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Quests in WoW

BrabusBrabus Member Posts: 52
Hi, I just bought WOW and well I'm kinda disappointed about the quests.  Until now I've only received kill 10 this or kill 20 that.  Are most quests in WOW like this or is there some story to it? I am asking because I cant convince my wife to even look at it after she saw these kind of quests. 


  • m1ndgamem1ndgame Member Posts: 17
    Keep following the quests until you get to level 6 or so.  They are introductory quests not meant to really further the story but to get you exp. to get the next leve and familiarize you w/ the game.  If you still feel that way after 9th or 10th level, drop the game like a bad habit. 
  • BrabusBrabus Member Posts: 52
    Thanks for providing hope and for the unbiased help. Thats rare thing here!
  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Take the time to read the quests too. Imo, Blizzard has done a fantastic job with story creation. Even though you'll continue to find quests that will tell you to collect x of this, kill x of that, the story lines in the quests can make them very fun and interesting.

    One of my favorite quest lines was to get attuned for the Onyxia raids.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • m1ndgamem1ndgame Member Posts: 17

    Thanks Brabus, and what IcoGames said.


  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    Still my favorite quest of all time is the Lazy Peons one in the Orc/Troll starting area ^^ Just a fun silly quest.

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

  • Bama1267Bama1267 Member UncommonPosts: 1,822
    My favorite so far is the lvl 60 Warlock mount quest. Pretty nicely done.
  • zeus88zeus88 Member Posts: 58

    Don't lose hope just yet! True at first the quests are rather pointless and boring, not much story behind them but the aim for them was to get you introduced to the game and your class. Once you pass your 10th level things get a little more interesting especially some class quests like that of the Druids, each one having it's own storyline.

    If you are into the story the important thing to do is to stay and read the entire quest as that's where the story lies. Some can be rather funny too such as the peons for the orcs or the Satyr for the Night Elves(follow up to Zen's Biddings where you turn him into a frog :) )

    I presume, since you like the story inside a game you are in a RP server, if not try that out! So far I have found few things more fun then having an RP group (guild) go inside an instance and RP all through the place. Hopefully your wife will change her mind about the game but if not, no biggie as I'm sure you can find a game you both like :)

  • AseenusAseenus Member UncommonPosts: 1,844

    theres nuthing wrong with wow quests man lol

  • jbdub1jbdub1 Member Posts: 52
    I think the quests are awesomestory wise, but biased posts wont help the person because he asked a good question(aseenus).  Like eveyrone else before said they are pointless at first because they want to get new people familiar with how the questing will work.  I think Blizzard did a good job with that.  They do get more interesting, but if they dont for u dont play if u dont want.
  • ShaydeShayde Member Posts: 4,529

    The lower level stuff are kinda lame, but they should be for noobs. The later ones are much more challenging and interesting.

    It really turned the corner for me at lvl 10. The instanced dungeons and such.

    Shayde - SWG (dead)
    Proud member of the Cabal.

    It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled :( - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
    I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.

  • Master_ShakeMaster_Shake Member Posts: 49

    aye *some of the quests start picking up quality wise at around lvl 10. but you still get quite a few "kill x amount of mobs and return" quests. the only difference is there is more story in between these type of quests in higher lvls compared to the noob quests.

    my favorite all-time quests have to be

    The Missing Diplomat (33)

    Hints of a New Plague? (36)

    Divino-matic Rod (47)

    and  The Battle of Darrowshire (60) series. this one actually almost made me cry the story was so nice.

    even tho like every MMO there are lots of quests thats only purpose is to get exp with hardly any story.. there still quite a few that got my adrenaline pumping. 




  • brihtwulfbrihtwulf Member UncommonPosts: 975
    I actually found the quests in WoW to be one of the best parts of the game.  There are many, and most of the them have at least a decent story to go along with them.  Quests can help keep you involved for a majority of your play in the game.  And they're the real source of exp that keeps your character levelling.  They help minimize any "grinding" you woul dneed to do which is unlike most MMOs where you just run around randomly killing things to add exp to your bar.
  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    let me see if i can remember some lowbie quests that are particularly interesting:

    -The satyr quest for NE has been mentioned already, continuing as a night elf, there is a quest in darkshore to slay a roaming ghost in Ameth'Aran and bring back the amulet to her husband. if you do it you have a very touching scene as the ghost of the wife appears and speak with her husband for a few minutes.

    -For horde, in the barrens there is a frenetic quest involving the Centaur leader chain. kill the last centaur leader and you trigger a full Centaur invasion when dozens of centaurs, orks and trolls battles it out with you in the middle. Can be very challenging. you have to slaughter them all until the big boss arrive, kill him and get a piece of the banner. really adrenaline pumping.

    - lowbie dwarves get to deliver ammo to the mortar squad and then can watch an hilarious scene including mortar shells, lousy marksman and "MORTAR COMBAT!!"

    - sometimes you can get quests from items or npc around the environment. Examples in low levels include the Farm deed that Defias people drops in Elwyn Forest, the wounded sentinel in Darkshore that ask you to keep at bay a bunch of furbolgs while she regain her strength, the lost dryad also in Darkshore, the wounded panther in Theldrassil, the downed gnome pilot in loch modan and so on.

    - Mulgore and the whole "test of MotherEarth" series is pretty entertaining, culminating in summoning a ghost wolf and following it around.

    - in Theldrassil there are strange purple glowing trees growing around (in 2 places) they give you quests to bring a frond and a fruit back to the guy next to the lake, that will proceed to plant them with interesting results.

    Well, i am sure other people can fill in with more lowbie quests with a twist

    have a nice day

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

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