I really like the new changes and even though alot of it needs to be fixed or touched up it's a great step in the right direction!
Now from ALOT of feedback this is what people want the most:
- New character models - current ones people have said things like: plastic/ugly/boring etc.
- Better animations - For example the dragons look ugly when fighting/flying.
- New Freeport - People say evil doesn't ahve to be a ugly slum. It can be dark but not ugly.
- New Antonica - People have been saying it's just a boring zone.
- (I've put these 2 in here myself) New TS and Nek - I just hate them and they were real game killers from level 20 - 30.
- Remove bells and add more immersive things like boat travel (could be player controled) and really conect up the world! Say like remove city doors and just have invisible loading screens (say like HL where you stay in the game and it loads),
Problems people have are down to graphics and instancing/zoning!
So why not redo old zones (i know one of the devs said they're working on that) and making zoning less obvious
Don't click here...no2
All I know is the changes in EQ2 along with 2 large expansions are really impressive. Every complaint i've had about the game they've fixed and it seems like they listen to the fanbase. I do agree with alot of your points but I like zoning.. and i'd almost rather see them make new alternate zones that house the same level content then redoing the current ones. Wow though, SOE is impressing me on this one.
I personaly only have 2 issues I would like to see improved in EQ2.
1) The overall smoothness of combat (and movement), I don't like that you can be able to hit a target even though you doesn't face it. Also the "feeling" of the timing in attacks that delivers damage on a proper hit.
Also running and jumping looks stiff. Not to mention dancing.
2) The level restrictions are too rough... one single level makes one hell lot of difference... which doesn't really make it so free to me since you have to kill one mob and all of a sudden it turns useless...
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
The new EQ2, better than ever befor !
don't click this link...
I agree with you 100%, your #2 reason especially because I always thought that even though a mob is grey, you should get a little xp for it. I never liked the whole grey thing, I think its fun when a bunch of dumb much-weaker creatures attack you and you whoop on all of them.
The animations. Thats something thats always bothered me about EQ2. I hate to say they ruined the game for me, but they did make everything feel disjointed. Of course, thats personal taste. I believe most of EQ2 was mo-capped? I've never liked the look of mo-cap animation. Never feels right for some reason. Whether or not EQ2 was or not, there is just SOMETHING about the feel of the game in motion that makes me not like it. The core of the game is great...love the overall gameplay...just some little thing thats making me not like it.
The EQ2 team did a great job fixing the game mechanics, but where the game still lacks in is the art department. Simply put, the game, though superior techonlogy-wise, lacks a sense of art and beauty. It may be realistic but it's also ugly. Qeynos is just a splattering of brown and gray and Freeport is undescribably ugly. Evil does not necessarily mean stupid and violent (hey, maybe they just don't want to save every tree and every animal) but the EQ2 team seems to think so. Antonica is boring because it's nothing more than far too many repeated textures and a lot of the other zones lack any sort of visual flair to make them truly interesting. Even armor lacks flair in spades. Unfortunately, it's a bit too late to be revamping the graphics completely, but hopefully later expansions will fix many of these problems.
Last Month in a Huff... i quit EQ2.I was livid with bad boring game play.
Ohhh yes it was beautiful and I really could melt my hardware with full textures and resolution but its not about that at all cause frankly, it was a great game to watch.
My complaint is in actual fighting.
For example if i am a wizard... and Im fighting an Iceblock. one would think that damage from heat would affect the iceblock more that a freezing spell... BUT NO. Once upon a time long long ago in a galaxy far far away, in EQ 1 I managed to get through Black borrow to the frozen lands of Halas.. that day my fire spells rocked ... every fire spell on that icy field was pure power... now as evolution of owners and game itself.. the fighting ststem was changed.if i want there now with the current rule set ice spells would hurt mobs just like fire spells... now thats silly isnt it... they tried to take the inteligence out to compete with WoW,
WoW i found to be for people who could not figure EQ2. or did not have the Hardware.
I have never met anyone who went from EQ to WOW and liked it... mind you I also got very tired of SOE saying sorry for this that and the other, the whole time making the game easier to play but harder to like. I demand that fire spells hurts Iceblocks more than cold spells cause its common sence. SOE you lost my account . I also got bored...
I played eq 1 for 4 years with 3 chars, a Erudi Wiz (main) a barb fighter and a ranger
and eq 2 for 2... Erudi Wizard and Troll guardian(main) (total book ends)
Illuminite (Wiz)
Cranked (guardian)
WoW managed to keep my attention for about 2 weeks (I still play starcraft when i need some time alone)
Quenos sonyeQ
AND I AGREE : evil dont have to be UGLY... mind you I Love to be troll.
Punch it Chewy
They really need to create individual cities for each race. The two city linear approach to advancement was a big mistake. Additionally, they need to stop designing islands. I don't want to see another island zone in this game. The next expansion should be an expansive continent, much like EQ1 Kunark or Velious. It should be forbidding and have a rich back-story.
Now you have
EQ to EQ2 to WOW and happy as a clam.
I think you need to turn your settings up an look again. Have you seen the detail on the castle in Qeynos? Have you seen the Designs "carved" into the stone? On the armor, have you seen the intricate detail and designs they have on them? It's there, you just need to turn your settings up to see them.
I also think that those of you complaining about Antonica, Nek, and TS have spent too much time there. If that's all you see you don't appreciate the differences in the settings. When you spend all your time in Everfrost, Lavastorm and the Freeott coming back to those zones is nice. I especially love Antonica. Probably because I don't see it much. I usually go from Lavastorm to FP then back to Lava.
Sure, I'd love to look at those wonderful details, only it would absolutely crush my frame-rates on my pitiful system:
AMD 2500+ Barton
Radeon 9800 Pro
1GB PC3200 RAM (Dual Channel)
2 WD 37 GB Raptors (RAID 0)
Creative Audigy 2 ZS
In fact, I have to play the game in Extreme Performance mode, and it still often bogs down, particularly after I've been playing for a while. As a result, it looks a lot like EQ1, only it is nowhere near as smooth.
The games graphics look the same on highest detail to the lowest. Only difference is the ammount of fancy details like bump mapping,bloom,flora and shadows etc etc.
Still has bad models anyway you look at it.
Don't click here...no2
<div><span style="width:120px; height:120px;float:left;overflow: hidden;"><a href="http://www.zowned.com/Opef"><img src="http://www.zowned.com/file/pic/user/Opef_120.jpg" style="border: 0pt none ; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; width: 120px; height: 120px;"></a></span></div>
OMG, once again you are sooo right Moosh, and you're not just doing your typical uniformed trolling.
I mean look at these pics, you can hardly even tell the high and low settings apart! And these aren't even fully maxed or fully minimised settings! Omgomg. All I did from the low qual pics was turn up the texture to max and added in some lighting and flora.
Yeah for real, I haven't even restarted the game to get the shadows on, but sure as hell, the pics all look exactly the same.
What a tool.
So which is it going to be for the next week Moosh? It's the best? Or you hate it? Or wait- no- I think- no you're not sure?
Yeah really haha.
Ok, so I went ahead and did a extreme performance and extreme quality comparison anyways, again without restarting to fire up the shadows.
Ok Moosh, have a quick guess as to which is which; high and low qual. Yeah, I can't tell either, they look exactly the same...
*waits for the inevitable "Yeah seriously they hardly look much different" wanky reply*
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
Arremus, why are you posting each of those pics twice? Each set looks exactly the same...I can't tell the difference.
/sarcasm off.
Scaramoosh. MMORPG.COM's Pointless Troll of the Year, 2 years running.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
OK since the High/Low was already contrasted I decided to post a screen shot of my guild hitting lv 40 shot at my play settings. You decide how you think it looks.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I also must say that getting on the back of the OP is really not needed. He seems to be giving the revamp of EQ2 a fair shot just voicing his displeasure with some of the zones. This is all fine and good.
Personally I LOVE the way Nek, CL and <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Freeport are set up they look like what they are and that is great!
<div><span style="width:120px; height:120px;float:left;overflow: hidden;"><a href="http://www.zowned.com/Opef"><img src="http://www.zowned.com/file/pic/user/Opef_120.jpg" style="border: 0pt none ; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; width: 120px; height: 120px;"></a></span></div>
Well here are my High/Low too
High: http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/431/high6dz.jpg
Low: http://img61.imageshack.us/my.php?image=low2ym.jpg
<div><span style="width:120px; height:120px;float:left;overflow: hidden;"><a href="http://www.zowned.com/Opef"><img src="http://www.zowned.com/file/pic/user/Opef_120.jpg" style="border: 0pt none ; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; width: 120px; height: 120px;"></a></span></div>
Awesome armor, Mangar. And gratz to your guild on dinging 40!
So I think we can all say, no, scaramoosh, we absolutely do NOT all agree.
I think people missed the point, when you look at those pics you will notice that nothing in the models changed beyween high and low settings, except for the ammount of detail on the armor and some other textures (bump mapping).
The complaint was about how the models were lacking and the half atempt at 3dstudio max that EQ2´s animations seem to be, c´mon.... more than a year after release and our characters cant even sit on a chair or lay down in a bed in a realistic fasion?
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
I found some screenshots using Google:
Screenshot 1 - shot of a building in Qeynos. Notice the prominence of the color gray.
Screenshot 2 - shot of some scenery in Qeynos. Notice that besides the green for the grass and trees, the prominent color is gray.
Screenshot 3 - shot of a high elf standing next to a wolf. The texture on the armor, though nicely done, is pretty non-descript. Notice also that the background is mostly gray.
Screenshot 4 - shot of some houses in Qeynos. Notice how it has different shades of gray and brown, but no other colors.
In summary, the graphics may look realistic, but it's quite bland. Also, most of these screenshots are taken at maximum quality. Not many people have systems powerful enough to play the game at this setting. Most people have to settle for either balanced or high performance.
ROFL! Where are we as a society when your in game character can't even lay down in bed in a realistic fashion!?!?! I'm calling my senator, something MUST BE DONE!
*picks up the red phone* Batman, report to commisioner Gordon, EQ2 characters won't lie down in a bed in a realistic fashion!
Thanks for the laugh, Kem0.
There were 4 screenshots, and none of them were taken at maximum quality as denoted by the complete lack of the "bloom" effect. As for them being bland, that is mere opinion. I think they make any other game look bland by comparison. We can agree to disagree.
And FYI, I have a mediocre system compared to todays standards (1.93 ghz processor, 1 gig of ram, Radeon X800 pro card) and I play on High Quality.
eq2 animations are kinda iffy for me that i do agree on, but they aren't game breaking, nor are they really annoying, but then again theres a reason im not a iksar. My fury in his forms(treant/white wolf/tiger/lion) all have proper movement and attack animations suited to the animal(the lion sort of "weaving" when hes in combat mode but not attacking was a nice touch. Sorta as if hes observing the situation.) And i LOVE how my actual char looks outside of forms, i see alot of people on the pvp serv who have their entire AQ set and they all look really cool(am in it myself as well). I see people in a mish mash of gear.
I've also seen some amazing locations, i started in qeynos and i thought it was okay, typical mmorpg material, i mean thats the style of it. Freeport was a huge difference for me when i started there(nagafen(pvp serv)) The slummyness of the starter zones, and the cool more maintained "inner" freeport such as east/west/north/south fp, sorta like thats the actual city and the rest is just squatter zones built around it by more people moving in(at least thats how it feels to me). Also saying they cant be better maintained is sorta truthful, but really couldn't you also say that given the different type of rulership styles as well as the "kill or be killed, scam or be scammed" style of government sorta justifies it.
Heck going through WC for the first time was awesome to me. FG as well was pretty interesting. Blackburrow+splitpaw all has the same "caveish" feel to it. TS/Nek both have unique feels, i don't know why your complaining about them. Maybe you had bad luck in a quest. But its very densely populated by mobs with clear roads, and a few mobs and animals who venture onto the roads(as most things wouldnt for fear of meeting trouble) the aggro range can be annoying on some mobs especially ones that snare. Overall I thought they were very well designed, and felt sorta "Real". The griffon paths make them alot easier to navigate, but unfortunately the respawns and towers are so much better in nek. But i suppose the fact that the area is actually harder to navigate compensates for that. Just those first few levels offer alot of cool areas, and a few ive missed along the way. And from what I've seen of KoS it looks very promising, and once my fury on the pvp serv reaches it i think itll be amazing as well.
Also, as far as mmorpgs go eq2 has some of the best models, im not gonna go through every mmorpg and badmouth them. but still, even tho this games not perfect its not definately not the worst, some people just have to nitpick something and complain about it. No game will ever be perfect you gotta take some of the good along with the bad, but give me this games animations over wows horrible models and armor anyday.
I agree with Bladin. Really has atmosphere. It's way harder to make a game with "realistic" graphics to look nice other than a cartoony/disney looking style. Much more shadowing and details and so on. They really have made an outstanding job!
I agree I totally hate the agro ranges and the annoying respawns that instantly attacks you, but being careful is the key.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "