Originally posted by baff Including every copy of Guild Wars ever sold, NCsoft's total accounts for all of it's games combined number less than half of Wow's 6 million active subscribers.
World of Warcraft currently has about 6 million active subscribers.
But NCSoft has the following games with the approx number of active subscribers in each game:
Guild Wars: 2.25 million
Lineage: 2 million
Lineage 2: 2.5 million
City of Heroes & City of Villians: 500,000+
That totals OVER 7 MILLION, and I would think that 7+ million subscribers in all of NCSofts games combined is ummm more then half of WoW's 6 million. (In other words, 7 is indeed greater then 3)
Originally posted by zaxtor99 [quote]Originally posted by baff [b]Including every copy of Guild Wars ever sold, NCsoft's total accounts for all of it's games combined number less than half of Wow's 6 million active subscribers. [url=http://www.ncsoft.com/eng/nccompany/ir_data_report01.asp][/b][/quote] World of Warcraft currently has about 6 million active subscribers. But NCSoft has the following games with the approx number of active subscribers in each game: Guild Wars: 2.25 million Lineage: 2 million Lineage 2: 2.5 million City of Heroes & City of Villians: 500,000+ That totals OVER 7 MILLION, and I would think that 7+ million subscribers in all of NCSofts games combined is ummm more then half of WoW's 6 million. (In other words, 7 is indeed greater then 3) Sorry to disagree. - Zaxx
Lineage 1 and 2 both have around 4 million subscribers (It even says so on the Lineage 2 chronicle 3 box bought in store.) Guild Wars has 2.25 million? very impressive considering they had 1 million copies sold(yes, that includes the online keycode purchases) (COPIES, not players btw) I seriously doubt COH/COV have 500k subscribers, I would put that on 200k.
Whatever you currently play, chances are it'll still be around several years from now. Comparing numbers of other games has no bearing whatsoever on whether a game lives or dies. I play a game that has around 50 subscribers and it's been like this for several years.
Originally posted by zaxtor99 Yes, that's right. I am predicting now that Ultima Online, Everquest (1), and Asherons Call (1) will ALL have servers still churning when World of Warcraft bites the dust. ...and yes I know how many millions of players WoW has and how few thousands are currently playing a game like Asherons Call. Trust me, I know the numbers... and yet I still believe what I am predicting today.Let me say this... I am calling "World of Warcraft" as hot as it is much the same to gaming as "The Spice Girls" or even "the New Kids on the Block" were to music. Very, very popular for a short time, and then gone like a shadow in the night.So... have I lost my marbles?Perhaps someone agrees? - Zaxx
This is about the most retarded statement ever on these boards.. Expecially considering how some people are absolutly in love with blizzards games.. The fact that people(ALOT OF PEOPLE) still Play Diablo, Starcrart, Warcraft to this day shows you that...
I cant believe you actually posted this crap.
------------------------------ You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
this little MMO is still around, and if I remember correctly outdates UO. I played this game when I was like 10 years old for about 3 years (19 now). Albeit I don't think it ever saw more than 2000 players on at once even in its prime, the game is still around. We'll see if WoW outdoes that.
Originally posted by baff the exact number of NCsoft accounts for each game as of febuary are declared by NCsoft in their investor report available at the link I provided. In febuary, COH had 163,000 active accounts, including COV and any free trials.
Okay, I was running very rough estimates since your link didn't work for me and I couldn't seem to find any numbers since last October on mmogchart.
But even if it is as Gameloading states, 4 million (instead of my 4.5 million estimate) for both Lineage 1 and 2 and only 1 million Guild Wars accounts (I would bet it is much more then a million since they had reached a million purchases like after only 2 months after last Feb launch or some BS) and say only 100,000 COH and COV accounts... that is still a total of 5.1 million.
You claimed that ALL NCsoft games accounts combined wouldn't even come close to HALF of the current 6 million WoW accounts.
... 5.1 million NCsoft accounts (and this is a VERY low estimate btw) is still more then 3 million (Half the WoW accounts)
Anyhow, Enuf on that. Heh.
Yes, WoW is insanely popular. But so were the sales of the New Kids on the Block back in the 80's and the Spice Girls in the 90's. It doesn't mean that the New Kids and the Spice Girls were great musicians or that they'd be around forever. WoW imo is NO DIFFERENT. WoW has about as much depth as did these two music bands had quality music. Any my prediction is pretty much based on this.
You people keep stating "Well Battlenet is still around!"... This has NOTHING to do with the lifespan of WoW. .. First of all Battlenet is a FREE server for the single player games like Diablo and Diablo 2. Completely different then pay to play mmorpgs. To delve further, both Diablo and Diablo 2 have about 10 times the actual gameplay depth as does WoW. Sure WOW is prettier. But pretty doesn't mean anything. Asherons Call 2 was pretty. So was Earth and Beyond.
Look people, I am not saying that WoW is a sorry game. Not at all. But I am saying that it doesn't have the depth of game play and content to keep its players for years and years like UO, EQ, and AC. And their mickymouse expansion that is adding like 15 levels and a new race or two won't add the depth it needs to beat out the old granddaddies of mmos.
This is ofcourse only my opinion and prediction. Nobody knows. Time will tell.... And it will be interesting.
They say they have a total of 4 million subscribers world wide for all their products combined (dec 2005), so I was a million off unless they lost a million in 3 months.that will teach me to add up too fast for my peanut brain I guess.
it looks like Guild Wars hit a million sales last september.
Sambuca time for me. might as well be a drunk idiot instead of just an idiot.
I can't help but be impressed by Guild Wars sales model. It's clear you can run a successful MMO without subscriptions. And they offer that $100,000 prize money too.
I hope other developers go down the value for money path too.
Originally posted by baff They say they have a total of 4 million subscribers world wide for all their products combined (dec 2005), so I was a million off unless they lost a million in 3 months.that will teach me to add up too fast for my peanut brain I guess. december 2005 figures 2,296,000 in Lineage 2 1,500,000 in Lineage 1 1,200,000 in Guild Wars
53% of all their subscribers are Korean
May I ask where you got those numbers from? My Lineage 2 chronicle 3 box, which I bought in December 2005, clearly says: "4 million players worldwide". NA/EU version has 70k subscribers (those numbers where given by an interview with NC) and Lineage 1 wasn't populair at all in US/EU, so there are at least around 70%~80% subscribers in Korea.
unless they are enron. and then they all go to prison.
Ncsoft are pretty free with their subscription figures. I think thats the same 4 million i was having trouble with.
not sure if it means total subscribers or total subscribers including GW.
but it says "Ncsoft secures 4 million paying subscibers worldwide as of december 2005".
in a kind of we are very pleased with ourselves kind of way and then goes on to give a break down of the figures as posted above totalling 5 million ish as the maths messiah instantly noticed.
the breakdowns do each game and also each game by geography so you can see who is playing what and where. What all the server populations are etc.
most games companies post their ir results always a sure way to find out when a game will release or how many they have sold. Saves messing with the promotional double talk
I am predicting now that Ultima Online, Everquest (1), and Asherons Call (1) will ALL have servers still churning when World of Warcraft bites the dust.
Slooooow down. I know this is really a rant vs WoW. But I'll allow myself to bite since I have 30mins free time right now......
First, have you PLAYED all 4 of these mmorpgs? Only someone who has played ALL 4 of them can even compare them all vs each other.... in a polite debate of course. ALL of them are good. Definatly WERE good... back in their heydays!
BTW, out of all of them it is a race between EQ1, UO and AC1 which one will bite the dust. Most likely AC1 first since Turbine has recently had a horrible track record. And they STILL to this day refuse to make a serious effort to MARKET AC1! Turbine failed with its sequel, but luckily it was parent company MicroCrap.... errrr... MicroSoft that asorbed the 25 million loss. Turbine is now ailing with 2 more new mmorpgs. (slated to compeat vs each other AT THE SAME TIME.) DDO is not a success - and is still not on a clear course to even re-couping its investment money so it can start making a TRUE PROFIT. MEO/LotRO?
EA, the company now in control of UO, FIRED Lord British a long time ago - the visionary behind UO. The lead programmer for UO, all the way to "pre-trammel UO" has long ago left UO. In other words, UO's mental foundation has long erroded. Add the fact that EA has had 2 failed mmorpgs, makes its future even more bleak. Those failures ate up profits from UO.
EQ1 still has enough lifeblood to stick around another 5 years. SOE is doing well enough financially in the mmorpg market. BUT parent company Sony is currently AILING big time! Sony recently got rid of Lowes Theaters, one of the largest movie chains. Sony is at the same time its worse enemy, and a near-monopoly. (They own their own movie studios, music studeos, movie theaters <- used to..., as well as produce almost every type of electronics from consoles to regular computers, as well as computer hardware. Would Sony think of selling SOE? It's possible. But based on my personal dealings in the business world, Sony will hold onto SOE for another 2 years minimum. So out of the 4 above games, EQ1 and WoW have the best chances of being around another 2-5 years.
I have played all of them, except for UO. (But I have played the Ultima stand alone games... Ultima 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and... 9.) So I am familiar with what goes on in Lord British's mind heheh. WoW can never, ever, "bite it". Even if WoW were to shrink down to just 1 player playing, it is impossible for it to close down. Do you realize how much true profit WoW has made? WoW currently has a rock soild 5 million subscribers. (counting players cancelling, letting subs run out, the turn over rate, etc...). This in pure business terms translates to the true profit power of TEN Everquest's. EQ itself has generated over 1 billion in gross profits. It cost a measly 5 million to make. Counting the shennenaghans Smeadly did with Sony when he sold it to SOE, it cost a solid 40 million total.
WoW cost roughly 15-20 million to make. Blizzard did design their own game engine, game world, mmorpg specific database, sounds, movements, voice-overs, and more. The graphics are not cutting edge, but are good enough to not take away from the immersion feeling. The dungeons are incredible. Many dungeons are not even necessary! They are simply in the game for the fun factor - for the "wow" factor. (Pun intended.) In a way WoW has already been out for 10 years. It has generated during its solid 1 year of being out.... the same amount of true profit other sucessful mmorpgs would take 10 years to make.
Don't worry about WoW. Please find a mmorpg YOU like, and enjoy it! Have FUN!!!!
BTW, WoW's success means ALL mmorpgs will become even more successful. I was the first to talk about this. Lord British (on his own? Or did he parrot me? LOL!) also said the same thing. WoW's success means millions of more players jumping into the mmorpg market who would NEVER have entered the market. After they get tired of WoW, they will be curious about what else is out there. Now please go have some FUN!!
Even if UO bites the dust (Love those words :P) the player base will take it up and itll become hole-in-the-wall (Ever heard of a game called Warzone 2100? it's source code was released and the players themselves work on it, this will most likely happen with UO)
AC1 I can't see as being around for much longer, after the crippling failure of AC2 it's probably gonna crash in the next 6 months to 2 years.
EQ1 has had a medium-sized but dedicated community and, as others have said, will have enough life to maintain itself for at best another 5 years.
WoW Is currently in it's prime, saying older games will outlast it is plain bull-headed. It will likely last another 5 or 6 years before it has been played out (by this time Blizzard will likely have begun work on or released another MMO).
But as xplorer and Icogames have said they are just games, I don't really care what happens to them, ill just give an "awww" in that I won't have them available to play anymore.
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
Well, as with everyone else, I can only speak for myself, but I agree with the OP about content/time-of-enjoyment:
Played UO for two years before quitting. Played AC1 for several years before getting bored the first time, continue to go back. Played EQ1 for four years, continue to go back. Played DAOC for two years before getting bored.
Played WoW for less than five months after launch, hit level 60 with multiple alts, got bored out of my mind. Quests never changed, crafting was boringly simple and offered NO WAY to differentiate what you built from what the other crafters built (and still doesn't), it was just too damned easy to level all the way to the max while playing casually (as in, an hour or two a night). Came back in the fall to see if they'd changed the game or added some sustainable depth to it (dynamic crafting? Nope; same quests, all the time, same stupid instances to run over and over again mindlessly). Left. Won't be back. There's nothing in WoW that compels the magic "play it for years before getting bored", nothing that makes me even curious to see what they've changed. WoW is LITERALLY the first MMORPG since the MUD days that bored me to tears after only a few months (too easy, too quick, too many l33t-speaking juvenile delinquents who think roleplaying is 'talking funny') and literally the only MMORPG that didn't leave me with a curiosity to return again and again as literally ALL the others did.
Heck, I'm a glutton: I came back to Horizons even, because the crafting is simply, bar none, the best in the business, so good that I came back hoping to find that they'd actually made the adventure/questing side more playable (nope).
Again, that's just me. But there is something distinct about WoW when it is literally the only one in a line of MMORPGs that achieved two things: the fastest to boring; the only one that leaves me without any interest in coming back a year later (hell, I was still playing the others a year later, they weren't boring yet).
I didn't stay in WoW because it was just too simple. It was the first thing i noticed about the game, after i said oooh wow the graphics are cool. Obviously the people who are playing WoW are people who haven't really played a MMO before because our community has never been this large. I'm glad for WoW because its popularity is showing the gaming industry that MMOs aren't just cult hits. Maybe, now a company with money to risk will allow someone to really make a good deep MMO. Unfortunatly first we'll see 1000 cookie cutter MMOs to leach off of WoWs success.
Originally posted by Gamewize Even if UO bites the dust (Love those words :P) the player base will take it up and itll become hole-in-the-wall (Ever heard of a game called Warzone 2100? it's source code was released and the players themselves work on it, this will most likely happen with UO) AC1 I can't see as being around for much longer, after the crippling failure of AC2 it's probably gonna crash in the next 6 months to 2 years. EQ1 has had a medium-sized but dedicated community and, as others have said, will have enough life to maintain itself for at best another 5 years. WoW Is currently in it's prime, saying older games will outlast it is plain bull-headed. It will likely last another 5 or 6 years before it has been played out (by this time Blizzard will likely have begun work on or released another MMO). But as xplorer and Icogames have said they are just games, I don't really care what happens to them, ill just give an "awww" in that I won't have them available to play anymore.
Followed this game since release by Pumpkin. Was around and part of NEWST for a min till a fallout with rayman jack. Still i think someone needs to get the source code version of the game with trumans warzone starter, the 1.10 patch. Maybe dm mod too and post the complete package on fileplanet. I think if a game company uses the games mechanics with a mmo it will be better then anything on the market to date. Only other company to use similar mechanics was AC1. (Example: fire off a spell/ arrow/missile/projectile etc. target moves the spell/projectile misses. Or the splash damage gets em if the projectile has a splash damage and the targets in the blast radius. Funny how a small program like Warzone 2100 has more features and game mechanics than ANY RTS game out to date. 3000 vehicle combinations, all 3d, more tools then one knows what do do with simplified so that even the dumbest of people can use them.
Not bad for the first 3d RTS game ever made and released in 1999. Yes the first, earth 2150 tried copy and came out in 2000.
I completely agree about UO, because even without OSI it would still have an enormous legacy in the Free Shards that are run (and, which is kinda nice, are actually fitting into the "story" of UO, i.e. the shattered world gem and every Shard is its own Brittania), simply because UO is the best game for (hardcore) RP. This is mostly not only because of the good servers like Sphere you can download by now, but also of its skill based system and its detail when it comes to customization and in-depth features like well.... lets call it micro-interaction. (basically the fact that every item, unless locked down by a GM or in a players house or being static, can be moved, carried, etc., if you are strong enough and it fits into a backpack, or the thing about being able to move stuff around, play boardgames (and actually snatch a piece while the other isnt looking) etc.) A good comparison would be NWN, since its a non-MMO game but still is extremely active and succesful (also due to the creation of persistent world servers, similar to UO shards, though NWN has better graphics, it isnt as "detailed" or "micro" as UO, but adds a nice editor). WoW will probably be around for a while, but really, to keep WoW up and running or even increase its success, a constant flow of a LOT of new content is needed, especially because of the class system, as opposed to UOs skills. So, UO will live on, with or without OSI, while WoW might be replaced by some other game at some time, be it Spore, be it WoW 2, be it World of Starcraft, or some other MMO, while UO isnt even being challenged atm, not even by Darkfall that was temporarily called the "new UO" or NWN2.
Originally posted by Zerocyde You dont think thiers emulators for WoW? WoW has the largest number of pirate servers in operation ive ever seen. About 250+ servers.
hahahahhaahahhaa... thank you for that one
something tells me you dont spend alot of time on the net
Originally posted by xplororor Originally posted by zaxtor99 Yes, that's right. I am predicting now that Ultima Online, Everquest (1), and Asherons Call (1) will ALL have servers still churning when World of Warcraft bites the dust.
Slooooow down. I know this is really a rant vs WoW. But I'll allow myself to bite since I have 30mins free time right now...... First, have you PLAYED all 4 of these mmorpgs? Only someone who has played ALL 4 of them can even compare them all vs each other....
He's not trying to compare them to each other... he's comparing the old generation (ie depth) with the new generation (quick fix). You don't have to have played all those MMOs to know that WoW has significantly less depth than the other ones mentioned.
World of Warcraft currently has about 6 million active subscribers.
But NCSoft has the following games with the approx number of active subscribers in each game:
Guild Wars: 2.25 million
Lineage: 2 million
Lineage 2: 2.5 million
City of Heroes & City of Villians: 500,000+
That totals OVER 7 MILLION, and I would think that 7+ million subscribers in all of NCSofts games combined is ummm more then half of WoW's 6 million. (In other words, 7 is indeed greater then 3)
Sorry to disagree.
- Zaxx
Lineage 1 and 2 both have around 4 million subscribers (It even says so on the Lineage 2 chronicle 3 box bought in store.) Guild Wars has 2.25 million? very impressive considering they had 1 million copies sold(yes, that includes the online keycode purchases) (COPIES, not players btw) I seriously doubt COH/COV have 500k subscribers, I would put that on 200k.
Whatever you currently play, chances are it'll still be around several years from now. Comparing numbers of other games has no bearing whatsoever on whether a game lives or dies. I play a game that has around 50 subscribers and it's been like this for several years.
This is about the most retarded statement ever on these boards.. Expecially considering how some people are absolutly in love with blizzards games.. The fact that people(ALOT OF PEOPLE) still Play Diablo, Starcrart, Warcraft to this day shows you that...
I cant believe you actually posted this crap.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
the exact number of NCsoft accounts for each game as of febuary are declared by NCsoft in their investor report available at the link I provided.
In febuary, COH had 163,000 active accounts, including COV and any free trials.
Never underestimate some of these games...
this little MMO is still around, and if I remember correctly outdates UO. I played this game when I was like 10 years old for about 3 years (19 now). Albeit I don't think it ever saw more than 2000 players on at once even in its prime, the game is still around. We'll see if WoW outdoes that.
Okay, I was running very rough estimates since your link didn't work for me and I couldn't seem to find any numbers since last October on mmogchart.
But even if it is as Gameloading states, 4 million (instead of my 4.5 million estimate) for both Lineage 1 and 2 and only 1 million Guild Wars accounts (I would bet it is much more then a million since they had reached a million purchases like after only 2 months after last Feb launch or some BS) and say only 100,000 COH and COV accounts... that is still a total of 5.1 million.
You claimed that ALL NCsoft games accounts combined wouldn't even come close to HALF of the current 6 million WoW accounts.
... 5.1 million NCsoft accounts (and this is a VERY low estimate btw) is still more then 3 million (Half the WoW accounts)
Anyhow, Enuf on that. Heh.
Yes, WoW is insanely popular. But so were the sales of the New Kids on the Block back in the 80's and the Spice Girls in the 90's. It doesn't mean that the New Kids and the Spice Girls were great musicians or that they'd be around forever. WoW imo is NO DIFFERENT. WoW has about as much depth as did these two music bands had quality music. Any my prediction is pretty much based on this.
You people keep stating "Well Battlenet is still around!"... This has NOTHING to do with the lifespan of WoW. .. First of all Battlenet is a FREE server for the single player games like Diablo and Diablo 2. Completely different then pay to play mmorpgs. To delve further, both Diablo and Diablo 2 have about 10 times the actual gameplay depth as does WoW. Sure WOW is prettier. But pretty doesn't mean anything. Asherons Call 2 was pretty. So was Earth and Beyond.
Look people, I am not saying that WoW is a sorry game. Not at all. But I am saying that it doesn't have the depth of game play and content to keep its players for years and years like UO, EQ, and AC. And their mickymouse expansion that is adding like 15 levels and a new race or two won't add the depth it needs to beat out the old granddaddies of mmos.
This is ofcourse only my opinion and prediction. Nobody knows. Time will tell.... And it will be interesting.
- Zaxx
wow, for real? Man I coulda swore I was hearing it had sold a million copies within only a few months of its release. Maybe not, hell I dunno.
- Zaxx
They say they have a total of 4 million subscribers world wide for all their products combined (dec 2005), so I was a million off unless they lost a million in 3 months.that will teach me to add up too fast for my peanut brain I guess.
december 2005 figures
2,296,000 in Lineage 2
1,500,000 in Lineage 1
1,200,000 in Guild Wars
53% of all their subscribers are Korean
Those figures you posted add up to approx 5 million bro, not 4 hehe.
- Zaxx
yeah i've got 194,000 for COH in dec now too.
I might as well start drinking
the 4 million is "paying customers" (I think)
it looks like Guild Wars hit a million sales last september.
Sambuca time for me. might as well be a drunk idiot instead of just an idiot.
I can't help but be impressed by Guild Wars sales model. It's clear you can run a successful MMO without subscriptions. And they offer that $100,000 prize money too.
I hope other developers go down the value for money path too.
download IR report fy2006 pdf
investor reports never lie.
unless they are enron. and then they all go to prison.
Ncsoft are pretty free with their subscription figures. I think thats the same 4 million i was having trouble with.
not sure if it means total subscribers or total subscribers including GW.
but it says "Ncsoft secures 4 million paying subscibers worldwide as of december 2005".
in a kind of we are very pleased with ourselves kind of way and then goes on to give a break down of the figures as posted above totalling 5 million ish as the maths messiah instantly noticed.
the breakdowns do each game and also each game by geography so you can see who is playing what and where. What all the server populations are etc.
most games companies post their ir results always a sure way to find out when a game will release or how many they have sold. Saves messing with the promotional double talk
Even if UO bites the dust (Love those words :P) the player base will take it up and itll become hole-in-the-wall (Ever heard of a game called Warzone 2100? it's source code was released and the players themselves work on it, this will most likely happen with UO)
AC1 I can't see as being around for much longer, after the crippling failure of AC2 it's probably gonna crash in the next 6 months to 2 years.
EQ1 has had a medium-sized but dedicated community and, as others have said, will have enough life to maintain itself for at best another 5 years.
WoW Is currently in it's prime, saying older games will outlast it is plain bull-headed. It will likely last another 5 or 6 years before it has been played out (by this time Blizzard will likely have begun work on or released another MMO).
But as xplorer and Icogames have said they are just games, I don't really care what happens to them, ill just give an "awww" in that I won't have them available to play anymore.
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
Well, as with everyone else, I can only speak for myself, but I agree with the OP about content/time-of-enjoyment:
Played UO for two years before quitting. Played AC1 for several years before getting bored the first time, continue to go back.
Played EQ1 for four years, continue to go back.
Played DAOC for two years before getting bored.
Played WoW for less than five months after launch, hit level 60 with multiple alts, got bored out of my mind. Quests never changed, crafting was boringly simple and offered NO WAY to differentiate what you built from what the other crafters built (and still doesn't), it was just too damned easy to level all the way to the max while playing casually (as in, an hour or two a night). Came back in the fall to see if they'd changed the game or added some sustainable depth to it (dynamic crafting? Nope; same quests, all the time, same stupid instances to run over and over again mindlessly). Left. Won't be back. There's nothing in WoW that compels the magic "play it for years before getting bored", nothing that makes me even curious to see what they've changed. WoW is LITERALLY the first MMORPG since the MUD days that bored me to tears after only a few months (too easy, too quick, too many l33t-speaking juvenile delinquents who think roleplaying is 'talking funny') and literally the only MMORPG that didn't leave me with a curiosity to return again and again as literally ALL the others did.
Heck, I'm a glutton: I came back to Horizons even, because the crafting is simply, bar none, the best in the business, so good that I came back hoping to find that they'd actually made the adventure/questing side more playable (nope).
Again, that's just me. But there is something distinct about WoW when it is literally the only one in a line of MMORPGs that achieved two things: the fastest to boring; the only one that leaves me without any interest in coming back a year later (hell, I was still playing the others a year later, they weren't boring yet).
You, sir, are dreaming, or not thinking very clearly. I suspect that you also believe that Linux is going to outlast MS Windows too?
Which FF Character Are You?
Followed this game since release by Pumpkin. Was around and part of NEWST for a min till a fallout with rayman jack. Still i think someone needs to get the source code version of the game with trumans warzone starter, the 1.10 patch. Maybe dm mod too and post the complete package on fileplanet. I think if a game company uses the games mechanics with a mmo it will be better then anything on the market to date. Only other company to use similar mechanics was AC1. (Example: fire off a spell/ arrow/missile/projectile etc. target moves the spell/projectile misses. Or the splash damage gets em if the projectile has a splash damage and the targets in the blast radius. Funny how a small program like Warzone 2100 has more features and game mechanics than ANY RTS game out to date. 3000 vehicle combinations, all 3d, more tools then one knows what do do with simplified so that even the dumbest of people can use them.
Not bad for the first 3d RTS game ever made and released in 1999. Yes the first, earth 2150 tried copy and came out in 2000.
Raises cup to Warzone 2100 fans worldwide. http://warzone2100.strategyplanet.gamespy.com/
FoE Fist of the Empire
"What does 2100 mean?"
The release date.
hahahahhaahahhaa... thank you for that one
something tells me you dont spend alot of time on the net
He's not trying to compare them to each other... he's comparing the old generation (ie depth) with the new generation (quick fix). You don't have to have played all those MMOs to know that WoW has significantly less depth than the other ones mentioned.