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OK, I could use a little help in finding fun things to do in Eve. I've tried to find a fun for noobs guide in the Eve forums, but no joy.
the story so far - I've started a free account, and generated a Caldari combat pilot. The first two nights I went through the tutorial, then I went through the first agent missions, and it was dull, but I stuck with it. Last night I decided to go looking for some action. A mate suggested that I find a Navy agent, and get lots of kill quests, but I haven't found one yet. I went pirate hunting, warping from one asteriod belt to another is search of action, but 90% of the time they were empty, and even when I found some they were a joke, I dicked on them with my Merlin. So I went to the lowest sec system nearby (0.6) where there was a bit more action, but the rats were still pathetic & I could kill them 3 at a time (they gave me a little trouble with my locks though). When my hold was full I went back & ran a few agent missions delivering general crap.
Now I have a mates account. he has about 15 Mil SP's but little equipment. I wanted to get a bit more practice under my belt before I start using him. And I wasn't going to join Eve uni with my free a/c as I'm gonna ditch that char after a week or so.
I'm not wild about going into low sec space where another player can swat me out of the sky in passing just to liven up his journey. It would take me quite a while to replace the loss.
There's no point is even thinking about PvP three days into the game. And everything that the game has shown me to so far is pretty dull.
So what should I do to spice this up a bit? Is there a Caldari Navy Agent that will talk to a noob and give me kill missions that will be a good challange? Do I just have to put up with tedium until I get more experienced?
This isn't a flame thread, I really do want a few pointers on where to find the juice in this game, and if a couple of you are feeling generous with your time, you should put together a fun for noobs guide for the eve forums. A sticky there would help new blood come into the game & stay. I did see the posting here about going pirating on the 14day trial, but trying to chase down defenseless ships doesn't sound like what I'm looking for.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
This is honestly a difficult one for me to help you with, due to your wording, but I will try. Sorry it is so long, hopefully it will be of some help. I find it difficult not to write long replies.
Firstly, I think your making a mistake using someones 15mill SP char, when you have only been playing the game for 3 days. Using his 15mill SP char will not help you enjoy the game any better. All it will really allow you to do is lose large amounts of money faster, or get bored faster. This is because the ships and missions your capable of with a 15mill char, chances are, will be expensive to replace, the missions will be hard, and without experience you will simply die. You know this already, but just to make it clear.
If you can, join a corp with your own char, who can then show you the ropes (EvE Uni being a good choice) and then switch back over to the 15mill char at a later date when you have a much better idea of what your doing, will prob be the best bet, if your really determined to use the 15mill char.
Your bright enough to realise that you don't have the experience to go into lower sec space until you know what your doing. You also seem to have got a good enough grip on the game to deal with belt rats down to 0.5 (they are little different from the ones in 0.6). Get used to wiping out 3 or 4 at a time though. If you really did get into missions, and got up even to a level 2 agent, you will be killing upwards of 20 of them. By the way, you may have to warp thru the belts, one after the other, and then go back through them for the 'rats to appear. You first jump through will activate them, so they are back by the time you go through again. The challenges from belt ratting come in 0.4 and lower. Then you start getting cruiser spawns and a few frigates, and more, as you get lower. Individually the ships are not much of a challenge, but together they can be difficult.
It is simple enough to find a Navy agent, and you will have access to at least a lvl 1 agent right off the bat. If your lucky you might even have a lvl 2 agent. A poor quality lvl 2 agent is till better than a higher quality lvl 1 agent.
Goto people and places, search under corp, and type in Caldari Navy, goto Agent info tab and choose either Security or Internal Security. From the available list to you, choose the nearest/best one and off you go. Make a temporary base for yourself at that agent.
Truthfully though you need to ask yourself "What do I **want** to do?" You didn't say this, so this is what makes it so veryhard to help you more. What is it you want to do?
Only when you answer this will you be able to get the direction your really looking for, and if you simply don't know yet, join that corp till you can figure it out. You might even consider joining it with that 15mill char, or another corp, so long as you explain how new you are despite having 15mill SP under you, they can show you the ropes, and hopefully the corp will then get a good 15mill char to their cause, and you will know what your doing a bit more. Hopefully you will have fun along the way. The 15 mill char will allow you to have more choices in waht your able to do (depending where those 15mill are allocated) but really, that is all it will do for you. If those 15mill are all in combat, and you want to be a builder/miner/industry guy, your screwed and may as well start from scratch, or take him in a totally different direction. Hopefully he will already have his learning skills sorted out so that will save you a lot of time switching to waht you choose to do. Again, very hard for me to say without knowing .
I have posted here before that unless you can get enjoyment (or at the very least tolerate) solo play, even if you join the biggest, best corp out there, there are going to be times you will struggle. Joining a corp is generally the best way to get the best out of the game. Doing all this solo can be fun, but I don't think it ever will be for you. You need to get in a corp asap, hope it's a good one, and hopefully find your fun then.
One last note, or maybe it is more of an observation. I might be wrong so please don't take offence, it is not meant to be insulting. You have given me the impression that your really trying to run before you can walk, and I'm guessing you want to use the 15mill sp char to fast track into the higher end corp/alliance/mission/PvP/trade/whatever side of EvE your looking for and skip the "boring" bit at the start. Nothing wrong with that as such, but really there is no way around "putting your time in".
This is really a great example of why SP doesn't matter too much in this game. It doesn't matter how much SP you have, you either get into it or you don't, and your either having fun or your not. You can take part in higher end PvP as a tackler for a corp within a few days really, so there is no restriction from an SP point of view as to what you can really do if you focus on that goal. I guess this is hard to explain until you have actually been in the game a few months to truly look back and understand this. It has been said so many times, but people still don't get it, and most never will until after the fact. It is only after playing the game for a while you look back and think "You know what? That guy was right after all"
I thought the same when I started, and I now look back and say "You know what... that guy was right after all" I no longer really care about SP, I just do what I want at the time to have fun or to further whatever goal I am currently pursuing. That is where the fun comes from, be that solo or in a corp.
Jumping into a 15mill char will, I think, take a lot of the fun of the game away from you. I think your just trying to rush through the game to much. Even the starter/low end content I found enjoyable while I learnt the game. Going too far to fast could really ruin it for you. Same applies to other MMO when people buy lvl 50 maxed out toons, they have missed 90% of the fun by getting there themselves, and don't have a clue what to do or how to play that lvl 50 properly anyhow. Generally they die a lot, and because they have such a high (or maxed) level, are expected to know certain things, and how to behave in certain scenarios. When they don't they annoy other players or even get others killed by playing in a way a low level would. I have never really understood the point in it.
Relax, it is a long term game, and if you really find it all very dull (even after you find your Navy Agent) it could simply not be the game for you. Very important to note, that this game is simply not for everyone. It doesn't make it a bad game or you a bad player if you don't like it.
Anyway, let's say you find your agent, and found it tolerable. This is what agent missions are about :-
The navy agent will send you on kill type missions (lvl 1) where the loot is crap and the 'rats are easy. Either in the same system your in, or usually within 1 jump. The rewards are crap as well, but your only doing them to get to higher agents. The rewards will keep you ticking over, that's about it. They are just about enough to keep a new player ticking over Isk wise. They are quick to do, and with the right social skills really fast to get up to the next agent. They are fast to get to the next agent anyway, but with some social skills, very fast.
You then get into lvl 2 agents, where the loot is still crap, but the rewards are better, and the 'rats are harder. Depending what ship your using they can be just as easy as lvl 1 or quite challenging. You will prob need a Cruiser at this point but you can manage them in a frigate. If you havn't gone insane repeating all these missions yet, you move onto....
Lvl3, the loot is slightly better, but mostly still crap, with the occasional good stuff in between. The rewards are a lot better. The rats are harder, and you will need either a Battlecruiser or even a Battleship on some. This is the point that they started to get a bit challenging and a bit fun. For me anyway.
Lvl 4, the loot is a bit better again, but still has a lot of crap in there. The rewards are now very good. The rats are numerous and hard. You will need a Battleship most of the time, if not all of the time, to do them, and you will sometimes need some help even with a Battleship. That is what kill mission running is about, in a nutshull. (ok there is a bit more to it but not a great deal). Just to let you know before you go at it.
I wish you well, I really hope you get into the game, and I will be happy to help you with any questions you may have, just post them up here (many others here will help you as well), but I must admit I have a feeling this game isn't going to be for you. Don't worry about that though, try the agents and more importantly get in a corp, give it a few weeks, and hopefully you will still be in EvE and having fun.
Cheers mate, I really appreciate you taking the time to write that.
as to what I want - is a fun play experience. I don't care about getting rich, or being the top of the kill boards, research or industry, I want to have a challenging fight, and to be able to afford the loss when I lose.
What I'm trying to skip are the dull bits like mining, and delivering datacubes to the completely safe system next door.
I get what you're saying about you're missing enjoyment buy not playing the whole game. I have never used cheats in a game, or bought items online (what would be the point), but when you play Neverwinter Nights you have fun at level 1, so there's no great desire to skip forward.
I was thinking of using the high skill char in a cheap ship, so that I could do higher level missions without having to hundreds of really easy ones first. Also it would let me use afterburners & micro warp drives, so I wouldn't have to spend as long traveling. And of course, he would let me contribute something useful to the guys I'm playing with much earlier.
But if I can get a giggle out of Eve without the shortcut, that's a different story.
Either way it will take months to develop an understanding of what to do and when, and to put flesh on the nuances of ship combat. I guess I'm really looking for points on how to enjoy the combat side of the game in the early days.
Quick question - how does the system of promotion from L1 agents up work?
Long term, I tend to play support characters. I just like helping people out. So I would probably move myself over to the electronic warfare side of things.
The race doesn't always go to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strongest, but that's the way to bet.
IMO the fun of Eve is making your own character and growing it, also joining a corp and watching that expand and grow and compete.
The fun basically comes from friendships that you form with ppl.
As a PVE game Eve is mediocre at best. The NPC's are boring, the missions are boring, mining is boring, travelling is boring, using the market is boring.
The only fun part is the friends you make, ganging up to fight other players, and maybe hunting NPC's together.
Of course that's all subjective, I mean it's only MY opinion, hey some people like mining, but most folks find it boring like I do.