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Crafting in Rf?

goron24goron24 Member Posts: 5

Iv played SWG and wow and a handfull of other MMORPGs and i can say i do not mind grinding mob after mob after mob rather than doing stupid quests. but i love the fact that in SWG where most of the good gear and weapons in fact all of it is player made is it so in RF online?image


  • SquallFFVIIISquallFFVIII Member Posts: 6

    In rf online with no crafters there would be a lot of problems to say the least.

    Crafters on RF can make Ammo Armors Weapons and so on. The ammo made by crafting can do a lot more dmg than normal ammo and higher level armor doesnt seem to drop too often thuis for level 50 armor and so on crafters will most likely be a neccessity.

    So yes crafting on RF will be a big part of the game.

  • BearprobeBearprobe Member Posts: 12

    Crafting is the only thing I don't like about RFO. Othewrwise I absolutely LOVE this game!

    (My ideas for changes at bottom)

    The game, as it is now, doesn't reward you for hard work.

    first of all, you can't craft intense items or magical items (i.e you can't make masterpieces from other games) and theese are the items the community wants. They will always visit the auction house and look up intense items, ask on every /Map chat before they adress a crafter about their "problem".

    I thought life was going to be great as a crafter since there are no vendors anywhere that sell armor or weapons after level 30. So I leveled up a Specialist on the Bellato side. And I have to say something here. I've read posts from people complainng about the game. They must have played for one day or raced their way to level 30 and gimped most of their PTs (PT's are what makes you viable in this game, not your level and people who claim otherwise have NOT played a char that actually HAS maxed PT's)
    Anyhoo, I soloed myself to level 30 Maxed out ALL of my combat PT's and crafted alot along the way.

    (it's nice to have maxed PT's. When you see a Cora one shotting someone 1 level higher than you and when said Cora starts working on you. He deals 5% damage from every spell. So MAX your PT's people!)

    I had read that the Craftsman class get 35+ PT points to all their crafting skills which sounded nice.
    Before making the class change I had:
    Weapon & Shield crafting PT up to 32/99
    Armor crafting PT 21/99
    Ammo crafting PT 30/99

    So I made the class change. and I was amazed that I didn't get the 35+ points. After the change I had:
    Weapon & Shiled 49/99
    Armor 42/99
    Ammo 47/99
    Which kinda sucked given others that went craftsman at lower crafting PT's than I had got a bigger boost percentage wise.

    So my sugestion to all the crafters out there: Stock up on all the materials you find and wait with crafting until you have made your class change so you don't get dissapointed.

    I was going to play a Specialist --> craftsman --> mentalsmith in retail but after finding out that there is no chanse of making Intense or magical gear when crafting, no "perks" with lowered fees when processing ore etc. Makes this non combat class feel very boring. Sure you can put up Guard towers using some gems you find when processing. But players can easily out heal themself and take them out if needed. or just stay out of range from them. So they are not that much of a welcomed surprise eighter.
    You are much better off going Driver and play around with the M.A.U. and grind your Crafting Manually without the classchange boost. Takes a bit longer, but you'll have more fun with your character since it will be viable in more ways than 1 at higher levels.

    After leveling and playing this game My conclusions are that I absolutely LOVE this game.
    I've played Daoc for 5 years and all of the other popullar MMOS for a few years. And this games blows me away. I just wont be playing a craftsman in retail.
    I'll be going Warrior --> Miller --> Shield Miller instead.

    Something that I would like to see changed with the crafting classes in RFO are:

    * Let level 30 crafters have a small % to create Intense or magical items.
    * Lower processing fees a little for 30+ crafters
    * Let them have more sell slots on the Auction house.
    * Do an overhaul on the guard towers. Make them feared instead of a nuisance that are easily taken care of.

    Well, just my 2 Dalents on the subject.



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