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Just a quick question about the games. Before I purchase one of them do I have to decide whether or not I want to be a hero or villain, and then buy either or? Or can I just buy the new CoV and be able to play both a hero or a bad guy?
I guess one more question is are there any major differences between the two? Like is PVP in CoV only, or is it in both?
Thanks in advance.
If you buy CoV you can play villains but not heroes.
If you buy CoH you can play heroes but not villains.
If you buy both, you can play both for 1 monthly fee. But I will recommend just buying CoV (or CoH) for now and later you can buy the other. Especially that each box give a free month, no points in using the free month before necessary.
Both game are similar, but CoV is more evil. CoH has more content (zones, levels, ATs, powers) but CoV has plenty to keep you happy for a while. PvP is accessible with both, but CoH only have a few limitations...
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I would be more inclined to go the COH way and save a few bucks. It is cheeper and a good intro to the game. It may take longer to install due to the patches that have come out. That way try the game and see if you like it. Then you can go out and get COV if you wish.
If you do want in no matter what then go COV and then "update" to COH
Players are in CoV, not in CoH. (CoH feels somewhat deserted)
CoV price is not going to drop for at least a year, CoH? We never know!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I am not sure if that is true with all servers but in Virtue there has been activity on both sides. I had a great time doing missions with a group of 6-8 other yesterday on the COH side and then another group of 6 later that day on the COV side.
It may just be more server related.