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Do you guys think i should buy this game?
I like a game with very good graphics, high population, none stop quests, exiting pvp, i also like the idea of leveling up trade skills to gain tons of money to collect rare items, armour and stuf
if not which other games besides Wow have this kinda of thing
1. Graphics are great, probably the best youll see in an MMO
2. Very big population at higher levels, lower area's deserted right now.
3. PvP is very exciting due to XP lose and possible equipment loss. Castle sieges are intense.
4. Good crafting system, but its basically a Dwarf Only thing. There arnt to many super rare items in the game, only hard to obtain recipes/main mats. make them rare.
5. Quests...well they suck. Most of them do anyways. You dont get much at of them besides some extra cash and a good story hear and there. The upper level quests right now are important however, because it is the only way to get certain things required to craft the top grade equiment.
I was really interested in this game, the graphics look gorgeous.
But after some research, I think I'll avoid like the plague.
Bots/Farmers apparently runnning rampant, have ruined the economy, and from what I can tell, NCSoft doesn't care one bit.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
actly they just making Math prices, repice prices cheaper Teon has the most bots but also has Cheaper prices then other servers hehe, the problem with em Was they where taking log in spots, aldo now it seems to be fixed that you can log in at any moment ^_^, but they still taking up hunting spots witch can be kinda annyoing...
The graphics are gorgeous.
I think the problem with the support from NCsoft is that they just dont really have any control over this game in terms of updating it or taking North America's player's suggestions.
Lineage 2 has like 3-4 million subscriptions, but probably just 50,000 or so of those are from the states. Whereas Lineage games are a household name in Korea, I really doubt NCSoft can do much to the game, and probably do what the Koreans tell them.