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This thread on the offical forums was started by a typical NGE cheerleader. Some funny stuff throughout, but as it's getting to be a long thread you can skip to the punchline on page 8, post 10. I'll make a copy of that and the original post incase the thread gets the usual SOE treatment but won't post now as it's funnier in the complete context of the thread.
Looks like the SOE forum Nazis are actually working this weekend for a change so here's the 2 posts mentioned above:
Sundai wrote:
Funny how on Ahazi, there is a ton of things I can't find on the bazaar or vendors. My alt can't buy a revealing skirt to save her life.
Explain to me how NGE was bad for crafters considering there is a prime market (clothing) on ahazi? it's not just clothing either - go look in the bazaar the proof is right there, that the market is dying for traders.
I keep hearing how no one buys stuff and yet, I can't buy anything when I want to. Yea, that makes a ton of sense.
If you're a trader, you could clean up. God knows I have a million creds burning a hole in my pocket and my alt dancer can not find a revealing skirt.
Maybe the crafters are right SOE, just remove crafters altogether and give me some NPC's selling stuff so I can buy what I want to - when I want to.
Elekae replied:
I made a character on your server and checked... there are 188 extremely revealing skirts for sale on the bazaar, ranging in price from 500 - 20000 credits.
Don't trash crafters because you can't figure out how the 'vendor search' button works, k?
Crafting fixed post poned indefinately?
game dies in 3 months if crafting isn't fixed.
Crafting was an afterthought for the NGE. That much is clear. I bet it was a last minute thing "Oh guys what about crafting? Guess we better toss something in."
You can see this in the leveling of crafting. I made a second toon an engineer. Basically your having to level up the Survey and Business line all on survival knives and survey tools. By the time you get the ability to put up a vendor what can you put on it? Just how many people are going to buy tools or survival knives? Not alot.
Now they are saying the crafting publish could be postponed. This is going to turn into another smuggler situation where they wait and wait. Only problem is crafters have never been patient like smugglers were before.
Just one more example of SOE and LEC not thinking ahead.
That isn't exactly new with the NGE. To get my alt to Master Weaponsmith pre-nge I was making some schematic over and over to get the Engineering line of Artisan or whatever it was called and then from there it was Medium/Heavy warheads over and over again until I got Master.
Word of advice when grinding a Crafter. Always use practice mode as you get a 5% xp bonus, and always have a general crafting buff from an Ent as you get a 10% XP bonus. Once you move up into the specialized stuff for your profession, get a buff from an Ent that is specific to the profession you're grinding as you'll get a 15% bonus with it.
I know about the XP bonuses. I was commenting on the fact that crafting is not in the future of SWG.
Same poster wasn't happy with the upteen pages on game disscusion fourm so the same poster ,
did a post on swg vn fourms too
I was unable to view the original thread, it was moved and "denied" me access
Replied instead of edited, oops.
From the two posts you c&p'd it hardly looks like "typical NGE cheerleader" stuff, just somebody showing themselves up as being clueless when it comes to using the bazaar (a problem in the way the game teaches people to use the bazaar, relying on other players or reading the boards to find out) and eventually somebody pointing out that the items they say they can't find are there.
I could find similar posts on the other galaxy boards I'm sure and have certainly seen people getting roasted for blatant muppetry like this in guild chats.
So, it's neither 'NGE cheerleading' or 'NGe bashing', it's just the same old same old.
The problem wasn't they didn't know about the vendors though that was made clear the problem was they blasted the crafters for not putting stuff on the bazzar, that is what people got snubed about.
Anyone can find anything if they do their home work and though some folks buy stuff that is put on bazzar right away other things take time to find, if there is an item you want you have to get the items name and know how to look for it .
I can't imagine how bad the vendors are now after 2 months of nge....
I bet there are so few items up compared to the glory days.
it's only going to get worse.