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Sanctus Legacy Online - Artists and Musicians Wanted

   I am Justin Smith, representing Nautilus Productions, a small development team located in Indiana. Our team of six has taken on the responsibility of creating an MMORPG, Sanctus Legacy Online, from scratch. We currently have one PR representative, one programmer, two human anime artists, a third monster anime artist, and a graphics design artist. Because we have set a very short deadline for Beta Version, we are in need of sprite artwork: fast. We would like to maintain a single style throughout the entire game, however, and thus we would like to see how well you can match the style of our original artists.

   If you are at all interested in assisting us in the spritework area, please contact me at:, and I will send you a template and an example of previous artwork for style reference. Please specify whether you would like to work on human figures or monsters. We will also have openings for heads, hair styles, and items at a later time, so if you would be interested in those fields, contact me and I will place you on our contacts list.

   If you are interested in assisting us musically, we would love to hear some of your sample work. We are aiming for a style that lies somewhere between Fantasy, Ambience, and a little bit of Smooth Jazz. Please send music (in WAV, MP3, or MIDI format) to

   Sanctus Legacy Online will be our first attempt to produce a marketable game. Thus, while we expect an income from this game, we do not yet have any income from previous games, and are unable to pay artists and musicians until we start making an income from this project. We will be more than happy to offer a portion of income to each artist and musician involved, but we cannot promise any pay until we release the game. To be quite honest, we are not expecting many people to be involved, so those few who are interested enough in the project to support it with their art and music will be gladly appreciated with, at a minimal, our sincere thanks, and we hope to be able to reward you for your assistance with a hefty portion of the income.

   If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

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