The subjob funtion is an important part of the game. Bonuses to having a subjob include HP, MP, Stats, and Spells. You won't need multiple jobs at 75 to funtion. If you're unsure between BLM and SMN, and you just don't want to deal with other jobs, pick Black Mage. With a little reserch ahead of time, you should find leveling Black Mage a quick ordeal. SMN takes a lot more skill and wisdom; you get a choice of (eventually) a wide set of decent to strong abilities, but you can only pick one a minute.
The subjob funtion is an important part of the game. Bonuses to having a subjob include HP, MP, Stats, and Spells. You won't need multiple jobs at 75 to funtion. If you're unsure between BLM and SMN, and you just don't want to deal with other jobs, pick Black Mage. With a little reserch ahead of time, you should find leveling Black Mage a quick ordeal. SMN takes a lot more skill and wisdom; you get a choice of (eventually) a wide set of decent to strong abilities, but you can only pick one a minute.