I'm kinda new here and as Runescape is the best mmorpg ever created, why doesn't this site have a seperate forum for this game I mean come on. I was looking at the ratings and they weren't so good for Runescape. So i was wondering if anyone would back me up that Runescape needs its own forum? THX
Runescape first off is not good.
1.They fake how many people are in a server
2.They make free servers bad, and they have paid servers ok
3.AFWUL GRAPHICS these are 1996 graphics and yet people still pay
4.5 dollars a month is quite expensive for a shitty game like this
6.One year with this costs more than Xbox live,PS2 online, so its a rip off
7.Not fun at all
8.Medicore quests
9.Not enough to do as free member
10.Not enough to do as paying member
11.Not even 3d graphics(Yes it may seem like 3d but its a frame by frame which means its really 2d
runescape sucks
you got a few very good points.
i played runescape before, and i really liked it, but after like 6 months its boring as hell, and thats not all, i have been permamently banned because i was hacked, wtf?
then i get this jagex bullshiters: you have been permamently banned for attempting to steal someone's account, thank you.
the graphics are horrible, thats true!
to the guys who played runescape> have you played world of warcraft?
do you actualy know what graphics are?
lmao... the textures are probably made in paint...
i know a 38 year old man who plays runescape and who lost hes job because of playing runescape instead of doing hes work, how sad is that?
the report abuse system is worthless, people get permamently banned for being hacked and losing over 3 million gp (me).
in my opinion, is runescape one of the most worthless mmorpg ever made.
to jagex: next time you make an 'mmorpg', use stones to program with and make another ancient graphics 'mmorpg' oh and dont forget to ban people right after they register so only you can play it.
(just made opinion )
your definatly a runescaper, if someone is against runescape you hear runescape guru's like you saying: go get a life!
ive seen that allot in runescape.
its really sad to say that and it makes yourself sound like a real 'runescapian noob', like they say in 'runescape'.
So get a life and learn the game ur talkin about b4 u dis? and your the one argueing over a crapy web browers game
Go PLay runescape if u think its so bad then reply after u get addicted 2 it and love it. I know there are some people that back me up.
Yo Dekron I did make i suggest that was to have a runescape forum then it all added up into this mayhem. Very Sorry Dekron.
i think you guys are starting to swear now, lets just be clear, ok?
to the guys who 'love' runescape, lets face it, runescape is a good game, but tell me the truth, don't you get bored of playing it after one year? everyday, same people, same quests, same updates, bad graphics (maybe you are happy with the graphics but the graphics are really old) same monsters like in every other mmorpg, and that everyday, 7 days a week... please tell me the truth before you start swearing at people because they don't waste their time playing runescape, now i dont say YOU waste your time playing runescape, but there ARE people who do, you should know that.
ive played runescape before and i really liked it, but then i realised whats so extremely wrong with it, the people who love it can't understand this but maybe later they will, believe me, i had the same problem.
and im quite happy i got rid of 5 hours a day wasting my time on a game, now, im trying to make good animations in photoshop and imageready, and i try to make a good flashy site in dreamweaver 8, instead of playing runescape, afte playing it like 8 months, i consider runescape boring and the graphics are HORRIBLE, the only thing i liked was the music (lol) and there are so many bad things about runescape, but i didnt realise this when i played it, so i can understand the guys who do play it, now dont swear me off, its just my opinion
jdhsnake42, try not to swear at people with their own opinion, who do you think you are to come by and swear at someone who trys to make something clear? think again, you might grow up this way you know...
no offence.
The purpose of this forum is for site suggestions, not to argue whether or not Runescape is a great game or not. Also, please be respectable to other users when posting.
Thank You.