggest pet peeves. Selfishness also includes asking for help repeatedly in game or begging for items/money. If you are a selfish player, we will remove you with no warning or justification needed. We are a guild looking to be an elite PvP team. You can not be a team with selfish players.


  • XFantasyXXFantasyX Member Posts: 138

    ::::24::i would but cant i taken up on accrita just to insult other accritas::::30::


  • Stryfe1987Stryfe1987 Member Posts: 76
    sounds very good, im gettign the preorder today, hope to see you ingame
  • KimirahiKimirahi Member Posts: 6
    /bump image
  • SquallFFVIIISquallFFVIII Member Posts: 6

    sounds interesting and i may consider it. what server are you currently on?

    as far as i can see your rules seem well thought out and so on. Just out of interest how many members do you currently have and when will you be actually making the guild?

  • KimirahiKimirahi Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by SquallFFVIII
    sounds interesting and i may consider it. what server are you currently on?
    as far as i can see your rules seem well thought out and so on. Just out of interest how many members do you currently have and when will you be actually making the guild?

    We're on Spirit, and already have the guild made.

    We have around 40 active members, right now.

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