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Twitch in mmorpg

Twitch + Stat/Equipment = win

i think that a mix of these two worlds brings more meaning to combat and overall gameplay.

- possible?  any games planning to incorporate?


  • squeeesqueee Member Posts: 722
    That is where the problem of lag comes in.  Twitch on a MMORPG level is very hard and has only been acomplished by ww2online and PS.  While i do agree that a good twitch game would be really fun, I doubt anyone on 56K would be able to play it.  Another reason why I am following Pirates of the burning sea, its being made for broadband users only.

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  • ianubisiianubisi Member Posts: 4,201

    I think it could work if there was a way to better deal with lag and prediction.  Unless it's pure PvP, the AI needs to be up to par as well.

    But for the most part, for me the idea of MMOG isn't really about twitch.  It's about character development.  I prefer to play my favorite FPS for twitch gaming.

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