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So where are all the console MMORPG's? EQOA was fun for awile but it seemed like a watered-down MMO and it looks like the end is near (no longer sold retail). FFO I've heard so many bad things about I don't even want to try. Where's all the MMO's I can sit back on my coach and play on my 32" TV? The success of the Socom series should have taught the developers at least one thing: There is a huge online Console audience just waiting to be tapped in to.
I never hear anything about Console MMO's. Are they out there? Any on the way? Am I going to have to buy a 360 (as you can probably tell from the games I have a ps2)?
Sorry man, I'm a big console hater. They can't now, nor will they ever be able to touch the depth and quality of a PC RPG/MMO/FPS (though the FF series is close). Now in the fighting/racing/sports genre, consoles win hands down but since I don't care for those game types...
Sorry man, I'm a big console hater. They can't now, nor will they ever be able to touch the depth and quality of a PC RPG/MMO/FPS (though the FF series is close). Now in the fighting/racing/sports genre, consoles win hands down but since I don't care for those game types...
Precisely!!! I always wondered why people play anything other than a fighting or racing game on the consoles. As far as sports games, I wonder why anyone plays those at all.
I hate that they port games for consoles and pc's. It just makes the game look like crap and play like crap on my computer.
you can't find EQOA anymore but you can still get EQOA Frontiers. EQOA was my introduction to MMOs and it was a lot of fun. The only other options you have are FFXI and Phantasy Star Online (Xbox).
But I do have to agree, PCs are the place to be for MMOs.
Current Games:
Console MMOs might become more common in the future, but you have to remember when the first MMOs were coming out consoles didn't even use the internet.
One major hurdle is that most games that get ported to console from PCs look like crap, or at least play that way. Also the controls would have to be heavily modified since most MMOs take full advantage of the fact PCs have so many more buttons due to the keyboard.
There is the idea (and I'm not sure if this is as prevalent among the developers as it is gamers) that people who play consoles are much more interested in action games than something like an MMO. Just look at the dearth of decent RPGs in general on consoles compared to PCs.
I think an MMO on the 360 is probably more likely than one on the PS3 since Xbox Live is such a huge part of that system, but unless the people on consoles can play on the same servers as PC people it might not be worth developing since most people would rather pay one fee for playing an MMO rather than that on top of the charge for Live.
Finally there is the fact that most MMOs take years to develop, and these days it seems like console lifespans are getting shorter, and shorter.
When people will pay others to play a game for them it might be a sign the game isn't all that fun.
Isn't the PS3 coming out this year sometime? Why would any gaming company focus on making a game that would take as much time as any decent MMORPG should when the graphics system of the console they are making for will be worthless compared to the next gen that is coming out in less than a year?
I linked the Gyration page up in my first post. Wireless keyboard/mouse. AIR mouse, no pad needed. Now just get a decent graphics card that has s-video out and run it to your TV. And VIOLA!
Consoles ruin Games.
Look at Theif.
A Work in Progress.
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I can do you one better. Deus Ex Invisible War.
EDIT: and I don't think consoles ruins games. Ports ruin games.
When people will pay others to play a game for them it might be a sign the game isn't all that fun.
Sorry man, I'm a big console hater. They can't now, nor will they ever be able to touch the depth and quality of a PC RPG/MMO/FPS (though the FF series is close). Now in the fighting/racing/sports genre, consoles win hands down but since I don't care for those game types...
Oblivion on the XBox360 looks like it could be an impressively deep console RPG. It's worth pointing out too, that since the new generation of consoles has only one example launched - and that very new - there could be a few surprises in store about what they can do.
I've read a preview of FFXI for the 360, and it raised one good point - in their opinion, it felt limiting to not have regular internet access to look things up (on the same machine running the game), or a computer notepad function to make notes. When I played SWG, I definitely tabbed out to read the forums, and used the /notepad function to keep track of things a lot, and I reckon it would be an annoyance to be without those.
Dasharr Eandall, SWG, Smuggler/Pistoleer (retired after 2.5+ years)
The big problem with console MMOs isn't graphics, it's the lack of a keybord. There was a controller released, shortly after EQOA came out, that had a little "two way" keyboard on it. It was actually a lot more comfortable than it sounds. Anyway, communication is a big part of online games and most consoles have embraced voice over IP rather than the key board.
As for games on the Consoles.... there's Phantasy Star Universe and I'm pretty sure that another Monster Hunter will come out on the PS3, but don't quote me on that. I also think that Sqaure/Enix is working on a console MMO, "Fantasy Earth: Ring of Dominion" or some such.
It would be a smart move to make a console MMO though. More people own consoles than gaming level PCs. On the other hand, it almost sounds like an indie game jam challenge...."make a 12 button, 4 axis MMO!!"
The important thing is that the game in question would have to be made for consoles and only be ported between consoles, or from consoles to the PC and not the other way around. Morrowind actually started it's life on the XBox before being released on the PC and we all KNOW how that turned out
Worthless graphics? The PSone remained popular many years after it was well behind current gen consoles graphical capabilities. The PS2 graphical capabilities I imagine are plenty good enough to keep it popular for many years after the PS3 is released. Advantages of developing for the PS2:
1) Large market penetration already achieved.
2) Able to reach budget consumers (espescially true once next-gen PS3 comes out and the PS2 price drops even more).
3) PS2 will be the first "budget" console with Networking, Voice communication, and Keyboard/peripheral abilities.
4) Don't have to code for many different hardware/software/OS configurations.
Sure XBox 360 has all these things and the superior graphics built in, but it has not achieved (nor will it ever) the large market penetration that the PS2 has, and it's not for the budget consumer. PS2 is an ideal platform for an MMORPG, I'm just surprised I haven't heard of any more being developed.
Part of the reason I stopped playing PC games is because I had to upgrade every two years. Now, with the XBox360 being $400 and the PS3 rumored to be $600 to $800, it's actually cheaper to buy a new computer every couple of years. Maybe if the Revolution is under $300 I'll stick with consoles.
For right now, there is almost nothing coming out on the PC that dosn't have MMO plastered on it. It's kinda like the time when every game on the PC was an FPS or RTS. Right now consoles have a lot more variety than PC games and a larger number of titles coming out. I like both PCs and consoles, but from a gaming point of view, consoles just make more sense. Consoles live for about 5 years, cost way less than a gaming PC, and you don't ever have to worry about system specs or hardware incompatability. In spite of all that, I'm pretty sure that most people aren't willing to pay $800 for a f#@kin' video game. Especially if that game requires a $1500 HDTV!!
I still stick by my original post though, more people have consoles so a company needs to make a console MMORPG if they ever hope to defeat WoW.
WoW = 5 million subscribers
PS2= 100 million units sold
XBox= 25 million units shipped
Gamecube = 18.5 million units shipped
Gamboy (including GBA) = 220 million units sold
Nintendo DS = 14 million units in a year
PSP = Does anyone actually own on of these things?
The potential is awesome. No console MMOs have really breach the market. If you consider that there are 5 millions peoples in WoW and another 5 millions at NCsoft...and that computers are supposedly a minority in the gaming market...
Prolly have to go with voice over chat that somehow don't end in lag.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
The funny thing is, not only do console games translate very poorly to the PC, but the reverse is definitely true. I remember when Final Fantasy 7 got ported to the PC... and was immediately reported by friends to be a terrible, horrible experience. There were apparently serious bugs involved that made the game very unplayable to them.
A console MMOs could work. EQOA enjoyed pretty good success on the PS2, and I remember that it played okay and more than a few folks got involved. Phantasy Star Online had a tight fanbase that found the game fun for at least a little while. For myself, if I had a child, and wanted to introduce that child to MMOs in general, I might could see buying EQOA Frontiers or PSO (whatever incarnation of that game is currently on the shelves).
But yeah, before those console MMOs ever take off, it's gonna take a lot of out-of-the-box thinking to make them really appeal to folks.
Consoles have a few advantages. They work. You can bet the game you buy for it will work 99% of the time. Unlike a computer that you end up playing Bug-Hunt more then the game itself.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-