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Good morning folks,
I have recently applied to a job position with Bioware. Unfortunately, I can't really go into detail or anything; because I haven't yet been officially hired. However, I am pretty certain that I can assume I will get the job.
What I can say, I think, is that it is clearly evident that Sony Online Entertainment will have nothing to do wilh the handling of "an old pre CU version" of their MMonline Star Wars Galaxies Title. And, furthermore, have rather obviously, made serious changes to their SWG to help make the switch to what is Sony Games major focus as of now, the PS3.
I am very excited about this opportunity that I am presented with. I hope that my many innovative ideas can be the foundation of what the future of MMO RP games will stand for. I hope to help pave the way for what the future of MMORPGs may become.
Finally, I want to thank this great community for sharing your thoughts and opinions with me and hope you continue to do so, even without my colorful insights.
Everybody short-sell Bioware shares now!
No annoying animated GIF here!
**slaps knee**
Wait......... is this a serious post?
A Work in Progress.
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Good for you supernerd, I wish you the best of luck if you do end up getting hired. One thing that I cannot understand is the comment at the end you made.
You do realize most of the guys at the forums mocked you and sort of disliked you....they really didn't like your insight at all...Anywhos just thought that was odd. GL
Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls
Just what postion are you applying for? Playtester? Programer? Concept Artist? Level Designer?
Just curious. If you walk in there with that attitude, I doubt you'll last very long. Enthusiasm is something that team leaders look for, but arrogance isn't. Every manager has nightmares of a "cat herding" situation, mainly because all experienced managers have been in that situation. From your posts, I get the very real impression that you would be difficult to work with on any creative project that you weren't in charge of. Even then, you'd be a pain in the ass.
If you're going to be a playtester, then I suggest that you turn the egotism down from 11 to about 4 and try to learn all that you can while you're there. The more constructive and insightful your input, the better chance you have of eventualy gaining the coveted title of Lead Level designer and Scripter. Playtesters that think they're Cliffy B or John Carmack don't last very long.
Actually, the advice works in any position in the team that you may end up with. Your problems seem to be that you think you know it all so there's nothing you're willing to learn. You only value your own opinion so you give no consideration to the opinions of others. If you get the job, you'll be working on a TEAM and there is no I in team. As a developer, the minute you decide to stop learning or taking in new perspectives is the minute that you truely stop being able to create anything new or even vaguely entertaining.
Of course, for all I know, you may have only applied for the position of janitor......
Congrats. Which job are you getting?
I just want to say:
I'm a Junior in College w/ a Computer Science Major.
I can APPLY to be the lead programming director of Microsoft if the postion was open. I don't even have to be in College to do that, I could be a 12yr old kid. I could still APPLY.
A Work in Progress.
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lol.. no doubt. I mean im not one to burst peoples bubbles, but when they decide to interview you.. and depending on how that interview goes (you'll know if it went well or not if you've ever been in an interview) THEN maybe get a little confidence.
all you did was send them an application and you're packing your bags. /me think you havnt been in the professional world long
so, let us know when you get interviewed and how it went. sincerely though, good luck on being selected for interview.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
If he applied for janitor they probably won't even bother to interview him. I worked in factories for about 12 years and I can count on one hand the number of jobs that I had to be interviewed for.
Salaried positions almost always interview first though.
Oh wait... When you get hired by a MMORPG company you're supposed to stop posting here... Well damn, why didn't anyone tell me that!!! :P
/sarcasm off
/disbelief on
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
My blog:
Since when did Bioware become Bigotware?
judging from supernerd's previous posts, I seriously doubt he even has the required age to get a job for a company like bioware.
If by chance that it is true (yeah right..cough) and you do get a job with Bioware I hope they let you write the dialog in an MMO, it would be something like this....
Hello <player name>
I got a qeust 4 u to do 4 meh
go out in da woodz and kill 50
poizen ratz be aware dat dis
mite take 4evar an evar
when you get back i wil give
joo a 1337 bastard sword of
Im normally a very nice person, but if Supernerd is "real" this might come out a bit cruel. Because, even though the poster might have written some texts here and there that actually contained partially sincere opinions and insights, on the whole I don't think much of his participation has been done with any other intent than to stir flames and outrage.
I don't believe Supernerd is real, because I cannot believe anybody is quite that narrowminded and unenlightened. If that is my own narrowmindedness in not seeing how such people might actually exist, or my deep insight in understanding that he cannot possibly be anything but a horrid troll, I shall never know. For whatever response he might give, I probably wouldn't believe him...
Of course, saying 'nobody could possibly be that stupid' is rather cruel if it turns out that somebody is. So I hope I'm not mistaken.
Other than that, farewell, if you never post again, and good luck, regardless of what you do.
(I wonder, though. Might they have created the position of non-poster to reduce the flaming content of online forums? Would explain the "last post" aspect of this thread.)
The future: Adellion
Common flaw in MMORPGs: The ability to die casually
Advantages of Adellion: Dynamic world (affected by its inhabitants)
Player-driven world (beasts won't be an endless supply of mighty swords, gold will come from mines, not dragonly dens)
Player-driven world (Leadership is the privilege of a player, not an npc)
Mmmkay, well, I have recently applied to a job position as "Emperor of the Known Universe."
I can't really go into detail or anything because ... *scuffle breaks out* ACK!!!
*medical attendants inject SpiritofGame with heavy doses of Thorazine*
"Throw this nutcase into the same room with Supernerd!"
~ Ancient Membership ~
good luck I guess.. Honestly, I've never really payed any attention to you in the forums as the few posts of yours that I've seen recently make you out to be somewhat illiterate and if anything, immature. Your tactics include choppy/blocky writing format; use of words like "may b" in subjects; name calling of MMO gaming industry members; etc.
Perhaps if you really want to leave a mark, you'll provide intellectually stimulating conversation that's well written and expressed equally as well. Na, I realize that type of conversation usually doesn't stimulate a response as well as your normal posts. So in honor of your potential departure, I leave you with this:
OMG i glad u ar leavn caus
YOURE post lame! an your to!!l
U now thats thu truth!!1;1'1!
if u hav enythin ta do wit biowarez
i gona not getn it cause you thots
iz liek worse then SOE!!!!
I think it's pretty obvious that Supernerd was a character and that the guy behind him is in now way stupid.( heck just look a the contrast between the text/title of this post). Now, what he expected to achieve with that I don't know nad probably never will. Anyway, I might be a fool for thinking that, but for once I think the writer has not been playing a role. Anyway, good luck to you.
Animator? Concept Artist? Modeler? Level Designer? Programmer? Playtester? Those jobs wouldn't suite supernerds strengths. They should make him Lead Producer. Now some of you may view him as narrowminded, but you guys haven't really tried to understand his posts. If you do then you would realize his ideas on game design are heavily open-minded; even niavely open-minded. I hope they put you in the right position supernerd.
As the President and CEO of Bioware I regret to inform you that we have elected to go with another candidate at this time. We wish you the best in all your future endeavors.
Evar Yours,
Mike McLarty
I'm guessing he stopped posting to cause a more dramatic effect on us (as if he was actually leaving and got the job) ...atleast that might be what he thinks he is doing yet not accomplishing hehe. I wouldn't be surprised If I saw the guy on the forums withihn a couple of days.
Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls
"I am pretty certain that I can assume that I got the job"
I am PRETTY certain... that I can ASSUME.. SORRY ... That one just cracks me up.
"Yes..we have NO bANANAS!"
Actually I can tell you exactly what this post was about...
Quote from the OP:
"I have recently applied to a job position with Bioware. Unfortunately, I can't really go into detail or anything; because I haven't yet been officially hired. However, I am pretty certain that I can assume I will get the job.
What I can say, I think, is that it is clearly evident that Sony Online Entertainment will have nothing to do wilh the handling of "an old pre CU version" of their MMonline Star Wars Galaxies Title. And, furthermore, have rather obviously, made serious changes to their SWG to help make the switch to what is Sony Games major focus as of now, the PS3."
What may have bypassed some of the readers is...
Going from saying applied at bioware ---> SOE won't handle a pre-cu version of SWG. The two things have absolutely nothing to do with each other or someone applying to BioWare. Unless...
You read the SWG forums we recently had someone posting rumors. They finally divulged their source to be their "brother in law" who had applied at BioWare.
During the interview was told:
LAE pulled the SWG license from SOE
That BioWare was taking over the project
and a few other random tidbits.
This is the same type of post (from a different poster) implying that:
They applied for a job and BioWare and its now evident SOE won't have a pre-cu verson of SWG in their charge. Which you read into as... BioWare will.
I think a lot of people are rather confused about what information (especially un-named projects) is given to potential employees... Who haven't signed a contract or NDA.
Altho we did have a Mythic person respond in the thread and I'm pretty sure they would know...
(edited to fix some grammatical errors and create some now ones. Thus maintaining a balanced grammtical game system)
I first assumed that the paragraphs (oh, supernerd posting means every half sentence is a paragraph, but still) weren't related, and then I assumed that BioWare is going to be doing something which SOE won't because SOE's a bunch of pansies.
Which may be right, huh, for all I know...
But, in plain, plain english - is this a concealed advertisement?
The future: Adellion
Common flaw in MMORPGs: The ability to die casually
Advantages of Adellion: Dynamic world (affected by its inhabitants)
Player-driven world (beasts won't be an endless supply of mighty swords, gold will come from mines, not dragonly dens)
Player-driven world (Leadership is the privilege of a player, not an npc)
does every thread really have to turn into "lolz SOE Suxx0r, go bioware, make SWG2!!111" ?
lets try not to discuss SWG or SOE for once