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The Your Stuff Isn't Disappearing Grab Bag

RJCoxRJCox Member Posts: 2,686

Q: ACK! Stuff is disappearing from my inventory!!!

A: My response was originally oh, waffles, this can't be happening. (Waffles? See "Your Cheatin' Grab Bag," 2/3/06). But customer service leapt to respond (and I will add that we will run a code fix next week). From the Underdark CSR:

The issue that is being reported with items magically “disappearing” from a player’s Inventory, Personal and/or House Vault is a known issue, and being worked on. This is a display issue, and your items are still there. The client is simply not displaying them to you. Most of the items that “disappear” are in the Bags 4 and 5 of the inventory (the bottom two bags), and the last pages of each vault type. To resolve this issue without CS intervention, you will simply need to do the following:

Take any visible item that is in your inventory (not equipped slots), and place it into the “empty” slot where an item disappeared from. If the item is truly there (and not truly dropped, traded, salvaged, sold, etc.) it will switch places, and become visible again.

You may need to do this for multiple items in your inventory or vaults, and you may also need to do this more than once throughout the weekend. We do apologize for the inconvenience on this issue, and are working diligently to resolve it on our end.

As always, should you come to find that you are indeed missing an item, after going through the above process, please file an /appeal with your Name-Server, Item Name, and a description of the trouble you are having. Missing item appeals should be filed under the Emergency category, as they are time sensitive. While we do not guarantee the restore of any item, we will make every effort to try and do so.

Q: Are there any plans to open up any new servers with the Classic and RP rulesets combined?

A: No, but TOA has been so drastically revamped that many of your concerns with that expansion have been addressed. Give it a try - our marketing angels tell me we recently relaunched our Come Back to Camelot campaign.

Q: Hello, is the ceremonial bracers artifact able to be respeced? People have said it is possible but no NPC will take a trade in in Hall of Heroes.

A: From our beloved Content Queen: "Only artifact weapons are able to be traded in for alternate versions. We have heard the requests from players to have the Ceremonial Bracers added to the list of respeccable artifacts, and we will try to get this added in a future patch."

Sanya here - I've seen the planning list for the next patch, and I would not bet the rent on getting this until spring. But we will, as she says, do our best for you.

Meanwhile! The CSR of the Underdark says go here for the best way to appeal and get results:

Q: I found a Left Hand Usable whip about a month ago. Is there a class that can dual wield flex, or was it a bug?

A: That would be a bugged item that we would really like to fix… so would you mind appealing and telling us the name of the item? Thanks in advance :) (Seriously - when you send me stuff like this, I kick it straight to the content team and the bug team. So don't forget to give me zone, server, monster name, item name, and everything else that might help us fix the problem.)

Q: It says on page

that: "Charisma (CHA) Charisma guides the effectiveness of a musical class' songs." Is this true for the damage of the Insta-cast spells? If not, what affects the damage of the damage-spells that the minstrel/skald, and other classes have? Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

A: I kicked this to the Code Warrior for you, and he responded in between bouts of being kicked: "Yes, Charisma is the "acuity" statistic for skalds, minstrels, and bards, and affects the damage done by all of their spells (whether instant or not)."

Q: Interpreting the Numbers in the Char Sheet Resists Section and on the Bonuses Page :

I can figure out how to read the main stats because there's a single total at the top of the tooltip, but I don't understand how to interpret the resists, specifically what's the distinction between the numbers before and after the slash?

The bottom pair seems to be the current and cap for item resists, but what do the top pair of numbers mean in the resist tooltips on the char page? I'm assuming these are the same numbers as in the bonuses window from the command button.

I've only seen anything added to the number after the slash when using the Physical Defense realm ability.

So if my slash resist is :

16% for items

3% for base (briton)

5% for physical defense RA

The windows show 19%/5%. What is my total slash resistance? 19? 24? Is it conditional? Is it just calculated separately? I'm confuzzled about how to interpret it.

A: Code Warrior again: "It's showing what we and the TLs term "Bin A and Bin B" resists. Bin A resistances come from item bonuses and resist buffs from spells, and Bin B resistances come from realm abilities. They're evaluated seperately when assessing resists, so are shown seperately in the bonus window and the tooltips. There's more on this subject in this Grab Bag:


Q: Why did you choose to go with a forced respec instead of an optional one?

A: It didn't work out very well in testing, to be honest, with a few key technical problems. People who were saving respecs (there's a limit of two) would have had something forcibly overwritten. We basically had to choose the lesser of the two potential dramas.

I absolutely see the point of those who pointed out that even trying out new specs on Pendragon doesn't quite cut it, and have passed on feedback requesting more respecs.


Hey, guys, the parry thing yesterday was a joke, albeit not one of my better ones. I got a block of feedback asking why we changed parry rates on friars, but we did not change anything there. I suspect a number of friars changed their specs, and what you are seeing is the result of those changes.

Speaking of yesterday, the content team suggests that when you log in tonight, you use /freelevel decline. "Our patch yesterday forced several classes of players to respecialize their skills immediately. If you are one of those players, are below level 50, and are happy in your current battleground, we encourage you to make sure your /freelevel decline flag is set as desired. If you are eligible for a free level and do not have /freelevel decline set when you talk to your trainer to respecialize, you will be given your free level which could result in you leveling out of your current battleground."

I've got miles to go before I sleep, but I wanted to get this up for you guys as soon as I could. Have a wonderful holiday weekend if you're in the USA, and for the rest of you, I hope you pack three days of fun into two. See you Monday.

Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."

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