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Yea, I see the post kinda like this one, but it's for Mudding and ideas along those lines (MUD's, while cool, are really not my cup of tea anymore).
Just looking for random input, wondering what you think would make people group more in MMO games. Wondering how long this thread will live before it dies :P 3 days max I think. Anyway...
To me, I think having loot/xp split amongst the group members would make me group more. The big reason I solo (other then bad teams) is cause I like to have all the loot. If a game split loot up so that each player got it, instead of only one person (meaning, if you find one...lets say...longsword. Each player got a longsword) that would definately get rid of that problem for me. Of course, this could be exploited, i'm sure. You would need to put codes into the items so that you cant trade them within your own group or something, a player that was with you in that group could never trade that specific item with stop players from making 5 accounts, partying up, and super farming ^^; Meh, maybe it's to complicated, but would be nice to not have to have everybody in the group tackle the one rare you want, even though they cant use it and just want it for cash.
That, and not having my xp's cut down because I want to be in a group. Yea, the theory of "less xp, but faster killing" works. In theory. But normally, you get a bad group, and having to fight stronger monsters just results in you dying trying to do your job while everybody else runs away cause they got scared.
Anyway, post your ideas, i'll see whats here (if anything I suppose) when I wake up ^_^ Night MMO peoples *chibi wave*
They had an interesting party system in ROSE. A party would gain levels the harder they level and the longer they level with each other, and each level would increase exp gained by 10%.
People group together because they want to play with friends or play with other players. I think game makers should allow players to do that on their free will rather than providing "incentives" to grouping. I'm an introverted person and loner in real life. I spend my free time in games so I can be on my own. The social issues with grouping and guilds can be overwhelming for us. We have real life for that. I get the feeling a substantial number of players are like that in games as well so you do see many people play on their own.
Actualy paul, funny you mention that :P that's the other reason I tend to avoid grouping. I have yet to see (unfortunately) an MMO that allows you to complete the game soloing. But then, if there was one, it would be way to easy for groups probobly. Would be nice, but...I doubt it will ever happen. Incentives for grouping though, are the only thing that would really make me want to group. I only (normally) tend to know 1-3 people in an online game, and that's it.
As for ROSE, yea, that wasn't a bad system. I played it for a while, but the gankers were horrible since there was no system im place to stop them at all.
Instead of splitting up the xp and money evenly among group members, award all the group members more xp and money than they would get if they were soloing. Of course you would probably want to make the mobs tough enough so that people would be forced to group. That way you don't have a lot of afkers reaping the rewards from the one guy that is actually fighting.
I know Shadowbane awarded players more xp when they were in a group compared to when they were solo. Almost everyone was in a group when killing mobs, especially in the newbie area.
Killer 86%, Socializer 53%, Explorer 33%, Achiever 26%
Grouping is so random it's hard to even know but, what usually works best is friends grouping together. That and advertising your name/stats/current quest.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.