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A classless society

As I was looking over vanguard classes trying to decide what I want to pick a thought occurred, why is there classes at all?

Would it not be easier for the developer and the players to remove them?

This is an example of what I was thinking.

You start the game, create your charater, choose race, gender and appearance thats it then the game starts.
(forgive the following rambling, I`m bad at transfering ideas to words)

You start off with 10 stats (str, Int, wisdom, faith, ect....) In each stat you start at 10 for both easy math and a mid point. Think of 10 as average. Now each stat can only be increased to a max 20, and any point you increase must be deducted from another stat.

Thats it everything else in the game, weapons, armor, items, spells, abilitys is based off those stats and your developed skills.

Say you want to use a sword, you check the stats 11str 8 agility 100 skill in sword fighting. Now as long as you pass the first 2 as in you can lift the metal sword and not cut off your leg you can use it, but you will suck at it untill you use it enough to get to 100 skill points.

Same with spells you wan to learn healing you go to a church befriend a priest he teaches you a healing spell you need 13 Int 10 wisdom, 12 faith 120 points in casting or what ever.

I beleive this would add massive diversity, if you wanted to be a thief you would search out a thieves den become an apprentice or what not as you do tasks, quests, missions for them they would teach you different abilitys, as you learn and become profficent at it, you begin to open ability trees as you progress.
This would be the same if you wanted to learn magic, fighting ect...

Now say after awile you get bored with throwing fireballs, you want to become a death knight, so you pick up a weapon and start training, as you get better and stronger, you start taking points from your Int, and put them into Str and because your no longer casting as many spells, your knowlege of them begins to fade as your skill points in casting drops as skills in swords, axes, bows, ext... increase.
Then you find the death knights join and so on and so forth.

thoughts, comments? (again I apoligize for the rambling)


  • Ra'veRa've Member Posts: 203

    You pretty much just got done describing Old UO's skill system.

  • punchlinepunchline Member Posts: 544

    yeah it does sound like a great idea...
    but what happends when a patch comes out where, mages are souped up. and then everyone transfers from whatever was cool the week before to whatever the patch makes better.
    also it would take away that huge decision you need to make before entering the game... debating it with your friends at lunch for weeks... and i dont think there would be such thing as an alternative character anymore as well.
    i think it would be an awesome idea if it could be done correctly, your professions going to be based upon what your skill bar is set at anyways.

  • captmorgan69captmorgan69 Member Posts: 21

    I unfortunitly never had the pleasure of playing UO, like I said this is just a rambling thought that came to me.

    I wouldn`t worry to much about a patch that made some spell so amazing that everybody wanted to play a caster. The amount of time needed to change all your ability`s over stats, skills, ect... Chances are it just wouldn`t be worth it for just one thing. And besides if the dev`s notice the entire server oozing towards a certain ability it could probably be re-patched before anybody made it.

    And why is the lack of alts a bad thing?

  • SlntasnSlntasn Member Posts: 711

    Originally posted by captmorgan69
    And why is the lack of alts a bad thing?

    I would say because alts is partly what gives new players groups. Without people making alts, the newbie content won't be very active.


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