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Stop your whine and come dine with me as I speak to you about issues concerning this game.
First off if you havent played the game for longer then 2 hours and gotten to noobie ile and gotten some lvls then please kep your negitive comments to your self.
Next, The game is BUGGY but what (PC) game has come out and on the day of release it didnt have any buggs and was totaly perfect? Nothing, thats right!!!! EQ, Lineage, Rune scape, MU, and MANY more RPGs have come out but every single one had its Minor and Major problems. (lag, graphics problems, glitches, getting stuck in things, and many more) But you know what Tons of the games out on the market now have obviously succeded (EQ, Tibia *even though i hate it*, lineage *in korean markets*, and many more).
All im trying to say is wait a while and play the game. Patches are coming out in massive qaunities (thats a good thing). Remember that unless youve tryed all the aspects of the game you cant down it.
Now for my veiws on this game, Ive played for about 4 hours and i intend to play it for 10 hours or more before i goto bed. Simply put the game is glitchy but id put up with alot before I gave up hope and flush 50 bucks down the toliet. (if this msg isnt clear to you heres lame terms, I LOVE THIS GAME)
Why are there only 24 hours in a day?
Because god is punishing all us gamers and not giving us the proper 32 hours in a day.
Currently playing: Horizons
Server: Exspanse
Char: Kloor Unforgiven
Level: find out when your my freind in game.