I played Neocron shortly after its release. I had great fun playing the game, it was refreshing and fast paced, especially compared to the slow games like EQ and AO that I'd played before. Yet, there were a few things that really rubbed me the wrong way, and so I left. Now, I just bought another MMORPG and was disgusted with its trite, predictable combat formula, and my mind turns again to Neocron. So I had a few questions for current players, if they don't mind answering them:
1. Pepper Park: Are there still huge and ultimately pointless mega battles at the entrance to Pepper Park, in which TG and their allies pointlessly invade the zone only to clash with Neocron citizens, and as soon as people start getting shot up bad they run across the zone where there's no PvP? I mean, you'd think they'd invade an area that wouldn't come down to this, but NO! I loved the Outzone, why couldn't there be mega battles there:(
2. Newbie Abuse: Back when I played, lots of irritating people would hop into the newbie sewers and start wasting newbies for no good reason. Then, when someone inevitably showed up intent on protecting the newbies that they couldn't handle, they hopped right back out into the city, where they couldn't be hurt, and start screaming bloody murder about how they are c00l and everyone else is suXX0r. Does this stuff still happen, it was mighty boring to watch. And don't even mention the bloody LE chip, they'd just use area effect weapons to bypass it.
3. Developer abuse: Not abuse of the devs, but the devs abusing players! I remember several incidents, including an entire server being punished because of a few people's misdeeds, or every copbot in Neocron suddenly started shooting enemy factions when they'd never done so before...in safe zones...where we couldn't shoot back. Bleh!
4. High level content: It seemed like there were never enough levels, and you'd hit a ceiling, and you'd get all the cool equipment you needed, and all the implants you wanted, and maybe even a nice appartment way too big for you, and then...bleh. Anything interesting been added?
5. The Dome of York: They started talking about this an eternity ago, now I heard a few rumors that it's actually coming out, and it's gigantic in exchange for not being free anymore. Any news as to what exactly is coming with the DOY expansion, or when it'll be out?
1. Yes there are battles there but not so much between TG and City Factions its more factions like Tusunami Syndicate and Black Dragon that are fighting there. The gaurds in pp are very powerful and can waste you in like 4 secconds with there new rare flamethrowers etc but the battels that do go on are very good, because the PPU has been nerfed it now take about 40sec to preform a ressurection so if you die in there then you can kiss goodbye to your belt and the item(s) in it. They still zone in and out a lot but if your clever you can pull them into the main area of pepper park 1. About the OZ sector when DOY comes all non city faction will be banned form the Plaza Virrosso sectors and upon entering them they will be shot by the guards so the non city factions will mainly be hangin about in pepper park or OZ so you might get your wish.
2. On the server im on (pluto) there aint much newbie abuse and even if there was just goto a populated area and say noob killer or something and you will find some capped plays who will help you out and the exploit with AOE and LE chips is fixed, but you still find those players that say sux0r and n00b etc all the 1337 language. Mostly now people are sticking to sex , sexy, pussy etc because of the emote associated with it.
3. I cant remember this happening but i hear some storied of GMs banning players and moving them about but now they seem to be pulling together and doing some very nice events whicha actully work. There is lots of new content added regularly including weapons and devices.
4. Well it depends on wether you like pvp a lot i mean once you are capped then thats it was far as skill gaining is concerned but there are events and epic missions that increase you /xx rank and give you items of much value. Mostly caped players join clans and take/defend outposts which imo is great fun. There is also on going story lines and faction assistants in the game now to help you and if there is something that you would like to organise then they can make it happen such as an event.
5. DOY is coming and thats a fact. Sometime in Q1 2004 as soon as deal with a publisher is sorted out adn it will bring some nice new feathures and untimatly alter the way that you play the game *apparantly* Lots of hardware upgrades have been takeing place on the server side and long zone times and synching is pretty rare now allthough that does depent on how good your pc is. A general rule that i come to notice is that the faster your pc the less fatal runtime errors you have, also running winXP seems to help or ME/98. I dont suggest 2000 because the game crashes a lot. DOY will make some graphical changes to the engine and allow for some new effects. Not much i known but as soon as a publisher is found then MJS (CEO of ReaKKtor MEdia) will release more details.
Untill then i reccommend you check out the forums and wait for announcements etc amd maybe read the patch logs to see the changes takeing place.
www.neocron.com/forum -forum
http://www.neocron.com/patcher/index.php?PAGE=pnotes&LANG=eng&PORT=8040&IP= - patch notes (recent)
btw i cant spell
5. Dome of york should be coming soon, I don't think its going to be any big deal.
4. No high level content is still non existant. Its not really so much that they don't have anything to do they are just too stupid to set up anything right so that players would actually participate. IE they make all the guards the highest rank possible in the game so they kill people in 1 hit, then expect territorial battles. They leave one or 2 classes twice as powerful as the others so you get to the end as the non major class and realize you are totally gimped. They have ability for clans to fight for outposts but then they give it absolutely no in game value so noone bothers to do it. And rewards from pvp are still locked in quickbelts so that only hackers can get them, making pvp pointless for all non hackers. And pretty pointless for even the hackers as the player can safeguard pretty much the only thing a value a player has. Bottom line is once you cap a character its boring as sh!! Don't expect the adrenaline packed action from the early days.
3. Actually its gotten worse, they regurally threaten their customers and talk down to them needlessly on the forums, bugs cause people to lose everything they had and the devs say they cant do anything
because "you guys abused our help staff to much" as if everyone is responsible for one/two jerks/haxxors, GM's reguarly abuse their powers in favor of friends and threaten gamers who play the games in ways that that specific gm personally doesn't like. The gms run cheesy events that ruin roleplay because players are not allowed to fight their roleplay, by that meaning you can pull out your gun and shoot just fine but the gm will try to ban you for it. And the devs are apparently now backing up their gm's atrocious behavior as is demonstrated by the sticky post on their forum which says "When you are given a direct order by a gm you obey" as if people pay them to be ordered around like they joined the military. Overall they are just stupid.
2. You would think this would be less of a problem because they killed all the fun of pvp in the game just to try and help this situation. Unfortunately nothing they did really helps it at all because now since faction enemies aren't risking anything valuable in pvp they can kill lower levels all day long with nothing to worry about. They don't get anything from it anymore but they have nothing to lose either so it is pretty much a wash. However what they have done is make all hunting dungeons to where you lose sl for killing (even high level enemies) so this helps newbies somewhat but hurts alot of other stuff. And the LE is now unbeatable and has no downsides other than it still takes up a headslot.
1. There was up until the game became largely deserted. Also there is now 120/120 guards all over the city for each factions section so people dont often wonder into enemy territory. The main trading area where most trading took place which was already strained for tradeskillers has now been split because the CA guards there kill any enemies in the zone simply by blinking an eye.
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