I was stupid and bought it (50bucks). At first I thought it was really cool, well made, untill I played it for a while. Spending hours to get the proper resources for my crafter, and when trying combat, I started killing these small things that took over 10shots to kill and was not worth it. I went on this apparent "noob" mission to kill some crack heads in woods and with one swipe they killed me, Not to mension my pistol was useless. No realistic physics, couldnt fall off a cliff and die, you just "slide" off. real dissapointment for me, they also had lack of content and updates.
this sure is... not to mention all the bugs and unbalanced class too ... don't even try a Wookie like i did, you then agree to be gimped at start and never know about it until it is too late...
Black Gorath Bris'Elfes
Sorry Xploror but I have to agree with TehBlindMan but not for the same "noob to new format" reasons as he has.
I tried out swg for just over 6 months and before that was playing eq for over 4 years so I am very used to the whole mmorpg methods of bugs, patches, nerfs, etc. Without a shadow of a doubt I can say that the support team in swg really do not have a clue when it comes to quality of service. They really are driving people away from the game in their hundreds each week. Eventually even a hard core player like me had to say enough was enough.
Rather than fix current gamewide bugs they try to either ignore there is a problem or try to pin it on a user unique problem. They continually roll out even more code which even the staunchest swg fan must admit, could not possibly have been tested thouroughly. They seem to be obsessed with nerfing everything that they have already created with regard to the class system, class abilities and missions. You can readily understand the need for this but not when there are still thousands of bugs still screeming to be fixed and even whole classes which don't work as they should.
Now whether it is because they are being preassured to attract more people into the game from the apparant losses soe is making (ie laying off 22,000 staff worldwide) and to do this they are offering more and more catchy features like mounts, vehicles, cities, space expansion and dangling carrots to their remaining die hard players with free christmas holocrons, offers of extra goodies if you manage to "get a friend to sign up" (writing was on the wall when this idea showed up), etc. They are still just completely missing the point in that they may get more people to play for the first free month but after they realise what a state this game is currently in, they will be off. As I said above, existing players are already leaving in their droves.
They really need to learn the lessons that the everquest team learned early on (being the same company you would have thought they should have). Listen to your customer base, sort out their problems as best you can and preferably as quick as you can, be up front about the problems and what is being done to fix them and get the priorities right - fix the bugs before you roll out new code that nobody in their right mind believes has been even slightly tested let alone thouroughly tested.
If they were to do these things then maybe swg will develop a player base that will play for years on end. It certainly has the potential for it. I doubt this will happen until they get soe off their backs. Even I, being a big olde worlde fantasy enjoying player, really enjoyed all the blaster battles.
The problem I and many other long term mmorpg players are having now after being so badly burned by soe/swg is where to go now. Is it worth risking eq2? or not touch another soe backed game ever again?
My advice to anyone thinking of trying out swg is play it for your free month and then come back in a year when and if the game still exists and the bugs have been fixed.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Based on your past postings, rantings, ravings, and spamming of FALSE information -
You are correct, you definatly could not have said it better yourself. You need to take notes from Starfury. He presented his experiences. He did not resort to calling SWG names, calling the DEVs names, calling anyone names. He posts his opinions without posting information that is FALSE.
He does not just post 'SWG sucks! Don't play it!'. He posts his ingame experiences, his thoughts, and WHY he arrived at whatever conclusions and thoughts he now has about SWG. All without ranting, raving, name calling, and posting false information.
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I sense a little bit of foul play here with this thread, IF you take into consideration the contents of the link I am about to quote:
So TehBlindMan is a developer for a competing sci-fi MMOG.. (or at least one that would TRY to compete) not too surprising that he'd hate SWG. Knock the competition and all..
EDIT: Apparently he strikes again.. I just looked over the Hype-Meter page for Battlecruiser Online, and there he is.
Here's a clue, bubba: If your game is any good, it'll stand on its own merit. Nothing you do or say here to promote it at the expense of other games will mean much. However.. from just scanning over what you said about your game initially, it sounded like a cheap Neocron knockoff.
-- Death to picture-sigs. --