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SFNN presents a Startrek Game -Terra Nova 1.1 FULL, massively multiplayer online RPG

to be honest im not sure after looking at your site whether this game falls under the same category (as its browser based but still mmorpg), anyways...


i've just finished finishing the full version of Terra Nova, the new game set in the Star Trek universe.
this game was actually written because i used to play BNT (black nova traders) a long time ago (maybe a year and a half?) and loved it, but wanted a game in the startrek universe, I started tweaking BNT but decided i'd start my own project instead of branching off from the BNT codebase.

heres the spiel of the game anyway

Welcome to Terra Nova

The alpha quadrant.. a place of law and order. Patrolled by Federation, Romulan and Klingon as well as many other sentient species. You were brought up on earth, a civilian, with limited resources you managed to get yourself a small craft and make your way into space. Now it's up to you to scratch a living peddling goods, to become a mercenary and collect bounties, a pirate? or maybe to join the military and get command of your own starship, the choice is yours. Welcome to Terra Nova.

Anyway, aswell as being a ship-command style game, it's also a good empire builder and features:

* Multiple Playable Races
* Multiple Ship Classes
* Ship Upgrading
* Colonies
* Alliances


anyway, im not very good at describing things so check out the info thread here, as it's launching tonight at 9pm GMT
info thread:


Best Regards,
-head programmer/admin

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