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Adventurequest isn't an MMORPG.
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AdventureQuest altough I think they refer to themselves as an MMORPG, isn't a true MMORPG as you play it solo... However it has a server who has tons of people on-line at the same moment, and I think that makes it a MMORPG... I'm not quite sure....
Anyway, I would rather play RS than AQ... Although AQ may be fun for the first times, it can get boring doing always the same.... It does however have new events every week which may break the monotony. The biggest letdown of AQ is the fact that you must be really lucky to get to play it RS has many more things to do and is as easy as AQ to get into. RS, being more complete has a greater "fun time" than AQ, not to speak that RS you can actually PLAY it whenever you want, unless of course they are performing server maintenance.
My point of view....
P.S. Prepare to be flamed with "w00t they both are the s**ksor"... well not really with those words, but prepare to be flamed by even mentioning those names (especially RS )
Played- Runescape, Conquer
Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld
i play rs on my nans computer only cause its the only game that works on it
but aq and rs have one thing in common they both get boring specially if yuor not a guardian or member
if anything WoW and FFix are the best mmorpg around
thats my point of view.....
take what you can but not what isn't yours. "fight to the end and never give your enemy the satisfaction of victory"