Hey evryone, humm i would like to buy EvE online but evrywhere i go they say "Im outta stock I dont think I will ever have this game in my shop"And my parents dont want to order it from the net beacause of "insecurity" what should i do???
Or, for a more subtle approach you can try the free trial and show them that BANKS wouldn't use the internet if they couldn't make it secure, and that you can trust CCP before you can trust any bank.
We can agree to disagree, or we can bicker constantly... either way, I'm right.
SobaKai.com There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Download the client from eve-online and get your free trial.
Kill your parents...
Or, for a more subtle approach you can try the free trial and show them that BANKS wouldn't use the internet if they couldn't make it secure, and that you can trust CCP before you can trust any bank.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
I don't want to burst your bubble, but even if you do find EVE in a store there is still a problem of monthly payment issues.
A Work in Progress.
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