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Hi all,
I've decided to try WoW, and have read information on the different forums about it, but I still can't decide which char would be best for me.
I will be playing solo, and don't really want to have to stop and recover after each fight, so will I need a char which has a healing spell, or can you use pots to recover hp? As I will never party, I will need a char which can tank fairly well.
Thanks in advance.
tank fairly well.... got healing spells... i would say you are describing a Paladin. Or a Shaman. both can tank fairly well and have healing spells. the paladin is more defensive, takes more to kill enemies but they have an harder time to kill you while the shaman is way more offensive. Can deal more damage but is also less tough.
They are quite good at surviving in PvE. So if that is what you want, go for it.
As for downtime, it is almost non-existant even for other classes as you can get cheap (or even do it yourself or conjure it if you a mage) food. You eat food when you are wounded and your hit points blazes to maximum in few seconds. same thing with mana and drinks.
Potions do exists but they are for combat emergency healing as you can drink one only every 3 minutes.
Hunters and Warlocks also are pretty good at soloing tanks to their pet, Rogues can solo pretty well thanks to the fact they have gazillion tricks to get the heck out if something goes wrong, Druids are also good at soloing being three classes in one (priest/warrior/rogue).
So left are mage, priests and warriors. of these three, i believe priests have the worst problems, but if you spec shadow you can also survive decently well, but they are clearly a more group oriented class (any priest get normally a good 2-3 calls to instances every time she gets in the game)
Hope it helps somewhat. have a nice day.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Thanks for the quick reply, was just what I was looking for. I'll either chose a paladin or shamen then, but I think paladin will be my first choice
All the classes have their strengths & weaknesses, though the priest deffo has the most mana problems, but if u want max solo play & min downtime, I'd recomend the hunter. Great class (& I've played most) for solo, and great for the odd BG too.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
If you like soloing without downtime hunter/rogue would be my bet. As a rogue you only have to stop for a quick bandage and you're back killing mobs. It's in my oppinion the fastest grinder and non elite quests are very fun and easy to do if you know how to.
Havent played a high lvl hunter but from what ive heard and seen they are very good at soloing, because their pets can actually tank *cough* warlock. Feign death with 30sec cooldown is a life saver too.
Out of all the classes warlock was my favorite though even because of the boring grind to 60 (They can handle almost anything solo though). I have so many spells and tactics available it's great. Think i have about 30 spells/items binded on my keyboard at the moment that i use in pvp which keeps the game interesting for me
Oh, and healing spells arent needed if you like to spend time soloing since every class has some crowd control or escape skill. And then theres the first aid profession to make bandages which i recommend for every class.
Mine is HUman..well, it is best for me!
if u want a good tank with good dmg, warrior is best... if u want to both tank and heal, paladin is what i recommend, if u only wanna heal, try a priest/druid, all classes i mentioned are cool but with weaknesses... warriors cant heal (and cooldown for pots are REAL slow), paladins have low atk after a while, priests/druids cant tank (druids can nuke tho)... see which suits u best
Before you start a paladin, think about what you want out of the class. You can melee and go ret but people will laugh at you. You can go holy, and you'll mainly be support.
Either way, paladins are treated like dirt. TPeople will yell and scream at you for buffs and heals, yet few will thank you. Winning in Battlegrounds? Why yes, thanks to all the warriors and rogues. Ignore the healing pallies please, they're of no consequence. Losing? WHOAMG THAT IDIOT IN PLATE DID NOT HEAL ME EVEN THOUGH I WAS SUICIDAL ENOUGH TO CHARGE INTO 5 HORDE PLAYERS!!!11shift. And don't let me start on raid experience.
I would suggest going for another class, but it seems that you've made up your mind so...enjoy your journey. And yes, my main is a lv 60 Paladin. I wish that you'll meet nice people who will understand your place as a hybrid.