I just post this as a warning for those interested in buying AutoAssault.
I was in beta and the game seemed fun so i preordered it.
Preorder gives access to Euro gamma ( in Europe ) and headstart.
Since NCsoft had a problem with mixing keys it was suggested to use add account and not upgrade when using the preorder key on my play nc account.
Still my game would not let me log in.
After numerous mails traded with customer support, and after i did all they suggested, i canceled my preorder and preordered again to get a new preorder key.
I used that on my other plaync account to avoid all problems but the game now tells me that account doesn't exist.
So 2 preorder keys and one account blocked the other not found.
This really promises for retail so i canceled my second preorder also.
I am in Europe but i think i read there has been similar problems with US accounts.
I bought all NCsoft games until now but i will not buy AutoAssault .