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Who new that space could be so big, i thought free lancer was good , was tiring of wow and started reading up on this lil beauty, managed to get hold of a trial key and this game is simpily amazing, with vast areas and unbelivable amount of depth this is surely my new mmorpg fix, i shall definatly be purchasing a subscription at the end of these 14 days
Nice to hear, I'll hope to see you ingame, and if you ever come near Jita, gimme a yell because Thats where I do my Marketing. (In-game name is Rowan Chiquar)
It is nice to see some more interest in the game from outside sources. WoW with all the bad mouthing it has recieved from 'vets' of games including Eve has done one thing that no other MMO has achieved, bringing other wise gamers to the genre and getting them hooked with its play style. Not only have players converted from WoW to other smaller titles, but then they bring friends, and then they bring friends. It is a Pyramid/Avalanche effect that will boost our player numbers, and hopefully help push more and more players in Eve out of the High sec space and into low sec space so that they Don't have to deal with the overwhelming number trying to fight over agents and simple features.
The more that come here from WoW after getting the ultimate raid weapon and armour from WoW's end-game the merrier. Eve might not be for all of them, but for the few that it is for, We wish for them to stay... Well if I sound like a friggin Eve-fanboy I'm sorry. Stupid eve XP
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
I've found that it's quite easy to become an Eve fanboy...
ME Eve
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Glad to hear Almasy. That was my thoughts exactly when I tried the 14day trial for Eve back in early 2004, although Eve has always been a great game, is a hell of alot better in it's curent form, I'm sure new arrivals will find Eve even more impressive than I did. Still playing Eve to this day, and loving it more than ever before.
Chalk up another WOW to EVE addict. I'll be getting my subscription after my CD trial ends,and I've only played 3 days so far.
It's only a matter of time before EVE revolutionises the MMORPG market in the way it needs a damn good shake-up. Maybe Darkfall will provide a down-to-earth equivalent. Then we'd have two excellent open-PvP MMORPG's.
And yes,it is easy to become an EVE fanboy. But maybe there's a damn good reason for that.
Trial ??? there was a trial ? hehe back in the days (became 2 year old 22nd of february) I did not even try the trial I just went straight on the subscription .
But the game sure is better now for newbies than it was back then, then it was much like , here is your ship, that is a asteroid... mine it alittle, shoot a drone ... welcome to EVE .
Had to fight for months and months to get into a battleship and I must admit... there is times I miss those few months as a newbie
I wrote a small tutorial on how to kill NPC Cruisers in a Frigate w/ equipment and weapons that shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 days to train to in the free trials thread.
Try it and please tell me what you think. It's not very good, but it's just made to give you guys an idea how to kill them.
A Work in Progress.
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Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Yeah... It blows. That's what I'm doing now. It's worth it though.
2 Months Compared to halving the training time for all skills in the next X Years....
A Work in Progress.
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Just as there are more than one way to jump to Jita, there is MORE than one way to go about this learning process.
Though the objective of getting the learning skills to 5 fairly quickly is a good one (makes other skills train that much faster).............there is ANOTHER way to do this that allows for a player to learn other things and enjoy the game WHILE getting learning up to the higher levels:
DONT go to 5 on ALL the learning skills at once. Yep. You don't have to.
Get the learning skills to 4. Then, train OTHER necessary skills to the 3-4 level while you are online. When logging off, switch out to a 4-5 learning skill. Train those OFFLINE. You may lose a 'bit' of training 'speed' in the short term, but you WILL gain a lot of the basics AND get the learning skills up. Once you've hit the cruiser/spaceship/navigation skills to 3-4, THEN switch out to get the learning skills at 5.
By doing this (getting into a cruiser, getting basic engineering/electronics, etc. WHILE doing learning training), you will also be able to participate in corporate activities, solo mission running, mining, trade running, etc., without the helpless "I can't do it till learning is done" syndrome.
I've been in EVE for 3 years, and a year ago started a new character. I now sit at 8 million and have all the PERTINENT learning skills at 5 and the secondary skills at 4. I was flying a hauler and a cruiser in the first week of the new character's life and was able to DO THINGS quickly.
A last thought for those doing the learning train:
Unless you are specifically going for certain trade/social skill sets for a career in that direction, LEAVE CHARISMA ALONE. It helps nothing, and is NOT a pre-requisite for all of the other skills packs in the learning subsection.
Just a bit of advice to keep those wanting to get into the EVE-verse and having FUN and not be put off by the advice of "learn the learning to 5 first". Its NOT necessary.
I've been putting it off for months. I just need to get it over with and I figure now would be a good time because I'm busy on the EQ2 pvp server Venekor with some friends for the time being.
I'm currently flying a Ferox and have about a million skill between Spaceship Nav, Missles, Engineering, Electronics and Gunnery. It's starting to get to the point where I'm really feeling the effects of not having the advanced learning skills trained.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I've been stuck at the "raid-or-die" nonsense of WoW at 60...been reading up on EVE a lot and I'm dying to try it out as soon as I can get my hands on a trial key.
Between the sandbox aspect of the game and the setting (big space nerd) I can't wait.
damn double posts...
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Don't be put off if you have absolutely no clue what is going on for the first few days. EVE WILL blow your mind at first. Ask a lot of questions. People are always willing to help. If you love to learn, numbers crunch and, on occassion, fear for your own life, Eve just may be the game for you.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Well, I got my key last night around 10pm EST, and I sat in front of my computer until 2am staring at the amazing graphics and rendition of space. Truly unbelievable! My wife was pissed, but isn't that the point of these games?
I'm pretty sure I'm going to go on furlough from WWIIOL, and subscribe to EVE instead. I do have some suggestions for the game, but since I've played for only 4 hours, I'll wait until I've immersed myself a little longer before making them.
Having been on SWG for around 2 years, playing nearly every combo around (settling on master weaponsmith). I've been reading these forums on a whim for the last couple of days, gotten a bit excited, and got meself a trial key (thanks to the guy who started the thread on this forum!).
I tried WOW early on, and played it for all of an hour, before cursing the whim that made me pick the damn box up.
I'm starting tonight on Eve, after reading the newb threads, so i get the most out of it. But im glad that i think i've finally found a game with the open-ended nature and depth i've been looking for.
That's my two pence worth.....
Oh and i've read quite a few threads on here, and i'm prepared for it to be a tad slowish at first but i've copied and pasted enough useful threads into word, to direct me nicely, thanks to those peeps, who worked on them.