Would you play WoW without any high-end armors and weapons in a server? Without instances like BWL/MC/AQ, maybe the 20-man raids can stay.
Would that be a better option for casual gamers and for people, who think that raiding is just boring or annoying?
I'm thinking of a server kinda like in DAoC. I've heard that they took out of those really powerful items, which came with the ToA expansion. Would you like a server in WoW with that kind of an option too?
It would be PERFECT for pvpers too! I got this game with some mates when it first came out with all the intentions of pvping but a few weeks after hitting 60, we all realised that it is basically impossible to truly enjoy pvp without spending countless hours in 40 man instances to keep up with everyone. I for one would love to see a server like this.
A lot of the phat lewt lovers would go cry that they can't jerk off to their epics but I honestly reckon that if a server type like this came along, it would be VERY popular and you would see a good amount of people rerolling there. Ofcourse, it might die earlier than most because of the lack of endgame stuff but i bet the pvpers would stay there.
Anyways, this idea couldn't be hard to excecute by Blizzard. The idea on DAoC worked perfectly, since the classic server is most populated actually.
Jeff Kaplan AKA Tigole is the head Dev at WoW... and yes he would probably be demoted or fired from his position..
cuase all he knows about gaming is just raiding.
WoW is a PVP and PVE game? WoW has the best PVP in all MMOs ? seems to me you never played EVE or DAoC before.
You honesty is making a fool out of yourself, seriously man, blizzard never intended for WoW to have PVP, they only added that when players asked for it in mass, WoW is basically a PVE game with a PVP addon, nothing more but much less.
WoW PVP sucks like there's no tomorrow, if you want proof, go play DAoC, because WoW's PVP system is too inferior to compare it with daoc's.
No i won't, why bother playing a game that has a real bad PVP system? and what's the point into collecting the most powerful items in the game then stand in ironforge and show off? or just kill players lower than me with or worse gear in a couple of shots?
but then even if that aspect is removed, the game is still unbalanced, too much repeatitiveness, and the battlegrounds offer no real challenge and are way too small and picky.
No i won't, why bother playing a game that has a real bad PVP system? and what's the point into collecting the most powerful items in the game then stand in ironforge and show off? or just kill players lower than me with or worse gear in a couple of shots?
but then even if that aspect is removed, the game is still unbalanced, too much repeatitiveness, and the battlegrounds offer no real challenge and are way too small and picky.
How do you show off without the high-end raids in Ironforge? Seems like you have a bit more grudge against WoW than it's PvP and removing the high-end armors and weapons won't allow you to be very powerful.
Seems that you think that I support the 40-man raids and have misread my post.