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from a post on the official boards
it goes on
The WoW developers are not overly concerned with "balance" and "babysitting" every possible combination of abilities, and because of that the game presents a uniqueness unheard of post-NGE in SWG.
that why for the past year Bliz have been rolling our class patches that change so much the entire talent trees are reset to zero, in a year long attempt to bring some balance to the classes.
And there's two things to keep in mind. Balance and diversity.
Perfect balance means everything is the same. The ultimate boredom. Gameplay balance means that different classes and different skills are used, rather than either one skill becomes essential, or one class gaines automatic advantage. Think chess: classes have widely different properties, yet the game is balanced. You cannot nerf bishop (although, in chess MMORPG, people would be screaming their heads off for nerfing the queen).
The diversity does not affect balance. Diversity is what makes things interesting.
As for patches. I read that some class got changed. So what. The class and gameplay provided by that class are still the same. They didn't remove 2/3 of all classes. They didn't remove, for example, raiding, because it wouldn't be iconic anymore. Skill rebalances happen, and SWG saw plenty of those and still does. Just as every other game.
I would say the first part is completely false. There are a few talents combinations available and you, possibly, could gimp yourself with ridicolous one, but most people sticks to 21/30 templates or 20/31.
The abilities inside might change, but there aren't hundreds of talents available, just couple dozens for each tree. Considering the must have talents at 21 and 31 points, i really do not think the chance is virtually 0, not even near it.
The second statement is debatable. Blizzard has been constantly adding and changing a bit the stuff about classes, but the "complete overhaul" was mostly about talents, not the class abilities. A few class abilities get changed, but really not so drastically.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
very true. the class "overhauls" that blizzard do consist of updating talents and maybe adding or taking away one skill. The biggest overhaul ive seen was just done to the priest, and i think the mage one is comming up next. And its also true that there are very few unique talent specs out there, the more talent trees you add, the harder it is to balance, so stick with 3 branches and you cant really get too different from the next person.
What i like about wow is the rock/paper/sissors balance. It probably exists in alot of other games, but not ones ive played so im not saying its unique to wow. It just makes sense that my character would get blown away by one class, but easily beat another. The difficulty would be in making a skill based system like that. I can see why there are so few skill based systems, so hard to "balance" them.
You can say that skill based professons dont need to be balanced or they cant be, but to people who just play the game and dont care about the actual mechanics (which is most people) , its imortant for there to at least be the illusion of balance, so i can see why all these devs want to take the easy way out and just make classes. Its simple, it works, it doesnt have to get complicated. But i do think the skill based thing can work and it could have with swg if they had just thought outside the box.
Anyways, what was the topic of the thead? lol
For the Horde!
the topic was people who jump ship from swg to some other game (in this case wow) and start preaching that it's this and that and superior to swg even though they only been playing it 5 seconds.....
and make sweeping statements like
"the chance of running into another play with the same skill set is literaly zero"
simply goes to show
a. they are so desperate to find a new home from swg they spout out any old crap
b. they havent got a clue about the new game they are in and in desperation to acheive a. they dont take time find anything out before preaching.