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Combat in Horizons isn't nearly as simple as has been suggested by so many. If you consider comparing it to twitch-trigger FPS games, then certainly it is...but very few mainstream MMOGs have that kind of gaming dynamic. Even with that in mind, some people have expressed their opinion (often misinformed I believe) that Horizons is even more simple than most MMOGs. I most definitely do not believe that this is true, but I can also see why people would think so. There's no question that that's one way of approaching combat in this game...even with spellcasters they've made it work such that some spells will autorepeat, and certainly all melee fight until they win or die.
But Horizons will punish you in the long haul if you choose that manner by which to engage your enemies. Like many MMORPGs, you have varying "special" attacks you can use to do more damage or some other effect. Each class has their own abilities and/or spells that help define the class. The use of these skills is often the difference between success and failure in a battle, and therein lies some tactical thinking necessary to turn the tide.
Let me speak in specifics. Here is a sampling of attacks that I might choose from as a low-level warrior (level 10).
Power Strike I (30s) - an attack that does more damage, even more in Red Stance
Rend Armor I (60s) - an attack that reduces the armor of my foe, and does some damage.
Negate Attack I (40s) - an ability that causes the next enemy attack to do half damage.
Critical Strike I (300s*) - an attack that automatically hits for double damage...does more damage in Blue Stance.
(the numbers in parenthasis indicate recharge time)
By themselves they seem to be somewhat obvious choices...but using them is a bit tricky. With the exception of Critical Strike I, using any of the above abilities will cause the others to be unavailable until the used ability recharges. So if I open with Rend Armor I, I have to wait 60 seconds until I can use any of the other 2 abilities (again, Critical Strike is not tied to the same timer). So when I start battle, do I open with Rend Armor, Negate Attack, or Power Strike? What about Critical Strike? Using it will cause a 5 minute refresh, so maybe that is saved for critical moments.
Add spells into the equation, or play a spellcaster, and this gets even more complicated. The specifics are pretty burdensome, so I'm going to skip those for the sake of a more concise point. Essentially it boils down to choosing between which spells in which order, with which abilities. It's the same matter of choice as detailed above...if I open with my huge nuke and it misses, how long do I have to wait for my next nuke? Would it be better to open with a root, or root later? Which options are best? From personal experience, the situation has to be flexible, because if the root is resisted I need to kite a bit...or do I? If I got my Burn Armor (or better alternative spell) off, I might prefer a power-heavy nuke while my root recharges...or if the mob is hitting me pretty hard I might kite around a bit and try to heal if I can. There are options, and the tactics used make the difference.
None of this is extremely innovative at all, but it's *way* beyond the idea of simply being "click and snore". There are plenty of combinations when playing as a Mage that will end up with me being dead, not even just a simple "click and snore" routine. The same boils down for a warrior-only class. I've fallen asleep at the wheel a few times and ended up dead because I didn't utilize the right attacks. It certainly isn't twitch-trigger gaming...but again, I didn't expect that.
What comes back, again, with Horizons is the mixtures of class abilities and what that means to your tactics. With a little bit of effort I could add a few levels of Spiritist and get Syphon I, or add a few levels of Cleric and get Instant Heal I. Add more levels of various classes for interesting mixes of spell options...such as adding a fire attack to your normal damage, etc... You have some flexibility in designing the offensive and defensive capabilities of your class, and that's what makes combat in the game an interesting thing to explore. We'll just have to see how it holds up in the long run.
Hey! this looks quite good then... since i ordered this game, i've read negative comment post on Horizons and i started to fear if i made a mistake ... but i'm just starting to think that even if the game was nearly perfert, peoples would complaint anyway on somethings, as if they were unable to simply enjoy a MMORPG without whining .... anyway, thanks for this positive comment, i can't wait anymore for my copy of the game... hope i will receive it soon!!!
[Color=red]Black Gorath Bris''Elfes[color]
[color=green]Orcs Legions War General[color]
[color=blue]Clan Ombrageur[color]
Crusher of the Empire
Sinker of Ulthuan
"Je vous trouverez.. tous..."
Black Gorath Bris'Elfes
There are always Trolls, and there are also real issues in the game. The Trolls are always loudest...and those that like to complain about anything purposefully look for ways to make sure everyone that can hear them will hear them. Don't believe all the hype, though...most of the issues are fairly minor or are just the mechanics of the game. If something really concerns you, ask in the Horizons forum here.
Can't help you there. I don't think I'll be playing FFXI unless I get it for free somehow.
The basics is, Horizons has no "new" features, everything in it has been done in a previous mmorpg... FFXI atelast has a new battlesystem for a mmorpg, and has a nice system.
Horizons is great for some people who havent spent a lot of time playing mmorpgs, its more geared towards a first mmorpgs, because if you've ever played a good mmorpgs (early EQ, UO) you will find it boring and repetetive just like the other 5 mmorpgs you tried one oyur serach for a good one.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
I've been playing MMOGs since the mid 90s...from MUDs, through Gemstone, UO for 2 years, EQ for 3 years including raid leader for a Planes of Power capable guild, AO, AC, AC2, and other MMOGs.
I like Horizons, including their combat system. Rose colored glasses? Hardly. Looking too hard? What, exactly, should I be looking for...a new era in a combat system? Please suggest what MMOGs since UO or EverQuest have brought a new era in a combat system, so I can understand what it is you guys are looking for...because I honestly don't get what most of you are suggesting it's supposed to be.
I can't think of a single MMOG that does classes like Horizons. Can you suggest one that does?
[Color=red]Black Gorath Bris''Elfes[color]
[color=green]Orcs Legions War General[color]
[color=blue]Clan Ombrageur[color]
Crusher of the Empire
Sinker of Ulthuan
"Je vous trouverez.. tous..."
Black Gorath Bris'Elfes
Gorath were not here to start flaming, so please, if you want to start flaming goto mpogd forums
As for peope who have tried it, I was in the beta, I was one of hte higest level fletchers in game and my other char was a lvl 22 Dragon Bloodmage.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
the only one talking about something they dont know anything about is you, becase you DONT know what me or rathma have played have you?
I was sent this beta cd in the mail in early summer, i have played it more than just about anyone, i followed this game for years more than just about anyone, and i hate the way it turned out more than just about anyone. talk to me after everyones free trial ends and see who the majority of the people agree with :P
As you said guys, you were in BETA, now this is for real... this game is already 1 month old, let it mature and get improved as any others game did. You make judgement about a BETA , so specify in your comment you didn't liked the way the BETA was, not the real game . anyway, this is only my 2 cents....
I finally got my game CDs , let's see if this game is worth it or not.
Black Gorath Bris'Elfes
Orcs Legions War General
Clan Ombrageur
Crusher of the Empire
Sinker of Ulthuan
"Je vous trouverez.. tous..."
Black Gorath Bris'Elfes