Question: Have you finished downloading the updates yet?
If you've installed the T.E. onto your computer, the update to NGE is going to take a little while and you aren't going to be able to make a character until it finishes the update.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
Well first off you are in the wrong place to ask for help. As you can see not alot of people are rushing to your aide. SWG is not the game it used to be. Most people here hate what has been done to it. You need to go here to speak with people that are actually playing the game:
All I can tell you is to select youre server, create your toon (it is all self explanitory), then do the tutorial. You can not leave the tutorial until you are at least level 7. To leave speak to Han Solo.
That is all there is to it.
Good Luck
Sago Mactow Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet 6/26/03 - 1/26/06 Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect DFR Councilman Tarq Server
Originally posted by fadte when i paid for it it said that it was complete but i just signed back on and it is updating again
T.E.? NGE?
Yeah, it was the "complete" version of SWG: Total Experience (T.E.). But since then they implemented the New Game Enhancements (NGE) and it rearranged a lot of the game, so you're going to have to wait for all those changes to be downloaded into your computer.
After it's done updating, you'll see a big "PLAY" button to click, and then you can make your character from there.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
OK ,I CANT EVEN GET TO THE POINT TO SELECT MY SERVER I HAVNT CREATED MI TOON YET EITHER I WENT OUT AND BOUGHT THE GAME GUIDE ,I WENT THRUE THE BOOKLET THAT CAME WITH THE GAME AND READ THAT BUT NO WHERE IN ANY OF THAT DOES IT SAY WHERE TO CREATE A TOON OR SELECT A SERVER. this game was a preseint last year and we couldent play it becose we had dial up but now we have a faster conection we just want a quick instuction of how to do this and no it is still downloding the updates.
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
thanks for the help i gess dat day did find da daget raned foe da game sorry i askesd next time il ask soe "the people that runs da gammememem oh fudge i forget how do speck.
thanks alot duggo
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
Originally posted by fadte thanks for the help i gess dat day did find da daget raned foe da game sorry i askesd next time il ask soe "the people that runs da gammememem oh fudge i forget how do speck.
thanks alot duggo
Good luck on getting anything out of SOE, thats a big part of the reasion we are all so MMAADD.
Sago Mactow
Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet
6/26/03 - 1/26/06
Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect
DFR Councilman
Tarq Server
i meen to actualy start to build the character and start to play the game! not to see obi wan i just want to start the game.
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
The Star Warsyness of the Iconic character selection screen is Working As Intended.
The Millenium Lee
Have you selected your server and created your toon yet? Did you go thru the tutorial?
Sago Mactow
Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet
6/26/03 - 1/26/06
Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect
DFR Councilman
Tarq Server
no i havnt but that is what i am trying to do. , I even payed the money before checking. i havent gone thrue ant totorial. yet either.
" smart me"
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
Question: Have you finished downloading the updates yet?
If you've installed the T.E. onto your computer, the update to NGE is going to take a little while and you aren't going to be able to make a character until it finishes the update.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
Well first off you are in the wrong place to ask for help. As you can see not alot of people are rushing to your aide. SWG is not the game it used to be. Most people here hate what has been done to it. You need to go here to speak with people that are actually playing the game:
All I can tell you is to select youre server, create your toon (it is all self explanitory), then do the tutorial. You can not leave the tutorial until you are at least level 7. To leave speak to Han Solo.
That is all there is to it.
Good Luck
Sago Mactow
Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet
6/26/03 - 1/26/06
Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect
DFR Councilman
Tarq Server
when i paid for it it said that it was complete but i just signed back on and it is updating again
T.E.? NGE?
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
Yeah, it was the "complete" version of SWG: Total Experience (T.E.). But since then they implemented the New Game Enhancements (NGE) and it rearranged a lot of the game, so you're going to have to wait for all those changes to be downloaded into your computer.
After it's done updating, you'll see a big "PLAY" button to click, and then you can make your character from there.
Waiting on: Pirates of the Burning Sea and Pirates of the Carribean Online
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
You were lucky someone bothered to give you any info regarding this game.
Here, we despise what the game has become and despise even more the company that runs it.
Not a good place to ask for game help. Nothing personal but thats the way it is.
Yikes. You couldn't even figure out how to create a character by yourself?
No wonder they felt the need to dumb everything down.
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I dont think we should give this person a hard time.
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We all know they redesigned the game for three year olds, looks like they are beginning to find some of there target audience.
Ebe ------ SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
Ann ----- SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
Zoo'xu -- SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
thanks for the help i gess dat day did find da daget raned foe da game sorry i askesd next time il ask soe "the people that runs da gammememem oh fudge i forget how do speck.
thanks alot duggo
i come in paece untill i shoot lol i do come in peace
Ebe ------ SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
Ann ----- SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
Zoo'xu -- SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed