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Seems I have been banned from the darkfall forums again for exactly the same reason, posting my honest opinions about the game status and the community and lack of developer interaction.
They call that "trolling"
I made a post voicing my concerns about the inexperience of the darkfall team and how little we know about Aventurine, I said after all this time I have less and less faith. I asked why has the aventurine site been in "upgrade" status fo 3 years.
I was immediatly banned. This happens with everyone that posts an opinion that isnt praising darkfall or isnt a t pointless speculation thread.
So why is the community staff so protective, I dont know, judging from what I read on other boards across the web they probably have this policy to keep their community from the real topics and to stop the waves of people that think Darkfall is vaporware from flooding the forums.
I dont think Darkfall is vaporware, but I am closer to thinking that. I want to play the game bad because of the concepts.
But concepts is all there is too say about darkfall , that and the speculating wishful community that gets by on vapors and beta insinuations from the team.
First it was beta in 2003, then clan forum groups for beta in 2004 then beta signups.
This is really a pointless thread, but I needed to vent in someplace related to Darkfall were I know I wont be insta banned or locked.
Haha I made a post for a new channel in stratics for the alfar race #nagast, it got simply deleted because some other community staff members already had an alfar channel going. What else can you expect from a bunch of volunteers.
even its vaporware its only game im realy intrested in and claus stated that always peeps around shouting its faporware but they working on it and not realy care if peeps say this.
So we have to be patience about this game its sometimes hard but only real open pvp mmo thats comming on market that have it all and no game come close to it.
Darkfall will be awsome if it ever go p2p thats not wishfull thinking.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
"So we have to be patience about this game its sometimes hard but only real open pvp mmo thats comming on market that have it all and no game come close to it." oh look 0wned... oh shit 0wned again...
hell even playing Shadowbane for free 0wns this vaporware trash..
Age of mourning? Yeah sure... Also see:
www.ageof wechargeyou$, and
tsr= thestupidityrealm
I agree, posting negatively about a game on it's own forums is rather a waste of time. It doesn't do anything good for the game. All it accomplishes is seeding doubt in those who really look forward to the game, and that helps no one.
Go take a good long nap. Darkfall takes it nice and slow. No reason to think that will change until we get ever closer to beta. Don't expect beta until it happens.
The house of peace is built on the foundation of war.
You must conquer the land before you build you house and live in peace.
Well Age of Mourning even if it does look good on their website isnt even registered on anywhere. Now if there was ever a bad sign.............
Anyway I read nothing about kingdom building and such about AoM which without leaves a very hollow pvp game.
Also Fenril what exactly is it that Darkfall ows you? You havent payed them any money have you? They dont owe us shit at this point in time. When I am paying for the game I'll make demands but until then I will not complain and call them fake etc. Right now all I want to do is encourage them and give them all the support I possibly can. I talk about it with friends, on forums etc to increase their rating on and to get more people to register on their forums because I want them to be able to continue get support and more money from their company. Still I dont think they owe me shit, even if they never release I will just say "Well that was bloody stupid not to give them more money." to their backing company, and also say to the devs "Thanks for at least trying to make the game of my dreams. I hope you get another chance." Simple as that.
For now they need our support not our complaints, I promise you your complaints in the Darkfall forums will not have a positive effect on their future.