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N3 ~ Interviews with a Content Designer...

Kwip and NeenerNeener.Net is back, and with interviews!

Allan Maki, a Content Designer for Lord of the Rings: Online at Turbine, Inc. Allan’s a hilarious guy, and we probably could’ve talked about George RR Martin books alone for several hours. However, we were professional, and instead talked about important things, like Boffer Larping, Settlers, and Death Tank.

If you want to learn more about Lord of the Rings: Online, you’re at the wrong spot. However, if you want to hear some hilarious tales of spleen loss, click here. Enjoy!

Sanya Weathers (Thomas), the Internet Relations Manager for Mythic Entertainment. Sanya rocks, to put it simply. She’s an absolutely hilarious maniac, and I love chatting with her. And chat with her I do, as we wander away from games to discuss crotch kicks, balcony parties and Kiss vs Gwar.

In my endless pursuit to prove that I’m nothing even close to a real gaming journalist, we don’t discuss any juicy bits on either DAoC or WAR. But Sanya is so much damn fun to talk to, I love hearing her many and sordid tales. It’s my pleasure to share some of these with you now. Enjoy!

Nik Davidson, Systems Designer on Lord of the Rings: Online at Turbine, Inc. To celebrate the occasion of our first developer interview, I decided not to wear pants the entire time. I think it makes the interviews that much more interesting… Anyone that’s been to an ACPL since their inception knows Nik. He’s a great guy, very funny, and besides being a designer is also a hard-core table-top gamer with all SORTS of great stories (some of which I strong-arm him into telling).

If you’re looking for exclusive info on LotR:O, you’re going to be disappointed. I didn’t hold Nik’s feet over the fire about anything - he’s not just another pretty PR device, so I wanted to get some insight into him as a person rather than a developer. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Although he DOES finally explain where the infamous Drudge Dance came from…

And to kick off his interviews - Justin “Kaigon” Parks, cartoonist. Yes, he’s obviously a friend, but the interview format is the way I’ve decided to go with the N3RDCasts. I’m not famous in the MOG world, not a shaker nor a mover (unless you’re talking about when I fall down…), but I DO know a lot of people - really interesting people - in the MOG world. And most of them are really fun to talk to, and (hopefully) I can share some of the pleasure I get talking to these people with you. And if we happen to talk about a current or future MOG they’re working on - hey, all the better!

They’re not all going to be cartoonist friends of mine, of course. Kaigon made a good ‘test subject’ because: A) He’s a funny guy, and I love his comic (as you should too, suckah!), and B) he knows what an idiot I am so he’s more than willing to put up with my struggles as I attempt to figure out how to work that there computery thingy.

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