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Good game which lacked Content.

I feel what drove the play base away was the initial start of the game. It was very fun to play and my friends and I were drawn to it for awhile.

Nevertheless what would have been a lot more interesting was if they started the game with the content that the developers said would drive the player base. Instead of starting Joe Smoe out in a field of maggots, Joe should have been started on a small plot of land next to a few other fellows in the middle of a NPC infested forest or something of the like. These players could then band together and fight off the NPC's in the area.

If anyone here has ever attempted to play A Tale in the Desert 2. There system for plot development and interaction with other players was perfect. Even if you started a day before your friend, he could still find you rather easily no matter where you chose to start in the world, even if he started in the wrong place he could join you by traveling through a portal. This really encouraged some player drive communities and I think Horizons would have benefitted from that instead of beginning with a grind.

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