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OK, I've never played ANY MMORPG before, let alone this one, due to the facts that they're intimidating, and they're addictive. But hey...everyone needs a hobby, right?
Anyway...I've spent like the last week doing homework, trying to choose a game. After all, free demos aside, I don't wanna get stuck paying for a membership to a game I end up not liking. I REALLY was hoping to find a fantasy-based game that fit my likes, having grown up with D&D. But there are too many bad qualities to every one of the games out there, from what I see. I'm leaning towards just trying Eve, but I'm worried I'll be disappointed due to the game being set in space.
Here's mainly what I'm looking for in a game...customization, mainly at the character level. I don't wanna look like everyone else!! I mean, my character could very well take up the next few years of my life. I wanna fall in love with the character. So how is Eve when it comes to all this?
Also, I really wanna steer clear of the 'bullying' by players that have been around for years, when I'm jsut starting. By this, I mean the vultures that look to pick off the newbies for easy profit, which I hear happens in some games.
Another thing that concerns me, is the consensus here that Eve is a thinking man's MMORPG. Nothing wrong with this, as long as there is still plenty of action within the game to keep you wanting to come back for more.
I guess the general worry for me, is that this is just mostly an economic, trading goods and services kind of game. I'm trying to grab the whole idea of it before I committ. A 'dumbed down' synopsis, bearing in mind that I have never even picked up any of these games before, would be really appreciated, if someone wants to take the time to help me out. After all, it's looking like the alternative for me is probably WoW...and frankly I'm too old to be putting up with the crap I'm reading about with that game, and the servers.
Thanks, in advance.
1) Character customization: There are currently 4 races to choose from with 2 bloodlines for each. However it is just your face that you are designing/customizing, and this is all people will ever see of your charcater and even then, its more like a mugshot than anything else. The real customization comes from the skills you choose to learn, and there are always new skills to learn that will effect your abilities, what you can fly, which type of equipment you can use and alot more besides. In this respect each character is truly unique and the options are truly huge.
2) The game employs a good system to avoid bullying of noobs that involves each system having a security status. All noobs start in a 1.0 system and if someone tries to attack you, the local law enforcement (Concord) will be on top of them like a ton of bricks. As long as you stay in systems 0.5 and above you are essentially safe. the only exceptions are if you steal someone else's loot or can contents or if any corp that you have joined is at war.
3) Eve is considered a thinking man's mmorpg and it has the steepest learning curve you can imagine. However the game is essentially about the fun part... 'killing stuff'. We spend our time thinking of tracking speed, range, ship setups etc not because we want to get engineering degrees, but becuse we want our self or our corp or our alliance to have the edge on the battlefield. To this end Eve has the best PvP system of any mmorpg i have played and there is a place for all types of pilots from interceptor pilots to battleships to the new carriers and beyond.
4) Eve has a totally player driven economy and the best economic model i have seen employed in a game. However you can be a purely combat orientated pilot without detriment, you dont have to build stuff, you can buy what you need, with money you make from ratting (killing npc mobs) or mining or selling loot or even mission rewards.
Eve has a 14 day trial at the moment so if you would like to give it a go email me at and i will get you a key
Quite good answers there, Infinitum, yet I'd like to add something to point 2. With the latest content patch a way to flag "loot"containers has been implemented. So a container is "flagged" to the player who creates it or who killed the npc that droped it. And if somebody takes from a can that is flagged to you you can kill him/her.
So some lame asshats try to lure new players into taking from the cans they have created (sometimes labelling it "Free Stuff" or something similar), and then waiting till an unsuspecting player (mostly new players) take from the can. And then they can kill him/her, since they "stole" from the asshats container. Containers not belonging to you are marked RED for this reason, only your own or those of people who you are in a gang (and iirc those of your own corp) are safe to take (those are white). So don't take from a container of which you dont know who created or left it (even if nobody can be seen around). If somebody wants to give you something always dock in a station and trade the item (trading never flags you) - if he is serious about helping you he will understand and do it that way anyways.
Please don't assume that EVE is a noobgankin game - it's just that a few assholes that have no brain to make cash (or have fun) in an other way doing this, who are spoiling the reputatiuon of the EVE community. Generally people are very helpful and cooperative to new players.
Try the Trial and jugde the game for yourself, nobody can do that for you. Just stay clear of lowsec (System Security status of 0.4 or lower) for the time being and avoid containers not belonging to you.
See you in game
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
One of the best things you can do is get into a player made corp asap. Make friends, partners, and people that owe you one. Remember everything in this game is social the guy that you befired today could be a market tycoon or the learder of a merc corp later down the road. If you want look me up in game and I will try to set you up with some good people.
Ok Thovind, I am a new player to Eve and here is my opinion.
Now customization is probably the greatest out of any game. For example in 99% of other mmo's, you pick a certain class and you stick with it throughout the game and you cannot change, and cannot (for the most part) mix classes. In Eve you can mix all the skills you want since you can have any skill. This is true customization, to what you play like. You also need to understand that the character (for most play styles...if you are going to scam someone you need to be a great actor) is really you. If you want to get along with other poeple, being yourself is a great way of doing it. Heck I know it sounds wierd but I got a Brutix by being nice and helping my corporation as best as I could. This kind of thing illustrates why your character can be whoever you want em to be! it isnt the color of his hair or the size of his jaw that matters! Its his attitude and playstyle towards others.
Now there are going to be poeple out there that will take advanatage of you (or will try to ). Just remember back to when you were a young child and your mom told you to never get in a car with a stranger. This is the same for this game. If you are new, dont trust poeple completly unless you A)know them really well , or can efford the RISK VS REWARD (or C) you kill the person who tries to do this to you...its hard to do but I bet one of those guys got what they had coming from a newbie). Get into a corp and they will protect you and you will in turn help them. It is a great relationship.
Now about Eve being a "thinking mans" game is true. HOwever I find it enjoyable (and I am treated rather well) to just be a newb kid (not a LEET haxor kid, but a nice and friendly one). Now I have to tell you now that there WILL BE BORING PARTS IN THIS GAME . If you found a good trade route, its gonna cost you some long jumps. Its a sad reality but you have to work through it to get to the good stuff. The best way to reduce this time is by joining a corp. THey may not be with you 24/7 but they are nice poeple to talk to who can mayby pull off a 12 hour day lol .
This is not only an economic game, however economy is VERY powerful in eve. However so is controlling a fleet and going to destroy the enemies POS (station) were they produce such things.
And dont worry about the skill debate (about you not being able to catch up with the veteran players, I could go on about this). This can easily be overcomes.
THe biggest and best thing that this MMORPG brings to the table is the interaction between players and YOUR ability to make a difference! If you are socially able to make an empire to rule all of the low security space...the game lets you do that! If you want to monopoly a certain product (not sure if anyone has or if this is a good idea) but YOU CAN do it. This is what is missing in all other MMORPG's...For example in WOW...when you kill someone they can just go back and get their stuff, you cant totally destroy them and burn them in the fires of hellish oblivion! In Eve, if you are clever, you could destroy someones ship, kill their pod, and wreck havec in their space and in their coporation.
Now the big problem is, there isnt much (in my opinion) anything better out there. Everything to me seems like a carbon copy of Everquest or D+D. If you decide to get a trail account PLEASE contact me on my main Desiderious, I will make your entrance into this game as smooth as possible .
I'll put in 2 cents worth.
When I first got the game I spent maybe 2 hours just playing with the "mugshot". I couldn't help myself, it was too entertaining. Granted all people see is your face but with the setup you can rotate the angle of the head and eyes to make your guy strike a pose. Theres also background and lighting angle's and 3 controls to adjust the facial structure. Plus little decorations like tattoos and bionics and how what little of your shirt that you can see looks. So chances are you'll look different in some way. Once you get in you can do anything you want. The only drawback is time. Like I chose to be a miner. Now to alot of people that sounds majorly boring, even my friend who started at the same time said that. But hey, I'm currently 19mil richer than he is . Currently Im trying to learn refinery 5 (skills work on a scale of 1-5) which is going to take me 8 RL days to learn.
What you want to do in your first week or so or even before you play is check out the website and make a plan on what you want to do with your character. Personally my goal is to get to a mining barge and rack in the cash. But I also have a side plan to run a covert ops ships with alot a skills in missiles. So I'm looking at every skill I'll need for both of those and deciding which is the best route to take first.
And don't worry too much about player killer's. When I first joined I heard tons of horror stories about the open rvr and swore to never leave 1.0 space but within time I poked my head out and even dared to go into a 0.2 system with nothing more than a destroyer with basic gear in it. I've actually have had more trouble in my current home of a 0.7 system but I have a awesome corp that comes in with 3-15 ships when someone tries to pick on lil noobish me.
Just remember, this game takes time on everything and will take time to grow into it. So far I think it's been really fun
Now recruiting:
If you want to avoid "bullying" and also don't want to play the Industry/Trade/Economy game then I'm afraid all you have left is NPCing till the cows come home.
If you think you have a "right" to be wherever you happen to be, this game is not for you. Others can push you out or get in your business, undercut you, steal things from your container, declare war on your corporation.
This is a pvp game from the word go, there is no non-consentual pvp game in eve UNLESS you stay in your starter corp and just NPC in .5+, and even then people can try to steal stuff from your loot cans and you CAN be attacked anywhere, but the cops will pwn your attacker.
You just seem like one of those people who thinks they have rights and are entitled to be anywhere with your "bully" comment.
I don't think you have what it takes to be successful in Eve.