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2 poems i wrote

Startled, the jolt awake
Reaching out, praying and hoping
Their outstretched hand be taken
With the familiarity they can cope

Demons of fear grab them
Lifelong homes burn
Fire melts the gem
Just to die they yearn

Screams echo through the wood
Knives drink the blood of men
Men wearing dark hoods
Come again

They pillage and burn
Kill them all
Damnation they earn
Their throne of evil shall one day fall

Mornings red sun
Fires dwindle down
The deed is done
The end of a town


They whisper into the night
Tortured souls call out
Victims of the spreading blight
The lands sit in doubt

Cold grabs at lover's hearts
Once so close...
Now torn apart
Death screams out with a boast

The string sways in the wind
A crowd gathers at these gallows
Brief glimpses of what had once been
Darker, colder than a Hallow's Eve

The silence is broken
A woman screams
She receives the ending token
Of a gallow's endless dream

What do you think? They're my first two poems ever.



  • BoozbazBoozbaz Member Posts: 1,918

    Eh. Try reading some good poetry you really like and then mimicing it from there to fit with your style of burning villages.


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