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Or do things seem to be dying down a lot more, not only here, but on the HJ forums also?
I'm going to go clean up a dead rat now.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
I've noticed it too. I attribute it to the lack of official announcements or new information.
Well then we do what is done when there's no new information on a subject.
We start rumours!
By the way, did you know that HJ Royce is actually the third grandson of President Carter and that he's a secret advisor to the CIA?
Yeah for real!
It's amazing though, the scewed view that some people get of a product when there's no 'out there' DDO style advertising.
I was talking to a friend earlier this eve about coming MMOs (and [Total War:] Medievil 2! OMG check that out!), and when I mentioned I was hanging out for this game he said "Meh, why do you want to play another Guild Wars?"
After doing a o.O for a couple of minutes, I asked him what the hell he was talking about, and as far as he knew, HJ was going to be just another completely instanced DDO/GW type game etc.
That got me thinking as to what/when Simu were going to start plugging HJ to a wider audience. I honestly believe this game can be the next step up for the WoW people who are craving something a lot more involved without the inevitable grind of Vanguard etc.
This game has huge potential in my opinion.
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
Just 2 quick things here...
1) I am related to "Daisy Duke"... somehow.
2) We are going to E3 again this year (along with some of the offsite GM's... like myself, I hope). This is by far one of the best forums for showcasing a product.
We also have you guys and gals and places like Word of mouth is VERY VERY powerful. It can make (WoW) or Break (SWG) a game.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
I am a member of several German and French forums about roleplay and mmorpgs and I spent the last weeks with promoting Hero's Journey there. Simutronics is a well-known company in the englishspeaking area, but it's quite unknown here (Heros Journey, too) in Germany. There is no existing German (or French, etc.) community at all (except of Mystics Network). I noticed that most of the players in the englishspeaking community are roleplayers or at least are interested in roleplay. The community seems to be very mature and mmorpg-experienced.
And so I am trying to build up a similar community here. As I wouldn't like to meet L33t kiddies of WoW, who destroyed any possible atmosphere on the RP-Servers. I wouldn't call myself a hardcore roleplayer, because I am not "killing" a RP beginner for being ooc, but I am really annoyed at people who actually want to destroy the atmosphere. I played for over 6 years Pen&Paper roleplay games (and after that several mmorpgs) (like Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu, Das schwarze Auge, AD&D and Earthdawn) and I know how everything started and what failures a beginner can make.
I am currently writing a roleplay guide for the Hero's Journey Mystics website.
I agree with you, but I think there's also a need for a professional online presentation with trailers and stuff like that. And the new wonderful Hero's Journey website is a way attaining this goal.
I mean what would you think about a game when you take a first glance at the homepage and you see that the latest news entry (I overdraw the situation a bit) is about a month old and the screenshots are from the first half of the year? I think you would probably think that this game is dead. Some where even asking me this after looking on the old homepage of Hero's Journey and I needed to convince them that everything is going well with this game.
I think that the people are happy even about the smallest information they can get about the game. That includes lore information (about creatures, concept art, screenshots and even well created trailers). They need to be thrilled. This game will have to compete against games like Age of Conan, Vanguard and so on. From knowing most of the things mentioned by the official and unofficial FAQ I would say it is on a good way.
P.S.: In the hope of seeing a new lore section soon. I forgot to save the informations of the old and we are discussing at the moment the translation of things like "Sundering" into German. Ironically this word is akin with the old high German word "suntaron". But even the meaning suntaron wouldn't be the best option.
Hero's Journey Mystics
Great post Amlaith. I'm sure we will keep things like this in mind.
My question is this,
I forgot to save the informations of the old and we are discussing at the moment the translation of things like "Sundering" into German. Ironically this word is akin with the old high German word "suntaron". But even the meaning suntaron wouldn't be the best option.
Can you explain why suntaron isn't the best option? Is there a new "modern" meaning to this now?
Simutronics Staff (GM)
The term Old High German (In German: Althochdeutsch) refers to the earliest stage of the German language and it conventionally covers the period from around 500 to 1050.
So a German, who actually wouldnt refering himself as a German (and that is a long story... ), in that period would have used suntaron.
Theres no existing word like suntaron today. By the meaning of to sunder and suntaron "Trennung" would be the nearest. But "Trennung" refers mostly to things like "Silbentrennung" (syllabication) or Die Trennung von Kind und Frau. (The separation from child and wife.) That means two or more things become separated. Separated in a clean, sterile manner. Like a transection.
But when I think of what has happened to Elanthia, than I wouldnt use Trennung, because Trennung is a bit too harmless. There are great forces beyond such a process, the ground is quaking, it opens chasms and so on. Its like a burst. But Sprengung (explosion, but in Sprengung also has the meaning of blasting) also doesnt satisfy me. At the moment I think what someone in our team proposed is the best possible translation: Zersplitterung (split but its a bit more complicated, because we can use the words Zersplitterung or Sprengung in a different way than split or explosion. Of course the primary meaning of it is split or explosion. ) Well, at last I think we will have to move between the mentioned words above, because there isnt a single word that would suit in every context.
Hero's Journey Mystics
I just felt like telling you all that when I said I had to clean up a dead rat, I had to literally do it.
It was just fur and bones when I got to it though.
But man does my trash smell now.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Ewww had it liquified?
At the moment I think what someone in our team proposed is the best possible translation: Zersplitterung (split but its a bit more complicated, because we can use the words Zersplitterung or Sprengung in a different way than split or explosion. Of course the primary meaning of it is split or explosion. :::: ) Well, at last I think we will have to move between the mentioned words above, because there isnt a single word that would suit in every context.
I vote you do what I do in such situations. Make up your own word!! Therefore, I vote for:
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
Who allowed the gnomes from New Zealand to enter this topic?! *help*
In World of Warcraft they always tried to make my nightelf hunter going insane...they threw explosives, they shrunk me to gnome size, they nearly killed me with their rocket boots, they waked my nightelf up with their alarm bots, they bothered me with their battle chickens, controlled my thoughts with their mind control cap ("You are a are a trout...") and finally they shot on me with their gnomish death ray... *snief*
But after all I was a member of the first gnomish rebellion in Ironforge on the German RP Server Die silberne Hand as a nightelf and I became a honorary gnome, probably the largest living gnome ever seen in Azeroth.
Ahhh, because of the gnomes my nightelf was addicted to cherry grog.... (Long live Bruuk Barleybeard of Ironforge!) All my guild members (especially the austrians...*grin*) were addicted to cherry grog and they've asked me already if there will be any chance to see cherry grog in Hero's Journey.
Hero's Journey Mystics
*wonders where the Gnome and the New Zealand references came from.. o.O... but is in full support of cherry grog!!*
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
I mixed them up...sorry *grin* *begs your pardon thousand times*
Must be the cherry grog... or the halflings from New Zeal...ehm...Lord of the Rings...
But getting back on topic. The forums both here and on Simu's site go in cycles. Every time there is new information the community gets excited and starts talking. Take a look at how active these forums and the simu ones were right after E3 when HJ was getting all the rave reviews and people were seeing the demo video.
It'll pick up for a few days after the next Q & A. I think as HJ gets closer to release and as more info gets put out... that the excitement levels will rise.
It is actually very unsual for me to anticipate a game before we even know when beta is. Normally, I'll just have fun playing whatever it is that I'm playing until beta or the launch of the game.
Humility before Honor.
<pats Ru on the head>
Ok no more Starbucks for you young Jedi. Now hand over your light sabre and go sit in the corner...go on now!
But seriously. Just because you don't SEE us working, doesn't mean we aren't You'll get your game and I promise it'll be worth the wait. Now get to the corner! What you thought I forgot?!
Add Cinnamon and stir....
Not to take a serious out of a topic meant in mirth, but whats with the recent trend of people demanding an open beta? Why have people come to think of it as their free trial period? The open beta isn't there for you to try out the game, no commitments, its there for the Devs to get some much needed testing done before the game offically launches. Once a game is live, THEN you get your free trial.
/steps off of soap box
Greetings all,
I'm awake at the oddest hours during the week. And I can honestly say that, no matter what time, day or night, weekend or week day, there are people logged in and working on Hero's Journey. I really don't think any other MMORPG development crew can say that. they have a 24/7 team. To suggest that everyone working on HJ is slacking... well, nothing can be further from the truth.
Yes, news of Hero's Journey has been out for some time now. My guess is to get the player community involved sooner, rather than later, in its design so that the game can contain as many player-wanted options as possible. The thing that should NOT be done, at this point, is a rush-job and rush the game to market without all the promised goods in tact. I've seen several MMORPG's do this in the past, and they've busted pretty badly.
Hero's Journey will be released when it is ready, and not before. To release the game any sooner would be a disservice to the players.
"An area decorated in blood, is an area decorated with love."
- HJ-Rowell
Former Simutronics Staff (ASGM)
Hero's Journey - World Building Team