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abunch of questions

xephedrinexephedrine Member Posts: 62

I have just started this game and i have a few questions answered if i wanna continue playing it

Is there p2p? whats the best class and race for p2p or just best overall.

btw what should i put my points into if im a barbarian warrior. so far im level 15 and put alot into str


  • relaxinfanrelaxinfan Member Posts: 3

    There is a PK Zone in Knight Online (USKO). The Orc side and Human sides are both equal. But that also depends on the server you play on. Some servers have more Orcs than Humans for wars. Also, in Jap KO, all points are identical between races.

    With a Warrior, you will want to use STR bonus and eventually add in HP bonus up to 94 when you are lvl 60+.

    Usually when you pk in Knight Online, you are level 60 or above. Pretty much all classes are good for pk if you know how to properly design them correctly to your likings and what is convenient for you. Here is my brief breakdown of all the classes. I will try to just cover the main points that draw people to use certain professions. I hope this helps.


    Warriors tend to be more of a needy class and are also the most expensive class to use. They have limited skills to benefit themselves in battle besides attacks and they rely more on other characters of different professions for leveling/pking with things such as buffs/heal and STR bonus 15 from priests, Blood of Wolf (attack boost), Swift (increased speed by 150%) from Rogues or the occasional elemental resistances from a Magician depending upon their elemental profession. However, upon reaching level 60, a warrior is very useful for everyone with abilities to tank the toughest enemies and bosses in the game with proper healing from high level priests which can drop very expensive items, weapons, etc.

    Rogues - Assassin

    A profession that many players love by choice. One reason being, on level 55, rogue assassins get a skill known as, "Spike" which inflicts 600% damage in a single blow. However, I believe you should never become an assassin until you are level 60+ or ready to go pk'ing and you're at a level of your likings. I believe keeping your rogue as an archer can be more cost efficient as only needing one weapon. The rogue archer can also defeat enemies from a distance such as different forms of 'Uruks' which give out good experience which cannot be effectively done as well with the assassin. Players also like the ability to use the, 'stealth' skill for assassins to quickly attack and get out for some quick national points (earned for each kill). Another big key role assassins play is their ability to quickly combo attack an enemy by some easily learnable techniques. Rogues in general also have light feet, which increases your overall speed by 200% I believe making them the fast runners in the game.

    Rogue - Archers

    A great profession for leveling. Archers can be inexpensive and reliable for leveling if they buy a decent bow and stay paper (pure dexterity). An very effective bowman usually tries to get to level 63 or 64 to max their dexterity stat out with 255 so they can put their upcoming leveling stats into hp to get better armor. A very effective strategy that a lot of people overlook. Archers can be good in pk with high damage at lvl 60+ with a no fail arrow attack called, "Shadow Hunter" at level 60.

    Priest - Battle Priest

    Battle Priests are my profession of choice. You can buff, debuff and heal (depending upon the 2 skills you pick - e.g. primary - buffs secondary - heal). Healing yourself lowers your use of potions moving from one enemy to the next of course. If you have the proper gear, your attack goes off the charts. You can have more attack than a warrior if you setup your stats correctly and have good gear. BP's also have the ability to play with their equipment to get more focus on their resistances to other classes because of their low defense and insane attack. You can modify your guy to your likings for pk'ing and leveling.

    Priest - Full Healer

    Not a version of the priest I suggest. You are more of a support character than any other class. The usual setup for a full healer is Heal/Debuff and you pretty much wear high level gear that in return lowers your attack tremendously for a priest and you need partys to get decent exp. Personally, I do not suggest this class to anyone unless you have alot of friends that play all the time and you are really high lvl.

    Magician - Paper

    Great class for leveling and making money. Very cheap armor and weapons. Great for pk'ing at level 60+ by using certain types of AOE Nova spells against hordes of enemies. Magicians however have low defense and can be easily killed without buffs. Casting often fails if you are hit while trying to cast. Alot of mages can be used for farming to AOE many low lvl creatures for a good amounts of gold at a time. My only objection to mages, is usually a need to be with other mages because of the everso spiking Rogue Assassins who thirst for a solo mage that they can run up and spike and kill in very few hits.

    Magician - Classic

    Classic mages or also mages using their INT stat for better armor rather than having the intense attack of paper characters I would suggest is only good if you have really great and expensive gear at lvl 60+. Paper characters are always better for leveling up to 60. It's not a bad idea to become a classic mage from their on as enemies get tougher, and they hit harder, and defense and hp becomes key to your survival at high level. Bad for low lvl characters.

  • shad0wduckshad0wduck Member Posts: 33

    10.infind answers here:


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