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Small Question...

I seldom know much of MMORPGs going on in the background, I've had my fun with Star War Galaxies, City of Heroes, WoW and tried out EVE.

Now before I tried EVE out I had no idea how it was set out, and I myself absolutely love creating a character, making myself a pretty evil looking Sebiestor I was very disheartened to find that I would never really 'see' my character. So I was wondering...

Are there any neo-noirish, cyber punky MMOs out there? With a niceish character design, or are there any in development? I hope that perhaps someone will be able to tell me of one, though I have my hopes set low :) Anything closely related it gladly invited.

"We could walk right by and she wouldn't be able to stop us."
"Unless we were wearing uh.. metal belt buckles. Then we'd stick to her..."
"In my plan we are beltless"
"Wow!" - Andrew, Johnathen and Warren, Storyteller

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